2018-2019 Graduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Accounting, Taxation and Legal Studies in Business
Return to: Frank G. Zarb School of Business
Professor Jacqueline Burke, Chairperson
Patrick O’Brien, Department Administrator
205 Weller Hall
Professors Bass, Burke, Lehman, Lopez, Maccarrone, Martin, Petra, Polimeni, Slavin
Associate Professors Basile, Jones, Lopez, Sledgianowski, Venuti, Vogel, Weisel
Assistant Professors Bakarich, Castonguay, Gomaa, Hirsch, Lee
The Chaykin Endowed Chair in Accounting is held by Dr. Polimeni.
The Cypres Family Distinguished Professorship in Legal Studies in Business is held by Professor Martin.
See Endowed Chairs and Distinguished Professorships .
Mission Statement
The Department of Accounting, Taxation and Legal Studies in Business in the Frank G. Zarb School of Business is committed to the advancement of knowledge and the preparation of individuals for careers in accounting and business. The faculty strives for excellence in teaching, research and service to the Department, the Zarb School of Business, the University, and the community. The Department is dedicated to providing students with the knowledge, skills and analytical tools necessary to become successful and ethical professionals. The Department encourages and values a mix of discipline-based scholarship, contributions to practice, and learning and pedagogical research. Given the Department’s primary focus on licensure-qualifying baccalaureate and applied graduate degree programs, and on undergraduate programs in legal studies in business, the Department expects a majority of the intellectual contributions to be of an applied nature. The Department supports professional interaction among faculty, practitioners and students and encourages involvement with local, regional, national and international organizations.
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