2009-2010 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Curriculum and Teaching
Associate Professor Kaufman, Chairperson
Areas of specialization are early childhood, elementary, and secondary education; and programs in business, dance, fine arts, and music, all grades.
Five-Year Option
Education students interested in completing both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees within a five-year period should see their academic adviser in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching. Qualifying students interested in pursuing this possibility should seek appropriate advisement during their freshman year.
Elementary and Early Childhood Education
Administered by the Department of Curriculum and Teaching
Associate Professor Kaufman, Chairperson
Professors Fromberg; Associate Professors Brooks, Davey, Elijah, Fusco, Libresco, Smith; Assistant Professors Joseph, Jurasaite-Harbison, Plonczak, Stemn.