2004-2005 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
M.S.Ed in Inclusive Secondary Special Education (Grades 7-12)
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Associate Professor Schwartz, Graduate Program Director, (516) 463-5778, cprdcs@hofstra.edu
For students with no formal course work or teaching experience in secondary education
or special education at the adolescent development level. 49 s.h. program. This
dual graduate pre-service program leads toward the New York State Initial Certificate
to teach adolescents in social studies, mathematics, sciences, English or foreign
languages (grades 7-12) and the New York State initial/Professional Certificate
to teach Special Education at the adolescent developmental level (grades 7-12).
The program is designed to blend on-campus preparation with field experiences
in a variety of school settings, culminating in full-time student teaching. Literacy,
multicultural education and information technology are integrated throughout all
aspects of the program with a focus on teaching students with special learning
needs. The Master of Science in Education in Inclusive Secondary Special Education
conforms with New York State Learning Standards in the various areas of secondary
education certification as well as the standards and guidelines of the Council
for Exceptional Children for the preparation and licensure of special educators.
Admission Requirements
Students may apply through the Office of Graduate Admissions. Admission to the
M.S. in Education program in Inclusive Secondary Education in the Department of
Counseling, Research, Special Education, and Rehabilitation is based on a comprehensive
review of multiple criteria, including the following:
- A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university with a liberal
arts and sciences concentration.
- A completed application form to the master’s program.
- Completion of General Education Core for teacher education programs.
- Completion of course work in the content area in which certification is being
- A minimum grade point average of 3.0.
- Three letters of recommendation of which at least one addresses the applicant’s
potential to succeed in the teaching of students with disabilities.
- A written personal statement of professional intent.
- Interview with a faculty member in Special Education.
The Department understands that any single criterion may not reliably predict
a student’s potential for success in a graduate program. Consequently, candidates
are welcome to apply if they do not meet one of the criteria but feel that other
aspects of their experience may compensate. Required Course Work
General Education Core
In order to ensure that prospective teachers have a broad education in the liberal
arts and sciences, all students must have completed undergraduate course work
from each of the content areas below.
- Artistic Expression/Humanities
- Communication
- Information Retrieval
- Historical and Social Science Concepts
- Philosophy
- Language other than English
- Scientific Processes
- Mathematical Processes
- Written Analysis and Expression
- Cross-Cultural Appreciation
If one or more of the above content areas are missing from any student’s transcript,
those content areas must be completed prior to completion of the degree. See the
Advisement and Certification Office for evaluation of this requirement.
Content Area Requirements
Students admitted to the M.S. in Education in Inclusive Secondary Special Education
program are expected to possess an undergraduate major or its equivalent commensurate
with the content area requirements for which certification is being sought. Students
who do not meet the full admission requirements may be advised to complete prerequisite
courses under a planned program before becoming matriculated. Students must be
advised by the Advisement and Certification Office in conjunction with the appropriate
program director in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching.
English: 36 s.h. (with a distribution of courses over the following content areas)
- Minimum of 3 s.h in English language, linguistics or general language
- Minimum of 6 s.h. in American Literature
- Minimum of 6 s.h. in English Literature
- Minimum of 3 s.h. in World Literature
Mathematics: 36 s.h. (with a distribution of courses over the following content
- Minimum of 6-8 s.h. Differential & Integral Calculus (Calculus I and II)
- Minimum of 3 s.h. Higher Algebra (Linear or Abstract)
- Minimum of 3 s.h. Higher Geometry (Euclidean, Non-Euclidean, Topology or equivalent)
- Minimum of 3 s.h. Discrete or Finite Mathematics
- Minimum of 3 s.h. Applied Mathematics
- Minimum of 3 s.h. Probability/Statistics
- Minimum of 13-15 in Mathematics related course work
Sciences: biology, chemistry, physics, 54 s.h.
The science requirements for those seeking certification in the contents listed
above is an undergraduate major or equivalent study (30 s.h.) in the area of certification
sought as well as a minimum of 6 s.h. each in the other science areas as well
as earth science and calculus based mathematics.
Social Studies: 36 s.h.
- Minimum of 6 s.h. European History (Western Civilization)
- Minimum of 6 s.h. United States History
- Minimum of 3 s.h. in each of the following: Political Science, Economics and
- Minimum of 21 s.h. in additional course work that determines competency in Non-Western
history, Anthropology and Sociology
Languages Other Than English: French, Spanish, German, and Russian: 36 s.h.
The language requirements for those seeking certification in the areas listed
above should possess an undergraduate major or equivalent study above level four
in the respective language with studies in the following areas:
- Minimum of 6 s.h. Culture and Civilization
- Minimum of 3 s.h. Conversation
- Minimum of 3 s.h. Grammar
- Minimum of 3 s.h. Composition
- Minimum of 9 s.h. Literature
- Minimum of 12 s.h Electives in the target language
Program Requirements - Semester Hours: 49
A maximum of 12 s.h. of graduate course work leading to the M.S. in Education
degree may be completed prior to matriculation in the program.
Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 in order to remain
in the program. Courses in which students receive grades below C- confer no credit
toward the graduate degree but are included in determining grade point average. Phase I - Semester Hours: 12
Phase II - Semester Hours: 12
Phase III - Semester Hours: 16
Choose From - Semester Hours: 3 Select one course from the following:Choose From - Semester Hours: 3
Select one course from the following: Choose From - Semester Hours: 3 Select at least one of the following: 3 s.h.Reflective Practice - Semester Hours: 9
To qualify for the New York State Annotation for Teaching Students with Severe
or Multiple Disabilities students will be required to complete additional course
work in SPED 248: Education of Students with Pervasive Developmental Disorders,
or SPED 249: Understanding Physical, Sensory and Health Disabilities as well as
an additional field experience (SPED 238) for a minimum of 50 hours working with
students with Severe or multiple disabilities. Students seeking the annotation
must be matriculated in this program. Field Experiences Prior to Student Training
Prospective Teachers in the Inclusive Secondary Special Education program complete
a minimum of 100 clock hours as participant observers in designated schools prior
to student teaching.
At least one placement will be spent in a site recognized by the New York State
Education Department as high needs. Field experiences are integrated extensively
into course curricula. Placements are arranged by the Office of Field Placement
and the Special Education Program Director. - LYST 209 - Language, Culture and Identity: Literacy Issues for Adolescents and Young Adults Credits: 3 s.h.
10 hour field placement in varied settings, grades 7-12 - LYST 215A - Language and Literacy in Middle Childhood and Adolescence Credits: 3 s.h.
10 hour field placement in varied settings, grades 7-12 - LYST 217A - Reading and Writing With Adolescents Credits: 3 s.h.
10 hour field placement in varied settings, grades 7-12 - SED 213 - Adolescent Development and Learning Credits: 3 s.h.
20 hour field placement in varied settings, grades 7-9 - SED 264 - General Methods of Teaching Credits: 3 s.h.
20 hour field placement in high-needs district, grades 7-12 - SPED 201 - The Exceptional Child Credits: 3 s.h.
20 hour field placement for special needs students including a high-needs district, grades 7-12 - SPED 211 - Knowledge and Strategies for Teaching Students with Cognitive Disabilities Credits: 3 s.h.
10 hour participant observation at programs for students with mental retardation, grades 7-12 - SPED 242 - Psychoeducational Assessment in Special Education Credits: 3 s.h.
10 hours participant observation at varied mental health programs, grades 7-12 - SPED 245 - Curriculum and Methods for Students with Diverse Learning Needs Credits: 4 s.h.
20 hours of individualized instruction with a student with special learning needs, grades 7-12
Special Methods Courses Special methods courses for specific content areas are as follows:Student Teaching
Students will qualify for admission to Student Teaching SPED 223G and 223S, when
they have satisfied the following requirements:
- Successful completion of 37 semester hours of core course work, including all
courses in phase I and phase II.
- A grade point average of 3.0 or higher in overall graduate course work.
Admission by permission of the graduate program director. Applications to the
Office of Field Placement and the Department of Counseling, Research, Special
Education, and Rehabilitation are due on October 1 for the spring semester and
March 1 for the fall semester. Application forms are available in room 118 Hagedorn
Hall. Graduation Requirements
- Completion of liberal arts and sciences requirements.
- Completion of content area requirements.
- Completion of 49 semester hours with no fewer than 42 s.h. in residence.
- A minimum GPA of 3.0 in overall graduate course work.
- Passing grade on the Comprehensive Examination.
- All course work taken in satisfaction of the degree requirements must have been
completed within a 5-year period.
Teacher Certification Requirements
Upon successful completion of a teacher education program, students will be eligible
to apply for the University’s recommendation for New York State Certification.
For Initial Certification, students are required to have passing scores on each
of the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations (NYSTCE): the Liberal
Arts and Sciences Test (LAST), the Assessment of Teaching Skills-Written (ATS-W),
and the appropriate Content Specialty Tests (CST’s). Students not receiving passing
scores on all New York State required examinations will not be eligible for certification.
In addition, all students who are recommended by Hofstra’s Advisement and Certification
Office must attend seminars in Child Abuse and Maltreatment, Substance Abuse,
Fire and Arson and Safe Schools Against Violence (Project SAVE). It is strongly
recommended that students complete the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test (LAST) prior
to student teaching and the ATS-W and the appropriate CST during student teaching.
Please contact the Advisement and Certification Office for information regarding
the fingerprinting requirement and any other specific requirements regarding certification. |
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