2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Civic Engagement, Minor in
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Administered by the Center for Civic Engagement and HCLAS Dean’s Office
Director: Philip Dalton, Writing Studies and Rhetoric, School of Humanities, Fine and Performing Arts
About the Minor
The Minor in Civic Engagement is designed for students who wish to participate as engaged, knowledgeable citizens in their campus, local, state, national, and global communities. The minor is designed to help students develop the skills— such as critical thinking, deliberative dialogue, constructive disagreement, and mediation of conflict—needed to facilitate community involvement, public advocacy, and community-building. It is built on three foundational principles: 1) strong democratic communities require individuals who are skilled and willing public agents; 2) community-building necessitates a willingness to listen to others and understand diversity; and 3) knowledge of social systems and issues is essential to the efficacy of civic engagement. The minor may be paired with any major as an active way of putting disciplinary tools to use to affect positive change in our communities. It is intended for highly motivated students of any ideological perspective who are committed to education among a broader community of learners. The minor requires the successful completion of 18 semester hours, including CCE 001 and 15 semester hours of elective courses selected from the list below, distributed as specified from Groups A, B, and C. No one single course may count in more than one group. Minor Requirements - Semester Hours: 18
A) Competency-Building - Semester Hours: At least 3
Students will build competencies in areas of leadership, team-building, organizing, research, fostering connections within and between communities, developing social policy initiatives, and defining, planning, and carrying out civic engagement activities. B) Promoting the Prerequisites of Democracy - Semester Hours: At least 3
Students will trace historical changes in democratic institutions, focusing particularly on freedom of speech, expression, and assembly; the value of civic comportment and diverse viewpoints; respect and appreciation for diversity; and social inequalities and their implications for democracy. C) Historical and Contemporary Societal Issues - Semester Hours: At least 3
Students will examine social and public policy issues using both a historical and a contemporary lens, and focusing on topics related to democracy, social justice, sustainability, social transformation, and conflict resolution. - ANTH 115 - Poverty in Cross-Cultural Perspective Semester Hours: 3
- CSC 163 - Computing, Ethics, and Society Semester Hours: 1
- ECO 010 - (BH) Economics, Environment and Community Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 001 - (BH) Global Environments and Cultures Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 006 - (BH) Resources and Energy Geography Semester Hours: 3
- GEOL 033 - Environmental Geomorphology Semester Hours: 3
- GEOL 121 - Hydrology Semester Hours: 3
- GS 002 - (CC, IS) Cultural Globalization Semester Hours: 3
- GS 108 - (CC, IS) Globalization and Human Trafficking Semester Hours: 3
- GS 109 - (CC, IS) Globalization and Human Rights Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 119 - (HP) Blacks and Jews: Interrelation in the Diaspora Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 157 - History of Labor Semester Hours: 3
- HPR 063 - Health Care Systems and Services Semester Hours: 3
- HPR 065 - Ethical, Legal and Critical Health Problems Semester Hours: 3
- HPR 068 - Environmental Health Semester Hours: 3
- HPR 125 - Violence in Children, Family, and the Community Semester Hours: 3
- HPR 160 - Global Health Issues Semester Hours: 3
- JWST 036 - (HP) The Holocaust: Memory and Representation Semester Hours: 3
- JWST 048 - (IS) Israel: Myth and Reality Semester Hours: 3
- JWST 055 - (HP) Eternal Enemies or Ancestral Siblings?: Fabrications of the Jewish-Muslim Divide Semester Hours: 3
- LABR 141C - (BH) Labor Economics Semester Hours: 3
- PHI 090 - (HP) Contemporary Ethical Issues Semester Hours: 3
- PHI 091 - Technology and Human Values Semester Hours: 3
- PHI 101 - (HP) Ecology and Environmentalism Semester Hours: 3
- PHI 131 - (HP) Ethics and Animals Semester Hours: 3
- PHI 133 - (HP) Ethics and the Natural Environment Semester Hours: 3
- PHI 138 - (HP) Ethics and Sustainability: Personal, Social and Corporate Responsibility Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 105 - Contemporary Issues in American Politics Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 107 - The Arab-Israeli Conflict Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 112 - Politics of Education Semester Hours: 3 (same as FDED 112)
- PSC 113 - Technology and Defense Policy Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 193 - Political Corruption Semester Hours: 2
- RELI 151 - Violence and Religion in South Asia Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 153 - (CC) Political Islam Semester Hours: 3
- RTVF 131 - Contemporary Issues in Radio and Digital Audio Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 008 - (BH) Sociology of Substance Abuse Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 009 - (BH) Youth, Crisis, and American Culture Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 037 - (BH) Poverty, Hunger and Social Policy Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 103 - (BH) Social Problems Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 104 - (BH) Sociology of Health and Medicine Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 117 - (BH) Sociology of Terrorism Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 142 - (BH) Global Cities: Politics and Social Change in Comparative Perspective Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 153 - (BH) Sociology of Human Rights Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 172 - (BH) Punishment and Society: Sociology of Correctional Institutions Semester Hours: 3
- TPP 001 - (NS) Introduction to Environmental Systems Semester Hours: 3
- TPP 110 - Energy and Society Semester Hours: 3
- TPP 114 - Technology and Urban Problems Semester Hours: 3
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