2006-2007 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Literacy Studies
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The following areas are administered by this department:
Reading and Writing.
Associate Professor Zaleski, Chairperson
Assistant Professor Garcia, Director of the Reading/Writing Learning Clinic
Professor Taylor;
Associate Professor Henry;
Assistant Professor Cohen, Flurkey, Garcia, Goodman, McGinnis.
Reading (READ)
Assistant Professor Garcia, Director of the Reading/Writing Learning Clinic
The Reading/Writing Learning Clinic offers noncredit clinical services for the
University and for the community at-large.
Undergraduate Courses
The undergraduate offering consists of two developmental reading courses, READ
11, and the advanced course, READ 12. READ 12 may be applied toward liberal arts
credit. These courses focus on developing the higher-level reading skills essential
for the most efficient acquisition of knowledge through written communication,
discursive and nondiscursive.
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