Mar 15, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Computer Engineering, BS Major in

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Program Description

Students desiring intensive study at the undergraduate level to develop proficiency in the fields of computer engineering, such as hardware, software, and embedded systems, will find this program to be a challenging and rewarding experience. The curriculum provides a broad foundation in the science and engineering of computer systems software and hardware, and the design of digital and embedded systems. The broad range of Hofstra University resources in the humanities and social sciences make the liberal arts component especially enlightening.

Students will develop analytical and applied skills which will enable them to analyze, design, and test digital and embedded systems, architectures, networks, and processes. Graduates will also acquire a good understanding of hardware, software, signal processing, secure communication and the interactions between them, as well as related applications. This thorough preparation in theory and laboratory experimentation will give graduates the skill and flexibility required to meet the ever-changing demands on the computer engineer. The program is responsive to suggestions posed by industry leaders from the Long Island community. 

Students will develop design skills progressively, beginning with courses in discrete mathematics, programming, digital circuits, computer architectures, embedded systems, circuit analysis, and networks, and they will apply their accumulating knowledge to practical problems throughout the curriculum. This process culminates in the capstone design course, which complements the analytical part of the curriculum.

The thorough preparation afforded by the computer engineering curriculum includes the broad education necessary to understand the impact of multi-disciplinary engineering solutions in a global and societal context. Hence, graduates will be well prepared for professional employment or advanced studies.

Program Objectives

The B.S. in Computer Engineering program strives to allow graduates to achieve the following program educational objectives:

  1. Become successful practicing computer engineers who contribute professionally to society and attain leadership positions in related industries.
  2. Pursue graduate studies and attain a graduate degree in computer engineering or related fields at reputable universities.
  3. Pursue professional development through lifelong learning, continuing education, and participation in professional organizations.


Program Requirements - Total Semester Hours: 125

Candidates for graduation with the BS degree in this area must fulfill the following requirements:

1. The Successful Completion of at Least 125 Semester Hours

The successful completion of at least 125 semester hours and a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 for all courses required for the major. Student may not count Military Science toward this total semester hour requirement.

2. Liberal Arts

At least 65 semester hours must be in liberal arts courses.

3. Residency Requirements

There are two requirements that must ordinarily be completed in residence at Hofstra: 15 semester hours in the major field of specialization and the last 30 semester hours. The 15 semester hours need not be included within the last 30 hours.

4. General and Major Requirements

The general and major requirements are listed under the “Suggested Four-Year Sequence” below. As outlined there, the following courses must be successfully completed. WSC 001  or placement examination* and WSC 002 ; 6 semester hours in Humanities distribution and 6 semester hours in Social Sciences distribution. Students transferring in with previous social science/humanities credits may use them in place of requirements in the same category as the transferred credits. Students may not take courses on a Pass/D+/D/Fail basis

In addition, students must take 6 semester hours in selected elective courses from the following list:

And 6 semester hours in technical electives as follows:

Any computer science courses numbered higher than 100 with the exception of CSC 194, CSC 199 and CSC 199E.  Especially relevant for computer engineering are the following computer science courses:

5. Major Cumulative Average

A cumulative average of C or better is required in all engineering courses. A grade of  C- or better is required in all computer science courses.

6. Overall Average

An overall average of C or better is required in CSC 014 , CSC 015 , CSC 016  for continuing in the major. In addition students may not take any of these courses more than twice.

Suggested Four-Year Sequence (125 s.h.)

First Year

Fall Semester (17 s.h.) Spring Semester (17 s.h.)
MATH 071     MATH 072  
CSC 014     CSC 016  
CSC 015     ENGG 032A  
ENGG 015     Social Science or Humanities 2 
WSC 001  1   WSC 002   


Second Year

Fall Semester (16 s.h.) Spring Semester (17 s.h.)
MATH 073   MATH 143  
CSC 017   PHYS 012A  
ENGG 032B   PHYS 012B  
ENGG 036   CSC 112  
PHYS 011A   ENGG 030  
PHYS 011B   CSC 153  or ENGG 153  



Third Year

Fall Semester (15 s.h.) Spring Semester (16 s.h.)
CSC 113   ENGG 189  
ENGG 034   ENGG 180  
ENGG 033   CSC 175  
CSC 163   CSC 190  
Selected Elective ENGG 192  
ENGG 176   Technical Elective


Fourth Year

Fall Semester (13.5 s.h.) Spring Semester (13.5 s.h.)
CSC 197A   CSC 197B  
CSC 198F   CSC 198S  
Selected Elective Free Elective 
Technical Elective  Free Elective 
Social Science or Humanities 2 Free Elective 
Social Science or Humanities 2 Social Science or Humanities 2



1If this requirement is fulfilled by passing the exemption examination, 3 semester hours in the humanities or social sciences should be taken with adviser’s approval.
2Students may not take these courses on a Pass/D+/D/Fail basis.


Option in Leadership and Innovation in Computing (OLIC)

Like the Concentration in Leadership and Innovation in Computing (CLIC) , the option targets students who are interested in pursuing innovations in the computing field that can have an impact on society. Through an intensive, 9-semester-hour program, students in the option will be taught to identify and pursue innovative entrepreneurship opportunities in high-technology computing areas, to develop basic skills needed to start their own company or to work for a start-up company, and to work effectively as part of globally distributed teams. This option is particularly suited for Computer Engineering students whose program permits only a limited number of free electives. The option does not include the business courses offered by the Zarb School of Business that are part of the concentration.

Students majoring in Computer Science or Computer Engineering who have successfully completed CSC 014 , 015  and 016 , and have an overall average of at least C in these courses, are eligible to declare the option. If interested, they should speak with the program coordinator prior to declaring the concentration.

OLIC Requirements - Semester Hours: 9


1. Major requirements

All the requirements for the major in Computer Science or Computer Engineering.

2. CSC 194 - Semester Hours: 3


3. CSC 199E - Semester Hours: 3

4. Senior Requirements


(a) Senior Design Project - Semester Hours: 2


(b) Two senior seminar courses - Semester Hours: 1


  • Semester Hours: .5
  • Semester Hours: .5
  • to be paired with the Independent Senior Design courses: in one semester a student must take simultaneously an Independent Senior Design Course and a Senior Seminar course. Interested students will have the opportunity to work in globally distributed teams.

5. Grade requirement

All courses in the option must be taken with a grade of C- or better.


Concentration in Leadership and Innovation in Computing (CLIC)

This concentration targets students who are interested in pursuing innovations in the computing field that can have an impact on society, who want to bridge their technical degree with business, and who are motivated to further increase their knowledge of the entrepreneurship and business functions of the computing industry. Students will be taught to identify and pursue innovative entrepreneurship opportunities in high-tech computing areas, to understand the computing business environment and the roles of core business divisions (such as marketing and accounting), to integrate entrepreneurial and computing skills, and to work effectively in globally distributed teams.

Students majoring in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, who have successfully completed CSC 014 , 015 , and 016  and have an overall average of at least C in these courses, are eligible to declare the concentration. If interested, they should speak with the program coordinator prior to declaring the concentration.

CLIC Requirements - Semester Hours: 18


1. Major Requirements

All the requirements for the major in Computer Science or Computer Engineering.

2. The following four courses offered by the Zarb School of Business*:


3. Internship in Leadership and Innovation in Computing - Semester Hours: 3

4. Senior Requirements


A. Senior Design Project

A two-semester Independent Senior Design Project sequence (2 s.h.) as follows:

B. Two Senior Seminar Courses

  • Semester Hours: .5
  • Semester Hours: .5

    NOTE: to be paired with the Independent Senior Design course. In both semesters students must take simultaneously an Independent Senior Design Course and a Senior Seminar course. Interested students will have the opportunity to work on globally distributed teams.

5. Grade requirement

All courses in the concentration must be taken with a grade of C- or better.

Footnotes (*/**/***)

*Non-business majors may take no more than 25 percent of their course work in business subjects.

**IT 015 , usually a prerequisite for ENTR 120  and ACCT 101 , is waived for Computer Science students enrolled in CLIC.

***Note that MKT 101  is a corequisite for ENTR 120 .


Concentration in Gaming and Graphics

The Concentration in Gaming and Graphics is aimed at educating students in the design and development of video games and game engines.  This is a very exciting and growing industry. Video games have permeated all segments of population and industry from entertainment to educational. All courses in this concentration include a significant experiential component. 

Students majoring in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, who have successfully completed CSC 014 , 015 , 016 , and 017  and have an overall average of at least C in these courses, are eligible to register for this concentration.

Concentration Program Requirements – Semester Hours: 12

Semester Hours: 9

Semester Hours: 3

The remaining 3 s.h. will consist of a senior design project in a topic related to Gaming and Graphics. The senior design project consists of a two-semester or yearlong sequence, as follows:

First Semester:

Second Semester:

Concentration in Web and Mobile Engineering

The concentration in Web and Mobile Engineering is aimed at educating students in the field of Web and mobile computer applications. This is a continually growing and changing field. Almost all computer applications must provide access on the Web and/or mobile devices. Courses in this concentration offer a hands-on approach to learning Web and mobile programming.

Students majoring in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, who have successfully completed CSC 014 , 015 , 016 , and 017  and have an overall average of at least C in these courses, are eligible to register for this concentration.

Concentration Program Requirements – Semester Hours: 12

Semester Hours: 9

Chosen from the following:

Semester Hours: 3

The remaining 3 s.h. will consist of a senior design project in a topic related to Web and Mobile Engineering. The senior design project consists of a two-semester or yearlong sequence, as follows:

First Semester:

Second Semester:

Concentration in Networking and Cybersecurity

The concentration in Networking and Cybersecurity is aimed at educating students in the growing field of cybersecurity.  Security of data and computer systems is one of the most important topics in today’s online world. Any application or system must have ways to prevent and protect from cyber attacks, to allow secure access and protection of data stored in distributed locations accessible online. Courses in this concentration offer a hands-on approach to learning networking, security and systems programming. All courses include a significant experiential component. 

Students majoring in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, who have successfully completed CSC 014 , 015 , 016 , and 017  and have an overall average of at least C in these courses, are eligible to complete this concentration.

Concentration Program Requirements – Semester Hours: 12

Semester Hours: 9

Chosen from the following:

Semester Hours: 3

The remaining 3 s.h. will consist of a senior design project in a topic related to Networking and Cybersecurity. The senior design project consists of a two-semester or yearlong sequence, as follows:

First Semester:

Second Semester:

Concentration in in Medical Engineering

The concentration in medical engineering introduces students to applications of computer engineering in medicine including medical imaging and instrumentation. Students majoring in Computer Engineering, who have successfully completed CSC 014 , 015 , 016 , 017 , and ENGG 034  and have an overall average of at least C in these courses, are eligible to complete this concentration.

Concentration Program Requirements – Semester Hours: 12

Semester Hours: 3

The remaining 3 s.h. will consist of a senior design project in a topic related to Medical Engineering. The senior design project consists of a two-semester or year long sequence, as follows:

First Semester:

Second Semester:

Concentration in Artificial Intelligence

The Concentration in Artificial Intelligence is aimed at educating students in algorithms and systems for artificial intelligence and machine learning. Artificial Intelligence is considered to be the next industrial revolution and had wide applications from defense and security, to agriculture, to medicine and to education. All courses in this concentration include a significant experiential component. Application criteria: Students majoring in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, who have successfully completed CSC 014  , 015  , 016   and 017  and have an overall average of at least C in these courses, are eligible to declare this concentration. The concentration consists of 12 semester hours. It includes:

and one additional course chosen from the list below:

Semester Hours: 3

The last 3 semester hours of the concentration will consist of a senior design project in a topic related to the concentration. The senior design project consists of a two semester or year-long sequence as follows: 

Second Semester:

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