Admission Criteria
Applicants for admission to the J.D./M.B.A. Program must hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution. No specific undergraduate course of study is required for admission, nor is any specific course of undergraduate study recommended for those students planning to pursue these degrees.
Applicants are required to take the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), which is administered by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). Applicants are encouraged to take the GMAT well in advance of applying to a graduate program. To schedule an appointment to take the GMAT, applicants may call 1-800-462-8669 or visit the GMAC Web site at Applicants must also take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT).
All applications for admission are considered on the basis of their own merits, with weight given to the strength of a student’s previous academic performance, scores obtained on the GMAT, professional experiences indicating increasing levels of responsibility, and any other pertinent information which the candidate for admission may provide to the Committee on Admissions. Hofstra law students in good academic standing at the end of the first year of Law School are eligible for admission to the program. Alternatively, students may apply simultaneously to the Law School and the Zarb School of Business for the fall semester in which they plan to begin study. Students are required to meet admission standards of the School of Business and the School of Law. The regular M.B.A. application fee may be waived by the Director of Graduate Programs.
A complete description of the program can be obtained from the Zarb School of Business Graduate Programs Office, Third Floor, Weller Hall, (516) 463-5683, or from the School of Law Admissions Office, Room 114, Law School, (516) 463-5916.