2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Comparative Literature, Languages, and Linguistics
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The following areas are administered by this department: Arabic, Asian Studies, Chinese, Classics, English Language Program, Gaelic, German, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Latin, Linguistics, Literature in Translation, Modern Greek, Portuguese, Russian, Swahili and World Literature. Each language or area is listed alphabetically.
Comparative Literature (CLL)
Professor Welch, Chairperson
Professors Donahue and Lekatsas, Advisers
Professors D’Acierno, Donahue, Lekatsas, Leonard, Marchesi, Zhou
Associate Professors Krapp, Smith
Arabic (ARAB)
Professor Welch, Chairperson and Adviser
Asian Studies (ASST)
Professor Welch, Director of Asian Studies
The Asian Studies program is an interdisciplinary program designed to provide the student with a broad understanding of the traditional and modern civilizations of East Asia and Southeast Asia. The Asian Studies program offers both a major and minor . Study of an Asian language is strongly recommended for all majors and minors, and language courses beyond level 4 may be counted toward the major requirements.
Chinese (CHIN)
Professor Zhou, Director of Chinese Studies
Professor Marchesi, Director
English Language Program (ELP)
Dr. Greaney, Director
The English Language Program (ELP) is designed for students whose native language is not English. Its purpose is to bring non-English speaking students to college-level proficiency in speaking, reading and writing English. It is an accelerated program providing intensive study on a full-time basis. Students who are accepted into a degree-granting program may earn up to 12 semester hours of liberal arts credit. The Bachelor of Arts foreign language requirement may be fulfilled by completing those intermediate (Level II: ELP 025) and advanced (Level III: ELP 031, 035, 036) courses in the program which are designated for degree credit.
German (GERM)
Professor Welch, Chairperson and Adviser
Greek (Ancient) (GRK)
Associate Professor Smith, Adviser
Hebrew, Modern (HEBR)
Professor Welch, Chairperson and Adviser
Japanese (JPAN)
Professor Welch, Chairperson and Adviser
Latin (LAT)
Associate Professor Marchesi, Director
Linguistics (LING)
Professor Leonard, Director
Assistant Professor Gales, Adviser
Literature in Translation (LIT)
Literature in Translation courses are available under the prefix LIT, as well as in French (FRLT), Italian (ITLT), Romance Languages and Literatures (RLLT), and Spanish (SPLT). See Course Descriptions for more information.
Modern Greek (MGRK)
Russian (RUS)
Professor Welch, Chairperson and Adviser
Russian literature in translation courses can be found under the prefix LIT.
Swahili (SWAH)
Professor Leonard, Adviser
Swahili is a major lingua franca in Africa with millions of speakers throughout the eastern part of the continent. A Bantu language of the Niger-Kordofanian family, Swahili has a typical, complex Bantu structure. It utilizes, for example, some 13 noun classes, the equivalent of a Romance language having 13 genders.
The Swahili course series introduces the student to the basics of speaking, understanding, reading, writing, and conversing. An important part of the curriculum is the culture of the Swahili people and of other speakers of the language. Readings on culture are supplemented with guest lecturers. Language lab is required.
World Literature
Professor Welch, Chairperson and Adviser
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