Science Content Requirements
Students admitted to the master of science in education program in science education should possess a bachelor’s degree in the certification content area sought or a minimum of 36 s.h. in college-level course work in the content area of certification, distributed over specified categories (see below).
Candidates who do not possess a bachelor’s degree in their chosen science certification area, but who have succeeded in completing a majority of the required content courses with a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or higher, may apply for admission to the master of science in education program. Upon matriculation in the program, candidates may continue to complete the required contend courses while they are completing the requirements for the master’s program. Prior to conferral of the master of science in education degree, transcripts must indicate successful completion of all required course work in the area in which certification will be sought.
The following sections delineate the science content requirements for those seeking certification in either biology, chemistry, or physics. Courses for certification in general science are required of all students in the science education program at Hofstra University.
General Science (required of all students seeking certification in any of the sciences) (24 s.h.):
general chemistry, 6 s.h.
general physics, 6 s.h.
geology (earth science), 6 s.h.
calculus based mathematics, 3 s.h.
statistics, 3 s.h.
Note: Biology major only:
calculus-based mathematics, 6 s.h. or
calculus-based mathematics, 3 s.h. and
biostatistics or any other course work in statistics, 3 s.h.
Biology (required of all students seeking certification in biology) (30 s.h.):
general biology, 6 s.h.
genetics, 3 s.h.
comparative anatomy, 3 s.h.
general ecology, 3 s.h.
invertebrate zoology, 3 s.h.
plant physiology, 3 s.h.
biology electives, course work in related content area (with advisement), 9 s.h.
Chemistry (required of all students seeking certification in chemistry (30 s.h.):
inorganic chemistry, 6 s.h.
organic chemistry, 6 s.h.
quantitative analysis, 3 s.h.
physical chemistry, 3 s.h.
chemistry electives, course work in related content area (with advisement), 12 s.h.
Geology (required of all students seeking certification in earth science) (30 s.h.):
physical geological science, 3 s.h.
historical geological science, 3 s.h.
earth science, 6 s.h.
geology electives, course work in related content area (with advisement), 18 s.h.
Physics (required of all students seeking certification in physics) (30 s.h.):
general physics, 3 s.h.
electricity and magnetism, 3 s.h.
modern physics, 6 s.h.
optics, 3 s.h.
thermodynamics, 3 s.h.
mechanics, 3 s.h.
quantum mechanics, 3 s.h.
physics electives, course work in related content areas (with advisement), 6 s.h.
If one or more of the above content areas are missing from any student’s transcript, those content areas must be completed prior to completion of the master of science in education degree. Of these 36 s.h., six may be taken at the graduate level and counted toward the M.S. in Education.
Where academic subject matter deficiencies in the candidate’s chosen science certification area are so great as to prevent completion of requisite work within the 37 s.h. master’s program, additional course work may be required. Matriculated students must complete a minimum of 28 s.h. of the master of science in education program in residence at Hofstra. No more than 9 s.h. may be transferred into the program. Student Teaching may be used to meet the 28 s.h. residency.
A maximum of 12 s.h. of graduate course work leading toward the master of science in education degree may be completed prior to matriculation in the program. To register for courses in the program other than SED 205, 213, or 264, a student must (1) be matriculated in the program, or (2) have written permission of the course instructor or departmental chairperson prior to the beginning of the course.
Teacher Certification Requirements
Upon the successful completion of a Hofstra state-approved teacher education program, students are eligible for the University’s recommendation for New York state certification. A request for recommendation must be submitted to the Office of Certification and Educational Support Services the semester in which the student is graduating. Students who apply directly to New York state for certification are responsible for learning about and satisfying the certification requirements set by the state. It should be noted that such requirements may differ from those in Hofstra’s registered programs.
All prospective early childhood (Birth-Grade 2), elementary (Grades 1-6) and secondary (Grades 7-12), special subject teachers and educational leaders are required to pass the New York State Teachers Certification Examinations (NYSTCE) administered by Pearson Education, for state certification requirements. Students should consult with the Office of Certification and Educational Support Services regarding the appropriate examinations for their area of study. Beginning in May 2013 graduating students will be required to pass new Performance Assessments and revised Content Specialty Tests.
It is strongly recommended that students complete the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test (LAST) prior to student teaching, and the Assessment of Teaching Skills Written (ATS-W) and the Content Specialty Test (CST) during student teaching. Students not receiving passing scores on these examinations will not be eligible for certification.
In addition to fulfilling the required courses of study, the Commissioner’s Regulations mandate that all prospective teachers, pupil personnel and education leaders receive instructions regarding:
1. Identification of Child Abuse and Maltreatment.
2. Fire and Arson Prevention.
3. School Violence Prevention and Intervention.
4. Prevention of Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Abuse.
5. Highway and School Safety/Prevention of Child Abduction.
New York state legislation also requires all persons seeking certification as special education teachers or school administrators working in special education to have training in the area of children with autism. All of these requirements must be completed before the conferral of the degree and recommendation for certification.