Undergraduate Mathematics Requirements:
Undergraduate mathematics requirements (link):
MATH 071, 072, 073, 100, 114, 135A, 137, 138, 145, 171; two of MATH 146 or MATH 172 or MATH 173*; 9 additional hours in advanced mathematics courses numbered above 100**; (excluding MATH 185 and MATH 198B) the remaining requirements for the chosen option for the B.S. in Mathematics listed here; PHYS 011A and 011B, CSC 015 or CSC 016. ACCT 101 is strongly recommended.
*Students pursuing the Actuarial Science Option choose only one of MATH 146 or MATH 172 or MATH 173, and replace the second with MATH 138.
**Students pursuing the Actuarial Science Option need 6 of the 9 additional hours in advanced mathematics to be MATH 137 and MATH 139
Math 137 and 138 are strongly recommended for all students pursing this program. MATH 137 and 138 will suffice for the QM 1 requirement of the business degree.