2012-2013 Graduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
School of Communication
Office: Third Floor, Dempster Hall
Telephone: (516) 463-5215
Fax: (516) 463-4866
E-mail: socomm@hofstra.edu
Evan W. Cornog, Dean
Cliff Jernigan, Vice Dean
Marc Oppenheim, Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Adria Marlowe, Assistant Dean
Hofstra University’s School of Communication, committed to the University’s liberal arts tradition, provides the opportunity to explore the world of humanistic inquiry through the interdisciplinary study of all forms of communication processes and institutions. With courses that explore the theoretical and practical nature of communication, the School provides majors with the opportunity to pursue scholarly inquiry and to acquire technical experience. The School’s integrated approach is based on the belief that life in an advanced society demands knowledge of the arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, business, and technology. The curriculum aims to foster critical thinking; to explore aesthetics; to investigate ethics, humanistic values, and cultural diversity; to encourage originality and creativity; to expose students to current and converging technologies; and to provide the training for leadership in a technological age. With the conviction that the media exist to protect the freedoms of our society, the faculty is committed to a scholarly environment in which theoretical, historical, critical, and technological methodologies help students to question, challenge, and improve all forms of communication. The School strives to produce graduates who are active cultural contributors. To achieve this goal, the School emphasizes creative problem solving, responsible decision making and cooperative learning. Together the faculty and students of the School participate in an ongoing exploration of the roles, purposes, and technologies of communication.
The School of Communication is composed of three departments, as listed below.
Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations
Radio, Television, Film