Mar 06, 2025
2010-2011 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Religion With Area Concentration Option, B.A. Major in
Students majoring in religion may elect to undertake a specialized program within the study of religion leading to a concentration in a particular religious tradition or traditions. Religion majors with an area concentration option must complete level II in the language of the scriptural tradition in the area of concentration and earn 36 hours in religion and language requirement as follows:
9 s.h. chosen from:
- three of the following groups: C, D, E and F
6 s.h. from:
- any of the RELI or religion-related courses in groups A through G below
12 s.h. of RELI courses:
- in one of the following areas of concentration: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism
100-level courses:
- At least 21 of the 36 hours must be 100-level courses
RELI courses
- At least 27 of the 36 hours must be RELI courses (JWST courses may be included per advisement)
Religion Required for Minor and Major Groups A-G
Group A: Introductory Courses
Group B: Theoretical Courses
Group C: Jewish and Christian Studies
Group D: Religions of the Indian Sub-Continent
Group F: Religions of China
Group G: Topics in the Study of Religion