2006-2007 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
English and Freshman Composition
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The following areas are administered by this department: English and Freshman Composition; Creative Writing.
Associate Professor Uruburu, Chairperson
Professors Alter, Brand, Bryant, Burke, Couser, DiGaetani, Fichtelberg,
Klause, Levin, Lopate, MacCary, Markus, McLaren, Prigozy, Russell;
Associate Professors Berger, Brogger, Harshbarger, Janssen, Levine,
Lorsch, Nass, Rustici, Sargent, Sawhney, L. Zimmerman, S. Zimmerman;
Assistant Professors Fizer, Harrison, Lay, McPhee, Sills, Smith,
Sulcer, Jr., Torpey; Instructors Gaughan, McPartland, O’Connor, Pecan,
The John Cranford Adams Chair in the Humanities is held by Professor
Phillip Lopate. See Academic Chairs and Distinguished Professorships.
English Honor Society. See Honors.
The Department of English and Freshman Composition offers a full range
of courses in literature, creative writing, expository writing, and
publishing. The department also offers tutorial services through the
Writing Center, see Facilities and Services.
The English Major
When a student chooses to major in English, he or she must choose to
concentrate either in English and American Literature, in Creative
Writing† and Literature, or in Publishing Studies. Students who choose
the English and American Literature concentration take a wide variety
of courses in literature, organized around issues, authors, genres, or
historical periods. Students who choose the Creative Writing† and
Literature concentration divide their course work between literature
courses and workshops in writing prose, poetry, drama, essays,
screenplays, and children’s literature. Students who choose the
Publishing Studies concentration divide their course work between
literature courses and courses in which they study the history and
practice of publishing and the skills and techniques that are essential
in the publishing industry.
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