Undergraduate Mathematics Requirements:
Undergraduate mathematics requirements (link):
MATH 071, 072, 073, 100, 114, 135A, 137, 138, 145, 171; two of MATH 146 or MATH 172 or MATH 173*; 9 additional hours in advanced mathematics courses numbered above 100**; (excluding MATH 185 and MATH 198B) the remaining requirements for the chosen option for the B.S. in Mathematics listed here; PHYS 011A and 011B, CSC 015 or CSC 016. ACCT 101 is strongly recommended.
*Students pursuing the Actuarial Science Option choose only one of MATH 146 or MATH 172 or MATH 173, and replace the second with MATH 138.
**Students pursuing the Actuarial Science Option need 6 of the 9 additional semester hours in advanced mathematics to be MATH 137 and MATH 139;
Math 137 and 138 are strongly recommended for all students pursing this program. MATH 137 and 138 will suffice for the QM 1 requirement of the business degree.