2006-2007 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
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Professor Bloom, Chairperson Professors Ferrand, Reiter, White; Associate Professor Altenberg;
Assistant Professors Furey, Milstein, Roberts
The mission of the Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences is to
provide students with a liberal arts and sciences education, while
introducing them to clinical practice, theories, methods and research
in the discipline.
Our undergraduate students are well-grounded in the core knowledge of
the discipline and in academic experiences that require critical
thinking, application of theory, and scientific writing. Students are
guided to demonstrate integration of theoretical and applied concepts
from various academic disciplines. The B.A. degree in our discipline
prepares majors for graduate study in the social, language and
behavioral sciences, cognitive and neurosciences,
speech-language-pathology, audiology and education. Students will also
have the background for a variety of career options including
rehabilitation and other allied health professions.
The Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences Department includes the
Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic that is housed in the Saltzman Community
Services Center.
Sigma Pi: Hofstra University’s honor society for undergraduates majoring in speech-language-hearing sciences.
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