Feb 06, 2025  
2018-2019 Graduate Studies Bulletin 
2018-2019 Graduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Speech-Language Disabilities, Adv. Cert. in Teacher of Students With

Associate Professor Davidow, Graduate Program Director, 516-463-5508

This course work prepares students for eligibility toward New York State Education Department teacher certification.

On average, students complete this program in one academic year.

Program Requirements

In addition to the course work below, students are required to complete (or provide documentation of) seminars regarding HIPAA and OSHA’s universal precautions for blood borne pathogens, identification and reporting of child abuse and child abduction, school violence prevention and intervention, and other education law seminars.

This certificate of advanced study qualifies students for the profession of Speech-Language Pathology as well as offers eligibility for NYS certification as an elementary, middle or secondary teacher of students with speech-language disabilities, requires transcript review confirming completion of liberal arts and sciences requirements, content and pedagogy courses.

Students must successfully complete all required NYS teacher examinations. Following completion of all required course work for eligibility for teacher certification students should submit their application materials directly to Hofstra’s Office of Educational Support Services. For further information, please contact the Graduate Program Director at 516-463-5511.