Like the Concentration in Leadership and Innovation in Computing (CLIC) , the option targets students who are interested in pursuing innovations in the computing field that can have an impact on society. Through an intensive, 9-semester-hour program, students in the option will be taught to identify and pursue innovative entrepreneurship opportunities in high-technology computing areas, to develop basic skills needed to start their own company or to work for a start-up company, and to work effectively as part of globally distributed teams. This option is particularly suited for Computer Engineering students whose program permits only a limited number of free electives. The option does not include the business courses offered by the Zarb School of Business that are part of the concentration.
Students majoring in Computer Science or Computer Engineering who have successfully completed CSC 014 , 015 and 016 , and have an overall average of at least C in these courses, are eligible to declare the option. If interested, they should speak with the program coordinator prior to declaring the concentration.