2004-2005 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Distribution Courses
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Literature (LT)
* All courses designated FREN, GERM, GRK, HEBR, ITAL, LAT, RUS, and SPAN are taught in their target language. - CLL 39 - (LT) Mythologies and Literature of the Ancient World Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 40 - (LT) Literature of the Emerging Europe Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 53 - (LT) Faust Theme Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 54 - (LT) The Oedipus Theme Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 75 - (LT) Women Writers in the Romantic Tradition Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 131 - (LT) Comparative Mythology Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 149 - (LT) Asian Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 150 - (LT) Asian Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 151 - (LT) Studies in Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 152 - (LT) Studies in Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 155 - (LT) Medieval Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 161 - (LT) Renaissance Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 172 - (LT) European Literature of the 17th and 18th Centuries Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 173 - (LT) Sentiment to Sadism in the Early European Novel Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 190 - (LT) World Literature and the Anatomy of Cultural Difference Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 191 - (LT) Romanticism 3 or Credits: 4 s.h.
- CLL 193 - (LT) The Color of Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 195 - (LT) Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 198 - (LT) Advanced Seminar Credits: 3 s.h.
- CLL 199 - (LT) Contemporary European Literature Credits: 3 or 4 s.h
- ENGL 40 - (LT) Source Studies Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 41 - (LT) English Literature I Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 42 - (LT) English Literature II Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 43 - (LT) Western Literature I Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 44 - (LT) Western Literature II Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 51 - (LT) The American Literary Identity Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 52 - (LT) The American Experience in Context Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 107 - (LT) Canterbury Tales Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 115 - (LT) Shakespeare: The Earlier Plays and Sonnets Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 121 - (LT) Studies in the Novel I Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 129 - (LT) The 18th Century Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 139 - (LT, CC) The African Novel Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 141 - (LT) African American Literature II Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 143 - (LT) American Literature I Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 145A - (LT) American Fiction, 1900-1950 Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 153 - (LT) The Romantic Age Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 157 - (LT) The Age of Dickens Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 167 - (LT, CC) Post-Colonial Literature of South Asia Credits: 3 s.h.
- FREN 142 - (LT) Readings in French Credits: 3 s.h.
- FREN 151 - (LT) Satire in Various Genres Credits: 3 s.h.
- FREN 155 - (LT) Love Literature through the Ages Credits: 3 s.h.
- FREN 162 - (LT) Workshop in the French Theater Credits: 3 s.h.
- FREN 172 - (LT) The Theater of Corneille, Racine and Moliere Credits: 3 s.h.
- FREN 183 - (LT) Society Under Attack Credits: 3 s.h.
- FREN 192 - (LT) 19th-Century French Novel and Short Story Credits: 3 s.h.
- FREN 195 - (LT) Modern French Theater Credits: 3 s.h.
- FREN 196 - (LT) Modern French Poetry Credits: 3 s.h.
- FREN 197 - (LT) 20th-Century French Novel and Short Story Credits: 3 s.h.
- FREN 198 - (LT) Littérature Québécoise (Literature of Quebec) Credits: 3 s.h.
- FRLT 41 - (LT) Me, Myself, and I: Autobiographical Expressions from the French Credits: 3 s.h.
- FRLT 42 - (LT) Heroines Exotic and Erotic: Romantic Women in 19th-Century French Narrative Prose Credits: 3 s.h.
- FRLT 43 - (LT, CC) Decolonizing the Mind: Contemporary Literature from Africa to Southeast Asia Credits: 3 s.h.
- FRLT 46 - (LT) Sex, Gender and Love in 20th-Century French Prose Credits: 3 s.h.
- FRLT 47 - (LT) French Literature and the World of Music Credits: 3 s.h.
- FRLT 48 - (LT) The Knightly Heritage in French Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- FRLT 49 - (LT) Irony in Modern French Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- FRLT 50 - (LT, CC) Reconstructing French Caribbean Identities Credits: 3 s.h.
- FRLT 52 - (LT) Sovereignty and Quebec: A Literary and Cultural Perspective Credits: 3 s.h.
- GERM 151 - (LT) Masterpieces of German Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- GERM 152 - (LT) Masterpieces of German Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- GERM 153 - (LT) Masterpieces of German Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- GERM 154 - (LT) Masterpieces of German Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- GERM 155 - (LT) Masterpieces of German Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- GERM 156 - (LT) Masterpieces of German Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- GRK 120 - (LT) Plato Credits: 3 s.h.
- GRK 121 - (LT) Homer Credits: 3 s.h.
- GRK 122 - (LT) Tragedy Credits: 3 s.h.
- GRK 123 - (LT) Comedy Credits: 3 s.h.
- GRK 124 - (LT) Historiography Credits: 3 s.h.
- GRK 125 - (LT) Oratory Credits: 3 s.h.
- HEBR 199 - (LT) Seminar: Problems of Jewish Studies Credits: 3 s.h.
- HUHC 13 - (LT) C&E Fall Humanities Credits: 3
- HUHC 14 - (LT) C&E Spring Humanities Credits: 3
- ITAL 151 - (LT) Masterpieces of Italian Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- ITAL 152 - (LT) Experiments in Italian Theatre: From Renaissance to Postmodernism Credits: 3 s.h.
- ITAL 153 - (LT) Masterpieces of Italian Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- ITAL 154 - (LT) Masterpieces of Italian Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- ITAL 155 - (LT) Masterpieces of Italian Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- ITAL 156 - (LT) Masterpieces of Italian Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- ITLT 40 - (LT) Nature, Gender, and Sin in Pre-Modern Italy Credits: 3 s.h.
- ITLT 41 - (LT) Dante and Medieval Culture: The “Divine Comedy” Credits: 3 s.h.
- ITLT 42 - (LT) Sex, Lies and Writing: Boccaccio’s Decameron Credits: 3 s.h.
- ITLT 90 - (LT) Lifelines: Italian Women’s 20th-Century Prose Fiction Credits: 3 s.h.
- JWST 10 - (LT) The Bible: Ancient and Modern Perspectives Credits: 3 s.h.
- JWST 11 - (LT) Judaic Perspectives on the Hebrew Bible Credits: 3 s.h.
- JWST 13 - (LT) The Bible and Its Interpretation Through the Ages Credits: 3 s.h.
- JWST 14 - (LT) The Bible and Its Interpretation Through the Ages Credits: 3 s.h.
- JWST 15 - (LT) Foundations of Jewish Tradition and Culture Credits: 3 s.h.
- JWST 16 - (LT) Foundations of Jewish Tradition and Culture Credits: 3 s.h.
- JWST 19 - (LT) Post-Biblical Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- JWST 21 - (LT) Jewish Themes in American Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- JWST 30 - (LT) Literature of the Holocaust Credits: 3 s.h.
- JWST 101 - (LT) Special Topics in Jewish Studies Credits: 3 s.h.
- JWST 107 - Women in the Hebrew Bible Credits: 3 s.h.
- JWST 108 - (LT) Modern Jewish Intellectuals Credits: 3 s.h.
- JWST 119 - (LT) Blacks and Jews: Interrelation in the Diaspora Credits: 3 s.h.
- JWST 140 - (LT) Senior Seminar: Jewish Studies Credits: 3 s.h.
- JWST 155 - (LT) Judaism and Islam: Jews and Arabs Credits: 3 s.h.
- JWST 156 - (LT) The Golden Age of Jewish Culture and Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- LAT 120 - (LT) Lyric and Elegiac Poetry Credits: 3 s.h.
- LAT 121 - (LT) Roman Drama Credits: 3 s.h.
- LAT 122 - (LT) Roman Philosophy Credits: 3 s.h.
- LAT 123 - (LT) Roman Novelists Credits: 3 s.h.
- LAT 124 - (LT) Roman Historiography Credits: 3 s.h.
- LAT 125 - (LT) Roman Satire Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 20 - (LT) Modern Hebrew Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 24 - (LT) Israeli Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 26 - (LT) Yiddish Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 31 - (LT) Myth, Literature and Culture of the Greek World Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 35 - (LT) Myth, Literature and Culture of the Roman World Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 70 - (LT) Brecht and His Epic Theater Credits: 1 s.h.
- LIT 74 - (LT) Romanticism and Realism in German Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 75 - (LT) German Literature of the 20th Century: the First Fifty Years Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 76 - (LT) The Romantic Mind Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 87 - (LT) Traditions of Narrative in Modern Chinese Culture Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 88 - (LT, CC) Self and Society in Chinese Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 89 - (LT, CC) Beauty and Sadness in Japanese Literature and Culture Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 90 - (LT, CC) Modern Arabic Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 98 - (LT) Russian Literature in Translation Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 99 - (LT) Russian Literature in Translation Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 190 - (LT) Special Studies in Nonlisted Literatures Credits: 3-4 s.h.
- RLLT 101 - (LT) Colonization and Decolonization in the French- and Spanish-Speaking Caribbean Islands Credits: 3 s.h.
- RUS 151 - (LT) Masterpieces of Russian Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- RUS 152 - (LT) Masterpieces of Russian Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- RUS 153 - (LT) Masterpieces of Russian Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- RUS 154 - (LT) Masterpieces of Russian Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPAN 114A - (LT) Introduction to Spanish Literature I Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPAN 114B - (LT) Introduction to Spanish-American Literature I Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPAN 115A - (LT) Introduction to Spanish Literature II Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPAN 115B - (LT) Introduction to Spanish-American Literature II Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPAN 123 - (LT) Politics of the Hispanic World Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPAN 124 - (LT) Portrait of the Hispano: The Question of Identity Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPAN 125 - (LT) Hispanic Presence in the United States Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPAN 126 - (LT) Contemporary Hispanic Thought: The Usable Past Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPAN 128 - (LT) Spain and Latin America Today: Changing World Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPAN 129 - (LT) Contemporary Spanish Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPAN 162 - (LT) Spanish Golden Age Theater Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPAN 171 - (LT) Don Quixote Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPAN 195 - (LT) The Generation of 1898 Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPLT 51 - (LT) Don Quixote and the Modern Novel Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPLT 52 - (LT) Interpreting the Hispanic Legacy Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPLT 57 - (LT) Gender and Culture: Women Through the Lens of Spanish Female Writers Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPLT 58 - (LT) The Empire Writes Back: Autobiography and Resistance in Colonial Spanish America Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPLT 59 - (LT) Farewell to Columbus: Rethinking the Latin American Heritage Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPLT 60 - (LT) Literary Food Credits: 3 s.h.
- WST 1 - (LT, BH) Introduction to Women’s Studies Credits: 3 s.h.
Appreciation and Analysis (AA)
Creative Participation (CP)
Natural Sciences, Mathematics/Computer Science Division
Natural Sciences (NS)
- BIO 1 - General Biology
- BIO 2 - General Biology
- NSC 11 - The Physical Sciences
- NSC 12 - Energy and Atoms
Mathematics/Computer Science (MC)
Behavioral Social Sciences (BH)
- ANTH 1 - (BH) Human Evolution in Philosophical Perspective Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 3 - (BH) Culture, Tradition and Transformation Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 4 - (BH, CC) Cultural Diversity Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 5 - (BH) Archaeology: Living in the Material World Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 101 - (BH) The Native Americans Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 102 - (BH) African Cultures Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 103 - (BH) Peoples and Cultures of Asia Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 105 - (BH) Latin American Cultures Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 107 - (BH, CC) Development, Conservation, and Indigenous Peoples Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 108 - (BH) Afro-American Culture Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 111 - (BH) Anthropology and Music Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 112 - (BH) Anthropology of the Global Economy Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 114 - (BH) Rise of Civilization Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 137 - (BH) Race and Ethnicity: an Anthropological Perspective Credits: 3 s.h.
- ECO 7 - (BH) Explorations of Current Economic Issues Credits: 3 s.h.
- ECO 10 - (BH) Economics, Environment and Community Credits: 3 s.h.
- ECO 116 - (BH) Economics of the Middle East Credits: 3 s.h.
- ECO 117 - (BH, CC) Women and Development in the Middle East Credits: 3 s.h.
- ECO 121 - (BH) Economics of Discrimination Credits: 3 s.h.
- ECO 133 - (BH) Health Economics Credits: 3 s.h.
- ECO 141C - (BH) Labor Economics Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 2 - (BH) Human Geography Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 3 - (BH) Geographic Systems: An Introduction to Topical Geography Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 80 - (BH) Transport Geography Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 102 - (BH) Population, Resources and Environment Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 103 - (BH) Urban Geography Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 106 - (BH) Urbanization in the Developing World Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 110 - (BH) Geography of the United States and Canada Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 122 - (BH) Western Europe Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 123 - (BH) Eastern Europe and the Republics of the Former Soviet Union Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 135 - (BH) Economic Geography Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 140 - (BH, CC) Geography of Latin America Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 141 - (BH) Geography of the Caribbean Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 145 - (BH, CC) Geography of Africa Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 148 - (BH) Geography of Australia and the South Pacific Credits: 3 s.h.
- HUHC 12 - (BH, HP) C&E Spring Social Sciences Credits: 3
- LABR 1 - (BH, IS) Introduction to Labor Studies Credits: 3 s.h.
- LABR 141C - (BH) Labor Economics Credits: 3 s.h.
- PSC 1 - (BH) American Politics Credits: 3 s.h.
- PSC 2 - (BH) Comparative Politics Credits: 3 s.h.
- PSC 110 - (BH, CC) African Politics Credits: 3 s.h.
- PSC 120 - (BH) Law and Politics: Judicial Process Credits: 3 s.h.
- PSC 126 - (BH) Politics of Public Administration Credits: 3 s.h.
- PSC 129 - (BH) The Administration of Justice in America Credits: 3 s.h.
- PSC 144 - (BH, CC) Asian Politics and Government Credits: 3 s.h.
- PSY 7 - (BH) Fundamental Perspectives in Psychology Credits: 3 s.h.
- PSY 25 - (BH) Psychology of Prejudice Credits: 3 s.h.
- PSY 61 - (BH) Comparative Psychology Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 4 - (BH) Contemporary Society Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 7 - (BH) Crime and Delinquency Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 8 - (BH) Sociology of Substance Abuse Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 9 - (BH) Youth, Crisis, and American Culture Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 10 - (BH) Sociology of Sport Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 18 - (BH) Social Theory and Social Issues Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 34 - (BH) Ethnicity and Minority Group Relations Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 36 - (BH) Marriage and the Family Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 37 - (BH) Parenting, Poverty and Social Policy Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 101 - (BH) Sociology of Education Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 102 - (BH) Social Institutions Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 103 - (BH) Social Problems Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 104 - (BH) Sociology of Health and Medicine Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 105 - (BH) Religion and Society Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 106 - (BH) Work, Alienation, and Power in Social Life Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 107 - (BH) Organizational Structure and Process Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 111 - (BH) Sociology of Literature and Art Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 112 - (BH) Sociology of Film Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 117 - (BH) Sociology of Terrorism Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 134 - (BH) Race Relations in the United States Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 135 - (BH) Political Sociology Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 140 - (BH) Social Inequality Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 141 - (BH) Urban and Community Studies Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 142 - (BH) Global Cities: Politics and Social Change in Comparative Perspective Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 145 - (BH) Building Strong Communities: Organizing in Diverse Settings Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 147 - (BH) World Population Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 148 - (BH) Society and Personality Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 149 - (BH) Globalization and Developing Societies Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 150 - (BH) Global Social Change and Evolution Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 156 - (BH) Sociology of Communication Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 160 - (BH) Sociology of Gender Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 170 - (BH) Sociology of Law Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 171 - (BH) Intimate Human Behavior Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 172 - (BH) Sociology of Corrections Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPCH 9 - (BH) Exploring the Communication Sciences Credits: 3 s.h.
- WST 1 - (LT, BH) Introduction to Women’s Studies Credits: 3 s.h.
History, Philosophy, Religious Studies (HP)
Cross Cultural (CC)
- ANTH 4 - (BH, CC) Cultural Diversity Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 32 - (CC) Women and Development Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 106 - (CC) Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 107 - (BH, CC) Development, Conservation, and Indigenous Peoples Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 113 - (CC) Archaeology of Civilizations of the New World Credits: 3 s.h.
- ANTH 116 - (CC) Religion in Cross-Cultural Perspective Credits: 3 s.h.
- ECO 117 - (BH, CC) Women and Development in the Middle East Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 139 - (LT, CC) The African Novel Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 150 - (CC) Native American Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 167 - (LT, CC) Post-Colonial Literature of South Asia Credits: 3 s.h.
- ENGL 168 - (CC) Caribbean Experience in Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- FRLT 43 - (LT, CC) Decolonizing the Mind: Contemporary Literature from Africa to Southeast Asia Credits: 3 s.h.
- FRLT 50 - (LT, CC) Reconstructing French Caribbean Identities Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 113C - (CC) The Geography of East and Southeast Asia Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 140 - (BH, CC) Geography of Latin America Credits: 3 s.h.
- GEOG 145 - (BH, CC) Geography of Africa Credits: 3 s.h.
- HIST 71 - (CC) China and Japan to 1800 Credits: 3 s.h.
- HIST 72C - (CC) China and Japan Since 1800 Credits: 3 s.h.
- HIST 73 - (CC) The Modern Middle East Credits: 3 s.h.
- HIST 117A - (CC) History of Africa to 1800 Credits: 3 s.h.
- HIST 173 - (CC) Modern China Credits: 3 s.h.
- LING 71 - (CC) Language and Society in Africa, Asia and Latin America Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 88 - (LT, CC) Self and Society in Chinese Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 89 - (LT, CC) Beauty and Sadness in Japanese Literature and Culture Credits: 3 s.h.
- LIT 90 - (LT, CC) Modern Arabic Literature Credits: 3 s.h.
- MECA 1 - (CC) Introduction to Middle East and Central Asia Credits: 3 s.h.
- PHI 17 - (CC) Introduction to Eastern Philosophy Credits: 3 s.h.
- PHI 102 - (CC) Mysticism and the Spiritual Quest Credits: 3 s.h.
- PHI 103 - (CC) Life, Death and Immortality Credits: 3 s.h.
- PSC 110 - (BH, CC) African Politics Credits: 3 s.h.
- PSC 144 - (BH, CC) Asian Politics and Government Credits: 3 s.h.
- RELI 15 - (CC) Introduction to Eastern Religious Traditions Credits: 3 s.h.
- RELI 50 - (CC) Islam Credits: 3 s.h.
- RELI 75 - (CC) Mysticism and the Spiritual Quest Credits: 3 s.h.
- RELI 80 - (CC) Life, Death and Immortality Credits: 3 s.h.
- RELI 85 - (CC) Comparative Religious Ethics Credits: 3 s.h.
- RELI 155 - (CC) Sikhism Credits: 3 s.h.
- RELI 157 - (CC) Sikh Mysticism Credits: 3 s.h.
- SOC 32 - (CC) Women and Development Credits: 3 s.h.
- SPLT 59 - (LT) Farewell to Columbus: Rethinking the Latin American Heritage Credits: 3 s.h.
Interdisciplinary Studies (IS)
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