2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin
Engineering Science, BE Major in
This program reflects the societal need to solve complex challenges through an understanding of scientific principles and engineering design. The program combines a cross-disciplinary approach to give students the background to tackle these future challenges. Engineering today encompasses many new technologies, but the core educational requirements remain a thorough grounding in mathematics, sciences, engineering sciences, and design. The Engineering Science degree then allows students to specialize in one of three options: Physics, Chemistry, and Environmental. All options integrate design throughout the curriculum, beginning with the first year and culminating in a senior-level design project. Consequently, graduates of the program are well prepared to do analytic work and participate as design team members in engineering projects. The options guarantee a specificity of expertise within the Engineering Science program. They do so through directed technical electives as outlined below under each of the three headings.
Program Educational Objectives
Within a few years of graduation, graduates of the BEES program will accomplish the following objectives:
- Become successful practitioners in engineering or their chosen professional field.
- Apply their technical skills and liberal arts background in a socially responsible manner.
- Continue to develop intellectually.
- Acclimate to their chosen profession or business environment, where they will have the ability to work in teams, as well as communicate and interact with clients and with the public.
Student Outcomes
Engineering Science graduates will exhibit a range of knowledge, abilities, and behaviors prepared to enter and become a successful members of the engineering community. These include:
- an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
- an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
- an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
- an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
- an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
- an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
- an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Physics Option
Assistant Professor, Hunter, Interim Advisor The physics option prepares candidates to use the study of physics, mathematics and engineering to develop technology to solve real world problems. Broad applications can be derived from the combination of Engineering design and the fundamentals of physics. The physics option provides a thorough preparation and professional training in the fundamentals of engineering and related fields with a major thrust in physics and design. Physics Option Candidates for Graduation Must Fulfill the Following Requirements:
1. Total Semester Hours: Minimum of 130
The successful completion of at least 130 semester hours, excluding Military Science, completed at Hofstra. 2. Liberal Arts Semester Hour Requirement: Minimum of 68
At least 68 semester hours must be completed in the liberal arts, with at least 48 of these semester hours taken outside of engineering. 3. Residence Requirement
There are two requirements that must ordinarily be completed in residence at Hofstra: 15 semester hours in the major field of specialization and the last 30 semester hours. The 15 semester hours need not be included within the last 30 hours. 4. DEPTH Requirement
The Fred DeMatteis School of Engineering and Applied Science is committed to ensuring that all undergraduate students engage in professional development activities prior to earning their degrees. Consequently, the DeMatteis Experiences for Professional Training and Hiring (DEPTH) program has been created to provide specific opportunities for students to fulfill that requirement and be better prepared for entering the working world. Every student must complete at least one professional activity prior to graduation. Examples of meeting this criterion include: - Take SEAS 100 and then work as a Co-op student
- Work as an intern in a field related to a major
- Maintain paid employment in any field
- Participate in the W-SPiCE summer program and take SEAS 100
- Participate in the ASPiRe program
- Do faculty-supervised research
- Participate in school-sanctioned competition(s) or other profession-oriented activities
- Volunteer at a charitable or non-profit organization
Attainment of this requirement will be reviewed and determined by the engineering department. Official acknowledgment of the successful completion of this degree requirement will appear on the student’s transcript after approval by the Dean’s Office. 5. General and Major Requirements
The following general and major requirements: WSC 001 or placement examination* and WSC 002 ; 3 hours in literature, literature in translation or comparative literature (chosen from distribution courses designated LT); 3 hours in behavioral social sciences (chosen from distribution courses designated BH), 3 hours in history, philosophy, religion in social sciences (chosen from distribution courses designated HP) and 6 hours in humanities or social sciences. Students transferring in with previous social science/humanities credits may use them in place of distribution requirements in the same category as the transferred credits. Courses may not be taken on a Pass/D+/D/Fail basis. Transfer credit will only count toward the major for engineering courses completed with a minimum grade of C-. A cumulative average of C or better is required in the courses: ENGG 025 , 026, 027, 028 , 030 , 113 , 115 , 185 ; a cumulative average of C or better is required in all engineering courses. Reflecting the fact that not all full-time students can and do adhere to a four year time frame for degree completion, the suggested sequence below shows a possible alignment of courses within that compass. Chemistry Option
Associate Professor Hunter, Interim Adviser The chemistry option is designed to prepare degree candidates to employ chemical solutions to engineering problems. Today’s engineer is concerned with a broad spectrum of problems relating to modern society and candidates in this program use the development of products and processes to solve these issues. This can include topics such as creating clean water, alternative energy and aspects of healthcare. The chemistry option provides a thorough preparation and professional training in the fundamentals of engineering and related fields with a major thrust in chemistry and design. Chemistry Option Candidates for Graduation Must Fulfill the Following Requirements:
1. Total Semester Hours: Minimum of 130
The successful completion of at least 130 semester hours, excluding Military Science, completed at Hofstra. 2. Liberal Arts Semester Hour Requirement: Minimum of 68
At least 68 semester hours must be completed in the liberal arts, with at least 48 of these semester hours taken outside of engineering. 3. Residence Requirement
There are two requirements that must ordinarily be completed in residence at Hofstra: 15 semester hours in the major field of specialization and the last 30 semester hours. The 15 semester hours need not be included within the last 30 hours. 4. DEPTH Requirement
The Fred DeMatteis School of Engineering and Applied Science is committed to ensuring that all undergraduate students engage in professional development activities prior to earning their degrees. Consequently the DeMatteis Experiences for Professional Training and Hiring (DEPTH) program has been created to provide specific opportunities for students to fulfill that requirement and consequently be better prepared for entrance into the working world. Every student must complete at least one professional activity prior to graduation. Examples of meeting this criterion include: - Take SEAS 100 and then work as a Co-op student
- Work as an intern in a field related to major
- Maintain paid employment in any field
- Participate in W-SPiCE summer program and take SEAS 100
- Participate in ASPiRe program
- Do faculty-supervised research
- Participate in school-sanctioned competition(s) or other profession-oriented activities
- Volunteer at a charitable or non-profit organization
Attainment of this requirement will be reviewed and determined by the engineering department. Official acknowledgment of the successful completion of this degree requirement will appear on the student’s transcript after approval by the Dean’s Office. 5. General and Major Requirements
The following general and major requirements: WSC 001 or placement examination* and WSC 002 ; 3 hours in literature, literature in translation or comparative literature (chosen from distribution courses designated LT); 3 hours in behavioral social sciences (chosen from distribution courses designated BH); 3 hours in history, philosophy, religion in social sciences (chosen from distribution courses designated HP); and 6 hours in humanities or social sciences. Students transferring in with previous social science/humanities credits may use them in place of distribution requirements in the same category as the transferred credits. Courses may not be taken on a Pass/D+/D/Fail basis. Transfer credit will only count toward the major for engineering courses completed with a minimum grade of C-. A cumulative average of C or better is required in the courses: ENGG 025 , 026 , 027 , 028 , 030 , 113 , 115 , 185 ; a cumulative average of C or better is required in all engineering courses. Reflecting the fact that not all full-time students can and do adhere to a four-year time frame for degree completion, the suggested sequence below shows a possible alignment of courses within that compass. Environmental Option
Environmental engineering applies a range of engineering and science disciplines to both natural environmental systems and treatment of water, air and land pollution. A traditional curriculum emphasizes the processes and system designs for water production, quality and treatment. Emphasis is also placed on the social, economic, political and legal aspects important for engineers working with the environment. Environmental Option Candidates for Graduation Must Fulfill the Following Requirements:
1. Total Semester Hours: Minimum of 130
The successful completion of at least 130 semester hours, excluding Military Science, completed at Hofstra. 2. Liberal Arts Semester Hour Requirement: Minimum of 68
At least 68 semester hours must be completed in the liberal arts, with at least 48 of these semester hours taken outside of Engineering. 3. Residence Requirement
There are two requirements that must ordinarily be completed in residence at Hofstra: 15 semester hours in the major field of specialization and the last 30 semester hours. The 15 semester hours need not be included within the last 30 hours. 4. DEPTH Requirement
The Fred DeMatteis School of Engineering and Applied Science is committed to ensuring that all undergraduate students engage in professional development activities prior to earning their degrees. Consequently the DeMatteis Experiences for Professional Training and Hiring (DEPTH) program has been created to provide specific opportunities for students to fulfill that requirement and consequently be better prepared for entrance into the working world. Every student must complete at least one professional activity prior to graduation. Examples of meeting this criterion include: - Take SEAS 100 and then work as a Co-op student
- Work as an intern in a field related to major
- Maintain paid employment in any field
- Participate in W-SPiCE summer program and take SEAS 100
- Participate in ASPiRe program
- Do faculty-supervised research
- Participate in school-sanctioned competition(s) or other profession-oriented activities
- Volunteer at a charitable or non-profit organization
Attainment of this requirement will be reviewed and determined by the engineering department. Official acknowledgment of the successful completion of this degree requirement will appear on the student’s transcript after approval by the Dean’s Office. 5. General and Major Requirements
The following general and major requirements: WSC 001 or placement examination* and WSC 002 ; 3 hours in literature, literature in translation or comparative literature (chosen from distribution courses designated LT); 3 hours in behavioral social sciences (chosen from distribution courses designated BH), 3 hours in history, philosophy, religion in social sciences (chosen from distribution courses designated HP) and 6 hours in humanities or social sciences. Students transferring in with previous social science/humanities credits may use them in place of distribution requirements in the same category as the transferred credits. Courses may not be taken on a Pass/D+/D/Fail basis. Transfer credit will only count toward the major for engineering courses completed with a minimum grade of C-. A cumulative average of C or better is required in the courses: ENGG 025 , 026 , 027 , 028 , 030 , 113 , 115 , 185 ; a cumulative average of C or better is required in all engineering courses. Reflecting the fact that not all full-time students can and do adhere to a four year time frame for degree completion, the suggested sequence below shows a possible alignment of courses with in that compass Footnotes
*If this requirement is fulfilled by passing the placement examination, 3 s.h. in the humanities or social sciences should be taken with the adviser’s approval. **With the adviser’s approval. See also:
See also: Complete B.E. Requirements in the Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences section of this Bulletin. Recommended Program Sequence - Total Hours: 130