2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin
Frank G. Zarb School of Business
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Zarb School of Business Majors and Minors
Office: 301 Leo A. Guthart Hall for Innovation & Discovery
Phone: 516-463-5678
Fax: 516-463-5268
Janet Lenaghan, Dean
K.G. Viswanathan, Vice Dean
Brian Caligiure, Senior Associate Dean
Kaushik Sengupta, Associate Dean of Graduate Education
Dominique Outlaw, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs
Lisa Welch, Assistant Dean of Graduate Advisement
Adrienne Stoller, Assistant Dean of Outreach & Undergraduate Programs
The Frank G. Zarb School of Business offers day and evening undergraduate and graduate study. The School offers programs leading to the Bachelor of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration, Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration, Executive Master of Business Administration, and Master of Science degrees, and also offers minors in business subjects. Combined BBA/MBA and BBA/MS programs, undergraduate certificates, and advanced graduate certificates in business are also offered.
The Zarb School of Business offers Hofstra students several opportunities to study abroad and learn about global business issues.
The mission of the Zarb School of Business is to prepare our learners to be agile business leaders in a dynamic global environment. We are focused on providing our students with critical knowledge and skills, developing their ability to adapt to technological advancements, and affording opportunities for achieving career success. We are committed to excellence in teaching and scholarship, delivering high-quality learning experiences, and enhancing and nurturing lifelong learning.
The Zarb School of Business strives to leverage its accomplished faculty, varied delivery models, and superior facilities to foster teaching excellence and scholarship. We seek to infuse our business curricula with a deeper focus on business technology, coupled with the expansion of experiential learning opportunities, to advance the careers of the School’s diverse learners. Most particularly, the Zarb School seeks to be a change agent for healthcare innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainable business.
Learner Focused
- Maintain a nurturing collegiate setting dedicated to the advancement of learning and knowledge.
- Cultivate close faculty interaction with learners to develop their personal and professional skills.
- Provide an innovative curriculum to prepare learners for the jobs of tomorrow.
- Foster a research-rich environment for faculty with opportunities to share their expertise and inform their teaching.
- Offer exceptional experiential opportunities for learners to apply their knowledge.
- Leverage the collaborative building design to foster opportunities for team learning.
Inclusivity, Integrity, and Responsibility
- Embrace diversity and inclusion by maintaining a supportive and collegial environment in which all members of the Zarb community are welcomed.
- Support high standards of ethical conduct among all members of the Zarb community.
- Engage in sustainable business practices.
Capitalizing on Our Resources
- Infuse the technology and resources available in our state-of-the-art buildings into the curriculum to afford learners the opportunity to develop the skills and technical agility required in the global business environment.
- Leverage our close proximity to New York City to enhance the learner experience.
- Promote engagement via student organizations and the many educational and academic events offered by Zarb.
- Enhance learner networks and opportunities through strong relationships with over 40,000 alumni.
- Engage our Dean’s and department advisory boards to create additional experiential learning opportunities, including internships, co-ops, student consulting projects, and post-graduate employment.
- Provide mentorship via our Executives-in-Residence and Entrepreneurs-in-Residence programs.
Striving for Excellence
- Strive for continuous improvement through regular assessment of our mission, educational philosophy, and educational outcomes.
- Maintain a culture of academic excellence by supporting and rewarding faculty achievements in teaching, scholarship, and service.
- Enlighten learners on cutting-edge business practices and current academic insight.
- Foster varied high-quality delivery modes of learning, including in-person, online, and hybrid modes of instruction.
Specific Objectives of Each Program
In addition to the core educational goals listed above, each program in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business has the following specific objectives:
Objectives of the Bachelor of Business Administration Program
The BBA program provides a broad-based curriculum that integrates core business competencies and functional specialization with a foundation in liberal arts and sciences to prepare its students for careers in the profit and not-for-profit sectors. In addition, the program seeks to impart to its students the value of lifelong learning and professional development.
Objectives of the Undergraduate Certificate Programs
The Undergraduate Certificate programs enable qualified individuals holding baccalaureate degrees (in any field) to specialize in a business area within the BBA program and thus, offer career-switching opportunities.
Undergraduate Programs
The Bachelor of Business Administration program has been professionally accredited by AACSB International – The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business for more than 30 years. In addition, the Department of Accounting has a special accounting accreditation from AACSB International. These accreditations ensure that faculty, academic programs, and facilities meet the highest professional standards. The curricula provide a broad, liberal arts education that prepares students for responsible citizenship and leadership roles in business and not-for-profit organizations in the United States and abroad. The majority of business core courses are taken at the sophomore level and above. Major elective courses are taken in the last two years of a four-year curriculum, thus permitting freshmen and sophomores to acquire a solid liberal arts foundation in the humanities, social and natural sciences, mathematics, computer science, and cross-cultural areas.
Prior to the beginning of the junior year, the student must confer with a Zarb School of Business adviser. Undecided business students should meet with a faculty adviser in one of the School of Business departments. The School of Business undergraduate academic majors are as follows:
NOTE: All majors must be declared at the Office of Academic Records. Forms are available in Zarb School of Business departmental offices.
To facilitate proactive advisement, the Zarb School of Business extends multiple advisement avenues so that business students are fully informed of the necessary degree requirements for each BBA major. A personalized progress report called the Degree Audit Report (DAR) is available online. For students starting in the fall 2013 semester and beyond, a more interactive personalized program of study progress report is accessible via an application called DegreeWorks. Students are required to make use of their degree audit in DegreeWorks/DAR for course selection, advisement, and registration purposes. Students who fail to do so assume the risk of notification of non-fulfillment of requirements prior to graduation.
School of Business courses may not be taken on a Pass/D+/D/Fail basis.
Non-business students may take no more than 25 percent of their coursework in business subjects.
Bachelor of Business Administration
Candidates for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration must fulfill the following requirements:
1. |
The successful completion of at least 120 semester hours, including all requirements, and a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in work completed at Hofstra.
NOTE: Majors in accounting must also have an overall GPA of 2.0 in accounting coursework at Hofstra. In addition, they must have a C- or better in ACCT 101 , 102 , 123 , and 124 , whether taken at Hofstra or transferred in from another institution. Otherwise, these accounting courses must be retaken at Hofstra since no waivers will be granted for them. The requirements are: ACCT 123 , 124 , 125 , 131 , 133 , 139 , 140 , 143 , 144 ; LEGL 024 , IT 131 ; Microsoft Office Excel Expert Certification, and electives are chosen under advisement. |
2. |
At least 41 semester hours, including all requirements, must be in liberal arts. |
3. |
BBA students must complete in residence 15 semester hours in the major field of specialization and the last 30 hours toward their degree. The 15 hours need not be included within the last 30 hours. |
4. |
At least 50 percent of the business credits required for the BBA degree must be earned at Hofstra. |
5. |
Liberal Arts Distribution Requirements
(See Distribution Courses ) |
(27 s.h.) |
a. |
Humanities Division,
Nine (9) semester hours, including: |
Literature (LT) Category |
3 s.h. |
The Arts Category [Appreciation and Analysis (AA) or Creative Participation (CP)] |
3 s.h. |
Literature (LT) Category or Appreciation and Analysis (AA) |
3 s.h. |
b. |
Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Science Division,
Nine (9) semester hours, including: |
Natural Sciences (NS) Category |
3 s.h. |
Mathematics (MA) Category* |
3 s.h. |
Natural Sciences (NS) or Mathematics (MA) or Computer Science (CS) Category* |
3 s.h. |
*BBA students must take MATH 040 or above. Students pursuing an MBA degree are strongly urged to take a calculus course (MATH 061 , 061A , or 071 ). |
c. |
Social Sciences Division,
Six (6) semester hours, including: |
Behavioral Social Sciences (BH) Category |
3 s.h. |
History, Philosophy, Religion (HP) Category |
3 s.h. |
d. |
Cross Cultural (CC) Division |
3 s.h. |
6. |
WSC 001 and 002 (6 s.h.), which includes the Writing Proficiency Exam (See University Degree Requirements .) |
7. |
Specific Liberal Arts Requirements for BBA Students (17 s.h.)
Students may use courses listed below to fulfill or reduce the Liberal Arts Distribution Requirements listed above in section 5. Students should see an adviser in their major department. |
a. |
ECO 001 , 002 |
6 s.h. |
A third economics course if specified by the department. (These economics courses may not be taken on a Pass/D+/D/Fail basis.) |
b. |
Mathematics course: |
3 s.h. |
MATH 040 or above, chosen under business department advisement for majors in Accounting, Entrepreneurship, International Business, Legal Studies in Business, Management, and Marketing. For majors in Finance, MATH 061 , 061A , or 071 or above, chosen under Finance Department advisement. |
c. |
Ethics course: PHI 014 or 090 |
3 s.h. |
d. |
Speech course: RHET 007 |
3 s.h. |
e. |
Writing studies and composition course: WSC 130 |
2 s.h. |
8. |
International business majors must fulfill the following additional specific liberal arts requirements. |
a. |
Foreign language, level 3 or equivalent; standardized test assessments acceptable (no credit provided for tests). |
9. |
Requirements for BBA Majors (18-27 s.h.) |
Accounting - 120 or Accounting - 150
(For Accounting - 150 students must take additional elective courses chosen under advisement). |
33 s.h. |
Business Analytics |
24 s.h. |
Entrepreneurship |
24 s.h. |
Finance |
21 s.h. |
Information Systems |
24 s.h. |
International Business |
21 s.h. |
Management |
18 s.h. |
Marketing |
24 s.h. |
Sports Management |
21 s.h. |
Supply Chain Management |
21 s.h. |
10. |
Business Core Requirements (46 s.h.) |
BAN 001 |
3 s.h. |
BAN 122 |
3 s.h. |
BBA 100 (a requirement for first-year students)†††† |
3 s.h. |
ACCT 101 , 102 |
6 s.h. |
ENTR 115 (a requirement for first-year students)††††† |
3 s.h. |
FIN 101 (sophomores or above)† |
3 s.h. |
FIN 110 (sophomores or above)† |
3 s.h. |
IMS 180 (seniors only)††† |
3 s.h. |
IB 150 (sophomores or above)† |
3 s.h. |
IT 001 |
1 s.h. |
IT 015 |
3 s.h. |
LEGL 020 |
3 s.h. |
MGT 101 (sophomores or above)† |
3 s.h. |
MGT 110 (juniors or above) †† |
3 s.h. |
MKT 101 (sophomores or above)† |
3 s.h. |
† Sophomore class standing (completion of 24 s.h. or above) is required.
†† Junior class standing (completion of 58 s.h. or above) is required.
††† Senior class standing (completion of 88 s.h. or above) is required.
†††† This course is a BBA degree requirement for first-year students. Students must complete this course by the end of the third semester or as soon as they declare intent to major in a business discipline. Internal and external transfer students, who have taken 9 credits in at least three different areas of business will be waived from this course but may take it if they so wish.
These requirements cannot be waived.
††††† This course is a BBA degree requirement for first-year students. Students must complete this course by the end of the third semester or as soon as they declare themselves as a student or major in business school. |
11. |
Free Electives
Electives as needed to complete the 120-semester hour minimum. |
Transfer Credit and Residency Requirements
- Transfer of Business Credits
At least 50 percent of the business credits required for the BBA degree must be earned at Hofstra. Coursework given elective credit in business subjects may not be applied to major requirements.
- Transfer of Liberal Arts Distribution Courses
Students may be able to use transfer credit and/or advanced standing/placement credit to reduce the liberal arts distribution course requirements in the Bachelor of Business Administration program described above.
Credits earned elsewhere may be used to reduce distribution requirements only if courses are completed before the student matriculates at Hofstra. Credits that Hofstra students earn as visiting students elsewhere may not be used to reduce distribution course requirements. See HCLAS transfer credit requirements regarding transfer credit of liberal arts distribution courses.
Once matriculated, current students may not take courses at other educational institutions. Only in rare cases and for exceptional and extenuating circumstances will a request to attend another educational institution be considered. To request a waiver from this policy, please contact the appropriate Dean’s Office must approve any waiver in advance. Please note that documentation of the extenuating circumstance(s) may be required.
Study Abroad courses taken at other institutions are the exception. Students studying abroad either directly at foreign institutions or under the auspices of other U.S. institutions may still arrange to have their credits counted toward the completion of Hofstra degree requirements. It is important to remember, however, to get permission from the Office of Study Abroad Programs to transfer those credits BEFORE going abroad.
Students with junior or senior standing (60 or more hours) are not permitted to enroll for courses at junior or community colleges offering two-year terminal programs. (See Transfer Credit Policy for complete requirements.)
Minors in Business
Business minors provide BBA and non-BBA students with an enriched understanding of the business world. A completed minor field will be listed on the student’s transcript.
Students with a major in a business area may choose a minor in a second business area. BBA students may be eligible to waive up to 9 credit hours from the minor only under advisement from the chair in the department offering the minor. All courses in the minor must be completed with grades of C- or better. At least 6-12 hours must be completed in-residence, depending upon the chosen minor. Credit hours used to complete one minor cannot be used to meet the requirements of a second minor.
Minors are offered in Accounting , Entrepreneurship , Finance , Finance for Mathematics Majors , Fashion Marketing , Business , Human Resources Management , Information Systems , Information Systems and Business Analytics , International Business , Legal Studies in Business , Management , Marketing , Promotion , Social Media Marketing , and Supply Chain Management .
Business majors who want to pursue a minor in a non-business area should obtain a description of the minor requirements from the appropriate department. See the minors in the Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the School of Education .
Non-business majors may choose a minor in the School of Business. The requirements are the successful completion of a minimum of 18-19 semester hours of business courses with grades of C- or better, only under faculty advisement in the department offering the minor, with at least 6-12 hours in residence, depending on the chosen minor.
For a minor in Business for non-business majors only, see Business .
No School of Business courses may be taken on a Pass/D+/D/Fail basis.
No student pursuing a bachelor’s degree, other than a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, may complete more than 30 semester hours of School of Business coursework without prior permission of the School of Business Dean’s Office. The student must have the appropriate form approved by and filed with the major and minor departments. For further information regarding business minors, contact the chairperson of the appropriate department.
All minors must be declared at the Office of Academic Records. Forms are available in Zarb School of Business departmental offices.
Undergraduate Certificate Programs
For more information about Undergraduate Business Certificate Programs, please click here.
Dual Degrees
Bachelor of Business Administration/Master of Business Administration (BBA/MBA)
The Frank G. Zarb School of Business offers combined BBA/MBA programs .
Qualified undergraduate students can elect to enroll in a dual-degree program, combining their BBA with either a Master of Business Administration or Master of Science in any major concentration. The dual-degree program can be completed in five years.
The BBA/MBA program requires the successful completion of at least 155 semester hours, including at least 113 semester hours at the undergraduate level and 42 semester hours at the graduate level, with the exception of BBA core courses and IMS 180 . Students who are admitted to the MBA portion of the dual degree program can substitute up to 15 semester hours of undergraduate coursework for their bachelor’s degree with an equal number of semester hours of MBA-level graduate coursework, with the permission of the student’s BBA major department chairperson.
For complete MBA and MS requirements, please see the Graduate Studies Bulletin; click here and select the current Graduate Bulletin from the drop-down menu on the right.
Bachelor of Business Administration/Master of Science (BBA/MS)
The BBA/MS program requires the successful completion of at least 149 semester hours, including at least 119 semester hours at the undergraduate level and 30 semester hours at the graduate level, with the exception of BBA core courses and IMS 180 . Students who are admitted to the MS portion of the dual degree program can substitute up to nine semester hours of undergraduate coursework for their bachelor’s degree with an equal number of semester hours of MS-level graduate coursework, with the permission of the student’s BBA major department chairperson.
The Frank G. Zarb School of Business offers combined BBA/MS programs with majors in the following areas:
Bachelor of Business Administration/Master of Science in Education (BBA/MSEd)
The Frank G. Zarb School of Business and the School of Education offer a combined BBA/MSEd program in:
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science/Master of Business Administration or Master of Science
Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Frank G. Zarb School of Business offer the following BA or BS and MBA or MS dual degree programs:
Dual-degree programs in economics (BA or BS) and master’s program (MBA or MS)
Qualified undergraduate students can elect to enroll in a dual degree program, combining their undergraduate bachelor’s degree in economics with a master of business administration or master of science. The dual degree programs can be completed in five years.
The BA or BS/MBA programs require the successful completion of 151 semester hours, including at least 107 semester hours at the undergraduate level and 44 semester hours at the graduate level. Students who are admitted to the MBA portion of the dual-degree program can use up to 17 semester hours of MBA-level graduate coursework to satisfy their bachelor’s degree requirements subject to advisement and chairperson approval.
The BS/MS program requires the successful completion of 149 semester hours, including at least 116 semester hours at the undergraduate level and 33 semester hours at the graduate level. Students who are admitted to the MS portion of the dual degree program can substitute up to nine semester hours of undergraduate coursework for their bachelor’s degree with an equal number of semester hours of MS-level graduate coursework.
Interested students should apply for admission into their chosen dual degree programs in economics/MBA or economics/MS no later than at the end of the junior year or before the completion of 92 semester hours of coursework, and before seeking admission to the MBA or MS program. In order to be eligible for admission to the MBA or MS portion of the dual-degree program, students must fulfill the following admission requirements:
- a score on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) of at least 550 taken before the end of their junior year, or before the completion of 92 semester hours of coursework.
- Achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.2 at the time of application to the MBA or MS program or upon completion of 92 semester hours of coursework toward their BA or BS degree, whichever is later.
- Successfully complete IT 015 and LEGL 020 .
Undergraduate students must apply and be accepted into the graduate program before being allowed to take graduate courses as part of their undergraduate program. In addition, students must complete the BA or BS degree before being permitted to take more than 17 graduate semester hours for the BA or BS/MBA programs or nine semester hours for the BS/MS program. Please contact the Zarb School of Business Graduate Programs Office for information.
See the complete BA/BS requirements in the HCLAS section of this Bulletin.
Labor Studies (BA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Frank G. Zarb School of Business offer the following combined BA and MBA dual-degree programs:
Qualified undergraduate students can elect to enroll in this dual-degree program, combining their undergraduate bachelor’s degree in labor studies with a Master of Business Administration. The dual-degree program can be completed in five years.
The BA in Labor Studies/MBA program requires the successful completion of 154 s.h., including a minimum of 110 s.h. at the undergraduate level and 44 s.h. at the graduate level. Students who are admitted to the MBA portion of the dual-degree program can use up to 14 s.h. of MBA-level graduate course work to satisfy their bachelor’s degree requirements, subject to advisement and chairperson’s approval.
Interested students should apply for admission into the dual-degree program in Labor Studies/MBA in any major concentration no later than at the conclusion of the junior year or before the completion of 92 semester hours of coursework, and prior to seeking admission to the MBA program. In order to be eligible for admission to the MBA portion of the dual-degree program, students must fulfill the following admission requirements:
- Take the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) and receive a score of at least 550 before the end of their junior year, or before the completion of 92 semester hours of coursework;
- Achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.2 at the time of application to the MBA program or upon completion of 92 semester hours of coursework toward their BA degree, whichever is later; and
- Complete a minimum of 30 semester hours of undergraduate coursework in residence at Hofstra.
Undergraduate students must apply to and be accepted into the graduate program before being allowed to take graduate courses as part of their undergraduate program. In addition, students must complete the BA degree before being permitted to take more than 14 graduate semester hours for the BA/MBA program. Please contact the Zarb School of Business Graduate Programs Office for information.
Students admitted to this dual-degree program will receive a BA in Labor Studies upon completion of the following requirements:
- The complete BA requirements are described in the Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences section of this Bulletin. In particular, successful completion of a total of 124 semester hours.
- The specific requirements are described in the MBA section of the Hofstra University Graduate Bulletin.
Endowed Chairs and Distinguished Professorships
- The Bernon Family Endowed Distinguished Professorship in Business.
- The Brodlieb Distinguished Professorship in Business is held by Dr. Anil Mathur, Professor of Marketing, International Business and Legal Studies
- The Chaykin Distinguished Professorship in Accounting is held by Dr. Jacqueline Burke, Professor of Accounting.
- The Chaykin Endowed Chair in Accounting is held by Dr. Ralph Polimeni, Professor of Accounting.
- The Cypres Family Distinguished Professorship in Legal Studies in Business is held by Professor Victor López, Professor of Legal Studies in Business.
- The Robert F. Dall Distinguished Professorship in Business is held by Dr. Andrew Spieler, Professor of Finance.
- The Walter H. “Bud” Miller Distinguished Professorship in Business is held by Dr. Janet Lenaghan, Professor of Management.
- The RMI Distinguished Professorship in Business is held by Dr. Boonghee Yoo, Professor of Marketing and International Business.
- The Honey and Arthur Sorin Distinguished Teaching Fellow in Business.
- The Robert E. Brockway ‘46 Endowed Distinguished Professorship in Marketing is held by Dr. Shawn Thelen.
- The C.V. Starr Distinguished Professorship in Finance and International Financial Services is held by Dr. Ehsan Nikbakht.
- The C.V. Starr Distinguished Professorship in Finance and Investment Banking is held by Dr. Ahmet Karagozoglu.
- The Mel Weitz Distinguished Professorship in Business is held by Dr. Debra Comer.
- The Lawrence A. Stessin Distinguished Professorship in Business History is held by Dr. Edward Zychowicz, Professor of Finance.
For additional information, see Endowed Chairs and Distinguished Professors .
Student Activities
The Zarb School of Business offers undergraduate business students a wide variety of clubs and organizations that enhance their educational experience at Hofstra and help prepare them as future business leaders. These include:
- Accounting Society
- Advertising Club
- Alpha Kappa Psi
- Beta Alpha Psi Honor Society
- Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society
- Financial Management Association (FMA)
- Hofstra American Marketing Association (HAMA)
- Hofstra Collegiate Entrepreneurial Organization
- Hofstra Fashion Club
- Hofstra Information Technology Association
- Hofstra Tax Society (Hofstra Volunteer Income Tax Association)
- Institute of Legal Studies in Business
- Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)
- International Business Association (IBA)
- Pride Investment Club
- National Association of Black Accountants
- Society for the Advancement of Management (SAM)