2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Electrical Engineering, BS Major in
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Accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the ABET, http://www.abet.org
This program is intended for students who wish intensive study at the undergraduate level to develop proficiency in the field of electrical engineering. The curriculum provides a broad foundation in engineering, mathematics, physics and liberal arts. The broad range of Hofstra University resources in the humanities and social sciences make the liberal arts component especially enlightening.
They will develop design skills progressively, beginning with their first courses in circuit analysis and digital circuits and will apply their accumulating knowledge to practical problems throughout the curriculum. This process culminates in the capstone design course, which complements the analytical part of the curriculum.
Candidates for graduation with the BS degree in electrical engineering must fulfill the following requirements:
Program Requirements - Total Semester Hours: 133
1. The Successful Completion of 133 Semester Hours
The successful completion of 133 s.h. in Electrical Engineering and a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in work completed at Hofstra. Military Science may not be counted toward this total semester hour requirement. 2. Liberal Arts
At least 68 semester hours must be completed in the liberal arts, with at least 48 of these semester hours taken outside of engineering. 3. Residence Requirements
There are two requirements that must ordinarily be completed in residence at Hofstra: 15 semester hours in the major field of specialization and the last 30 semester hours. The 15 semester hours need not be included within the last 30 hours. 4. General and Major Requirements
The general and major requirements as listed under the program below. Courses may not be taken on a Pass/D+/D/Fail basis. Transfer credit will only count toward the major for engineering courses completed with a minimum grade of C-. Notes
This program is intended for students who wish intensive study at the undergraduate level to develop proficiency in the field of electrical engineering. The curriculum provides a broad foundation in engineering, mathematics, physics and liberal arts. The broad range of Hofstra University resources in the humanities and social sciences make the liberal arts component especially enlightening. They will develop design skills progressively, beginning with their first courses in circuit analysis and digital circuits and will apply their accumulating knowledge to practical problems throughout the curriculum. This process culminates in the capstone design course, which complements the analytical part of the curriculum.
Program Educational Objectives
Graduates of the program will: - Become successful practitioners in electrical engineering.
- Apply their liberal arts background to business and social situations.
- Continue to develop intellectually.
- Acclimate to the business environment.
The 11 generic indicators of achievement listed under the Department of Engineering student outcomes apply specifically to electrical engineering graduates, as a measure of the program’s effectiveness in meeting its stated objectives. In addition to fulfilling the degree requirements listed above, the following courses must be successfully completed: WSC 001 or placement examination* and WSC 002 ; 3 hours in literature, literature in translation or comparative literature (chosen from Distribution Courses designated LT); 3 hours in behavioral social sciences (chosen from distribution courses designated BH); 3 hours in history, philosophy, religion in social sciences (chosen from distribution courses designated HP), and 6 hours in humanities or social sciences. Students transferring in with previous social science/humanities credits may use them in place of distribution requirements in the same category as the transferred credits. Cumulative Average
A cumulative average of C or better is required in the following courses, while a cumulative average of C or better is required in all engineering courses. Suggested Four-Year Sequence - Total Hours: 133
*If this requirement is fulfilled by passing the placement examination, 3 s.h. in the humanities or social sciences should be taken with adviser’s approval. **With adviser’s approval. †Electrical engineering majors will choose five technical electives from the following list of courses: ENGG 035 , 166 , 172 , 173 , 174 , 179 , 180 , 187 , 190 , 191 , 197 A-Z , 198 , 199 , CSC 113 , PHYS 118A ; one technical elective must be a design course: ENGG 172 , 173 or 180 . Computer Option
The computer option in the electrical engineering program at Hofstra is an interdisciplinary field applying principles and concepts in electrical engineering and computer science to the design of computers and digital systems. The objective of the program is to provide an integrated knowledge of the organization and operation of various classes of digital devices and systems and the interrelations between the physical hardware and the system software. Therefore, the program offers courses in electronics, logical design, computer architecture, switching theory, data structures, microprocessor systems, operating systems, and assembly language programming, among others. A capstone design course on digital systems and a group project requiring the design of a hardware/software system are part of the curriculum. Students graduating with this degree may pursue career opportunities in industry, government, private research institutions, or may continue their formal education in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or other computer related disciplines. Students majoring in electrical engineering are eligible to declare this option. Suggested Four-Year Sequence for Computer Option - Total Hours: 133
Choose the four technical electives in the Electrical Engineering program from the list below: - ENGG 172 - Computer Aided Circuit Design or ENGG 180 - Digital Signal Processing- Semester Hours: 3
- CSC 153 - Advanced Computer Architecture or ENGG 153 - Advanced Computer Architecture - Semester Hours: 3
- Two remaining technical electives chosen from CSC 100+ level (excluding CSC 102, 110, 110A, 111, 143A-Z, 144 A-Z, 145 A-Z, 163, 186, 194, 197, 198, and 199) and the approved list of Electrical Engineering technical electives.
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