Program Educational Objectives
This program is intended for students who wish intensive study at the undergraduate
level to develop proficiency in the field of electrical engineering. The curriculum
provides a broad foundation in engineering, mathematics, physics and liberal arts.
The broad range of Hofstra University resources in the humanities and social sciences
make the liberal arts component especially enlightening.
Students will develop analytical, computer and applied skills which will enable
them to analyze, design and test engineering systems, processes and components.
Graduates will be acquainted with various areas of electrical engineering such
as applied electronics, digital devices and systems, electromagnetic fields and
waves, signal processing and communication systems.
They will develop design skills progressively, beginning with their first courses
in circuit analysis and digital circuits and will apply their accumulating knowledge
to practical problems throughout the curriculum. This process culminates in the
capstone design course, which complements the analytical part of the curriculum.
The thorough preparation afforded by the electrical engineering curriculum includes
the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions
in a global and societal context. Graduates will hence be well prepared for professional
employment or advanced studies. The eleven generic indicators of achievement listed
under the Department of Engineering objectives apply specifically to electrical
engineering graduates, as a measure of the program’s effectiveness in meeting
its stated objectives.
In addition to fulfilling the degree requirements listed above, the following
courses must be successfully completed. ENGL 1 & 2 or placement examination*;
15 hours in humanities or social science electives**; 6 hours in literature or
literature in translation; the two literature courses must be chosen from distribution
courses in CLL, ENGL, FRLT, JW ST, LIT or SPLT in the humanities division. The
15 credits of social science and humanities
electives must include SPCM 1 or 7, one distribution course in behavioral social
sciences, one distribution course in history and philosophy in social sciences
and TPP 112. Students transferring in with previous social science/humanities
credits may use them in place of distribution requirements in the same category
as the transferred credits.
Part-time Students - Semester Hours: 133
Part-time students follow the same curriculum as listed under the full-time program
of study, with the exception of ENGG 9A. Candidates for graduation must fulfill
all requirements listed under the individual program. The B.S. Specialization
in Electrical Engineering requires 133 semester hours of part-time study.
* If this requirement is fulfilled by passing the placement examination, 6 semester
hours in the humanities or social sciences should be taken with adviser’s approval.
** With adviser’s approval. Courses may not be taken on a Pass/D+/D/Fail basis.
†† A cumulative avverage of C or better is required in these courses.
††† Electrical engineering majors will choose three tecnhical electives from
the following list of courses: ENGG 101, 153, 166B, 172, 173, 174, 179, 180, 187,
190; one technical elective must be a design course: ENGG 172, 173 or 180.