2006-2007 Graduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Marketing and International Business
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Professor Barak, Chairperson, 222 Weller Hall, (516) 463-5706, Benny.Barak@hofstra.edu
Professors Berman, Evans, James, Mathur, Neelankavil, Sherman
Associate Professors Forman, Lee, McMellon, Moore, Yoo, Zhang
Assistant Professors Kulviwat, Thelen
Special Assistant Professor Hu
The Walter H. “Bud” Miller Distinguished Professorship in Business is held by
Professor Berman.
The RMI Distinguished Professorship in Business is held by Professor Evans.
Department Objectives for M.B.A. in International Business Students
- To provide students with broad-based strategic tools, skills, and
analytical techniques that will assist them in managing a variety of
international functions for global and international companies.
- Through interdisciplinary course work and focus on decision-making
skills, the program is intended to assist students in managing a
variety of international areas in an organization.
Department Objectives for M.B.A. in Marketing Students
- To provide students with broad-based strategic tools and
skills that will assist them in managing a variety of marketing
functional areas in a 21st century marketing organization.
- The focus of the program is to provide students with
decision-making skills that could be applied in a variety of situations
in both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.
Department Objectives for M.S. in Marketing
- To prepare students for middle- to upper-level positions within the marketing
function at leading companies.
- An emphasis is placed on the design, implementation, and review of marketing
Department Objectives for M.S. in Marketing Research
- To prepare students for middle- to upper-level positions within
the marketing research function at leading companies or at specialized
marketing research firms.
- Both quantitative and qualitative research skills are addressed in the program.
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