Associate Professor Longmire, AdviserThe International Studies Focus provides
an interdisciplinary approach to global issues drawing on disciplines within the
Social Sciences such as history, linguistics, political science, economics, sociology,
psychology as well as those in the Humanities and Creative Studies, such as philosophy,
anthropology, art history and literature.
In addition to satisfying the general requirements for graduation from New College,
students in the International Studies Focus must design, with the Focus Adviser,
a program of 40 semester hours, at least 20 of which are in advanced courses or
projects, including a 4 s.h. Senior Project. Within the 40 s.h. of the Focus,
students are also required to complete Introduction to International Studies,
a four-credit course in which the historical, philosophical and methodological
orientations of the Focus are presented. These 40 s.h. are augmented by a 4 s.h.
Upper-Level Seminar emphasizing International Studies, taken in partial satisfaction
of College graduation requirements.
A student’s program design must be submitted to the Focus Adviser by the end
of the student’s sophomore year.