2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin
Jewish Studies, BA Major in
Program Requirements - Total Semester Hours: 30
Jewish studies majors are free to select courses that match their interest and career goals, but must complete at least 30 hours of study. A. Major Requirements - Semester Hours: 18 minimum
Jewish Studies Courses - Semester Hours: At least 15
At least 15 s.h. in any Jewish Studies course (prefix JWST ) Religion Courses - Semester Hours: At least 3
At least 3 s.h. in Religion courses (prefix RELI, not cross-listed with JWST), chosen from the courses listed below: - RELI 010 - (HP) What Is Religion? Recognizing Religion in Public Life and People’s Experience Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 012 - (HP) Introduction to Western Religious Traditions Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 012S - First-Year Seminar Semester Hours: 1-3
- RELI 013 - (HP) From Flesh to Faith: Community and Conflict in the New Testament Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 014F - (CC, HP) First-Year Seminar Semester Hours: 3-4
- RELI 014S - First-Year Seminar Semester Hours: 3-4
- RELI 015 - (CC, HP) Introduction to Eastern Religious Traditions Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 016 - (CC, HP) Religions of India Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 017 - (HP) Lost Christianities Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 018 - (HP) What Is Catholicism? Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 019 - (CC, HP) Introduction to Buddhism Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 020 - (HP) Magic, Miracle, and Medicine in the Greco-Roman World Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 021 - (HP) Gods and Sages - Religious Wisdom in the Ancient World Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 026 - (IS) Mindful America Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 028 - (HP) Greco-Roman Religions Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 030 - (IS) Paganism and Magic: Eco-Spiritualities of Enchantment Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 035 - (CC, HP) Living Buddhism Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 036 - (CC, HP) Modern Gurus: Yoga and Selling Spirituality Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 040 - (CC, HP) Yoga, Psychology and Health Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 050 - (CC, HP) Islam Today Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 051 - (CC, HP) Sex and Diversity in American Islam Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 060 - (HP) Atheism and Its Critics Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 065 - (HP) Sex and Death: Sacrifice and Martyrdom Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 066 - (HP) Demonology: Religion and the Dark Side Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 067 - (HP) Evil: Religious, Philosophic and Scientific Perspectives Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 068 - (HP) Apocalypse: Now and Then Semester Hours: 3-4
- RELI 070 - (CC, HP) Karma Cola: New York’s Hindu Communities Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 072 A-Z - (HP) Living With Major Thinkers in the Study of Religion Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 073 - (HP) Sex and the Body in Religious Studies Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 075 - (CC) Mysticism and the Spiritual Quest Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 076 - (HP) History of Irish Spirituality Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 077 - (HP) Religion and Media Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 079 - (HP) Religion, Law, and Society Semester Hours: 3-4
- RELI 080 - (CC) Life, Death and Immortality Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 085 - (CC) Comparative Religious Ethics Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 086 - (CC, IS) Cultural Medicine: Negotiating Barriers to Healthcare Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 088 - (CC, HP) Alternative Medicine Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 100 - (HP) Modern Religious Thought Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 102 - (HP) Birth of Christianity Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 104 - (CC, HP) Buddhist Thought Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 106 - (HP) African-American Religion Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 107 - (IS) The Stuff of Religion: Art, Artifact and Immanence Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 121 - (HP) The Religious Mind Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 125 - (CC, HP) Buddhism and Psychology Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 130 - (HP) Thinking Mysticism: Sex and Power Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 140 A-Z - Special Topics in Religion Semester Hours: 1-3
- RELI 150 - (IS) Approaches to the Study of Religion Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 151 - (HP, CC) Violence and Religion in South Asia Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 152 - (HP) Women in Early Christianity Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 153 - (CC) Political Islam Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 154 - (HP) American Catholicism Now Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 157 - (CC) Royal Yoga: Sikh Mysticism Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 158 - (HP) Mapping Religion in New York Semester Hours: 3
B. Elective Requirements - Semester Hours: 12 minimum
12 s.h. selected from the categories below: - Up to 3 s.h. beyond HEBR 003 (Hebrew Language courses are not required, but 3 s.h. beyond HEBR 003 may count as an elective for the major).
- Up to 12 additional s.h. in courses chosen from outside JWST prefix and with permission of the Jewish Studies program director.
An internship in Religion or Jewish Studies is not required but is recommended. See the Religion Department chairperson for details. The internship option may be chosen from the following courses: Internships
While internships in Jewish Studies or religious studies are not required, they are highly recommended. After consulting with the Jewish Studies program director and the department chairperson, the internship option may be chosen from the following courses: Departmental Honors
A student does not have to be a member of Honors College to do Departmental Honors. The Department of Religion encourages any major in Jewish Studies with an overall GPA of at least 3.4 and a department GPA of at least 3.5 to consider doing an honors thesis and standing for Departmental Honors. A minimum of 18 s.h. in JWST and/or RELI is required before attempting an honors thesis. It is recommended that students begin to consult with a faculty advisor at the beginning of their junior year. Departmental Honors involves a two-semester commitment (minimum 6 s.h.). With the approval of the Jewish Studies program director and the department chairperson, the student registers for JWST 196 in each of the two semesters. The student develops an independent research project, in consultation with a department faculty advisor. The project culminates in a 30- to 50-page essay or an equivalent creative work, which the student defends before a committee of faculty. |