2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Global Studies, BA Major in
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Program Requirements – Total Semester Hours: 33
The BA major in global studies consists of a minimum of 33 semester hours in global studies, and a minor consisting of 18 s.h. in an academic discipline, distributed as follows: 1. Required Courses – Semester Hours: 12
2. Required Elective Courses - Semester Hours: Minimum 6
At least 6 s.h. from the courses listed below: 3. Required Elective Courses in Global Economics, Politics and Culture – Semester Hours: 6
At least 6 s.h. from the electives in global economics, politics and culture. Any course not currently listed under global economics, politics and culture, but approved by the chairperson of global studies, may be counted toward these 6 sh. Electives in Global Economics, Politics and Culture
- ACCT 128 - Accounting in a Global Environment Semester Hours: 3
- ANTH 004 - (BH, CC) World Cultures Semester Hours: 3
- ANTH 112 - (BH) Anthropology of the Global Economy Semester Hours: 3
- CLL 190 - (LT) World Literature and the Anatomy of Cultural Difference Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 007 - (BH) Explorations of Current Economic Issues Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 010 - (BH) Economics, Environment and Community Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 133 - (BH) Health Economics Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 137 - Transnational Enterprise in World Economy Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 142 - International Economics Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 143 - Economic Development Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 145 - Comparative Economic Systems Semester Hours: 3
- FIN 101 - Introduction to Finance, Financial Markets and Institutions Semester Hours: 3
- FIN 111 - Working Capital Management Semester Hours: 3
- FIN 165 - Principles of International Financial Management Semester Hours: 3
- FIN 166 - Global Financial Markets Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 002 - (BH) Human Geography Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 004 - (BH) Cultural Geography Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 005 - (BH) Population and Migration Geography Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 006 - (BH) Resources and Energy Geography Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 060 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems and Digital Maps Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 103 - (BH) Urban Geography Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 106 - (BH, CC) Urbanization in the Developing World Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 135 - (BH) Economic Geography Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 160 - Intermediate Geographic Information Systems Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 193 - Seminar: Economic Geography Semester Hours: 3
- GEOL 001 - (NS) Planet Earth Semester Hours: 3
- GEOL 005 - (NS) Environmental Geology Semester Hours: 3
- GEOL 007 - (NS) Earth Science I Semester Hours: 3
- GEOL 015 - (NS) Global Climate Change Semester Hours: 3
- GS 014F - First-Year Seminar Semester Hours: 3-4
- GS 014S - First-Year Seminar Semester Hours: 3-4
- GS 100 - Departmental Honors Candidacy: Essay Semester Hours: 3
- GS 104 A-Z - (IS) Special Topics in Global Studies Semester Hours: 1-3
- GS 105 - (CC, IS) The Globalization of Food Cultures Semester Hours: 3
- GS 108 - (CC, IS) Globalization and Human Trafficking Semester Hours: 3
- GS 109 - (CC, IS) Globalization and Human Rights Semester Hours: 3
- GS 120 - (IS) iGlobalization: Moving the Things We Buy Semester Hours: 3
- GS 151 - Undergraduate Research in Global Studies Semester Hours: 1-3
- GS 152 - Undergraduate Research in Global Studies Semester Hours: 1-3
- GS 153 - Undergraduate Research in Global Studies Semester Hours: 1-3
- GS 154 - Undergraduate Research in Global Studies Semester Hours: 1-3
- GS 170 - Cultural Politics of Globalization Semester Hours: 3
- GS 190 - Internship in Global Studies Semester Hours: 1-3
- HIST 010 - (CC, HP) Introduction to Global History Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 020 - (HP) Why History Matters Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 177G - Special Topics in Global History Semester Hours: 3
- HPR 160 - Global Health Issues Semester Hours: 3
- IB 150 - Introduction to International Business Semester Hours: 3
- IB 154 - Analysis of the International Environment and Global Business Research Semester Hours: 3
- IB 170 - International Marketing Semester Hours: 3
- IB 175 - Global Business Policies, Planning and Strategies Semester Hours: 3
- IB 185 - Internship in International Business Semester Hours: 3
- IT 076 - Introduction to E-Commerce Semester Hours: 3
- JWST 050 - Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and Racisms: Global Perspectives Semester Hours: 3
- JRNL 001 - Media Ethics Semester Hours: 3
- LEGL 117 - Law in the Global Economy Semester Hours: 3
- MASS 001 - Mass Media: History and Development Semester Hours: 3
- MASS 012 - Media Literacy: Criticism and Analysis Semester Hours: 3
- MASS 101 - Understanding Global Media and News Systems Semester Hours: 3
- MASS 104 - Media and the Law Semester Hours: 3
- MASS 109 - The Mass Media, Politics and Policy Making Semester Hours: 3
- MASS 110 - Media and Urban and Suburban Communication Semester Hours: 3
- MASS 122 - Race, Gender, Class and Media Semester Hours: 3
- MASS 125 - Media and Popular Culture Semester Hours: 3
- MASS 130 - Social Media, Technologies and Policy Semester Hours: 3
- MATH 117 - (MA) Statistics for Economics Semester Hours: 3
- MGT 125 - Supply Chain Management Semester Hours: 3
- MGT 142 - Operations Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management Semester Hours: 3
- MGT 160 - Managing Nonprofit Organizations Semester Hours: 3
- MGT 171 - International Strategic Management Semester Hours: 3
- PHI 014 - (HP) Introduction to Ethics Semester Hours: 3-4
- PHI 090 - (HP) Contemporary Ethical Issues Semester Hours: 3
- PHI 092 - (HP) Global Ethics Semester Hours: 3
- PHI 133 - (HP) Ethics and the Natural Environment Semester Hours: 3
- PHI 138 - (HP) Ethics and Sustainability: Personal, Social and Corporate Responsibility Semester Hours: 3
- PPPS 001 - (IS) Introduction to Public Policy and Public Service Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 002 - (BH) Comparative Politics Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 113 - Technology and Defense Policy Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 131 - (CC) Comparative Political Economy of Development Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 134 - American Foreign Policy Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 135 - International Politics Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 137 - World Organization and International Law Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 143 - Ideas in Conflict: Modern Democratic and Totalitarian Political Thought Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 149 - Political Analysis and Statistics Semester Hours: 3-4
- PSC 152 A-Z - Special Topics in International Politics Semester Hours: 1-4
- PSC 154 A-Z - Special Topics in Comparative Politics Semester Hours: 1-4
- PSC 192 - Field Study at the United Nations Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 019 - (CC) Introduction to Buddhism Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 055 - Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and Racisms: Global Perspectives Semester Hours: 3
- RHET 053 - Histories and Theories of Gender and Intercultural Communication Semester Hours: 3
- RHET 055 - Intercultural Communication Semester Hours: 3
- RHET 138 - Social Protest: Rhetoric and Performance Semester Hours: 3
- RHET 139 - Political Communication Semester Hours: 3
- RTVF 131 - Contemporary Issues in Radio and Digital Audio Semester Hours: 3
- SBLY 001 - (IS) Our Sustainable World Semester Hours: 3
- SBLY 002 - (IS) Sustainability Planning and Policy Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 032 - (BH, CC) Globalization, Women and Development Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 117 - (BH) Sociology of Terrorism Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 140 - (BH) Social Inequality Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 142 - (BH) Global Cities: Politics and Social Change in Comparative Perspective Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 147 - (BH) World Population Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 149 - (BH) Globalization and Developing Societies Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 150 - (BH) Global Social Change Semester Hours: 3
- SOC 153 - (BH) Sociology of Human Rights Semester Hours: 3
- TPP 001 - (NS) Introduction to Environmental Systems Semester Hours: 3
- TPP 015 - (NS) Designing the Human-Made World Semester Hours: 3
- TPP 116 - Technology and Communications Policy Semester Hours: 3
- WST 001D - (IS) Women, Sex and Power Semester Hours: 3
4. Required Elective Courses in Regional Studies – Semester Hours: 6
At least 6 s.h. chosen from the electives listed under regional studies. Any course with a regional focus that is not listed, but approved by the chairperson of Global Studies may be counted toward these 6 s.h. Electives in Regional Studies
- AFST 120 - (BH, CC) African Labor Economics Semester Hours: 3
- AFST 122 - Health and Disease in Africa: A Medical Anthropology Perspective Semester Hours: 3
- AFST 156 - Economic and Social History of the Caribbean from Slavery to National Independence Semester Hours: 3
- AFST 157 - African National Liberation Movements Semester Hours: 3
- AH 165 - (AA, CC) Asian Art and Archaeology Semester Hours: 3
- ANTH 102 - (BH) African Cultures Semester Hours: 3
- ANTH 103 - (BH) Peoples and Cultures of Asia Semester Hours: 3
- ANTH 105 - (BH) Latin American Cultures Semester Hours: 3
- ANTH 106 - (CC) Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa Semester Hours: 3
- ASST 011 - (CC, IS) Introduction to Chinese Culture Semester Hours: 3
- ASST 014 - (CC, LT) Vietnam in American, English, French, and Vietnamese Literatures Semester Hours: 3
- ASST 021 - (CC, IS) Discover Japan: The Nexus of Japanese Culture, History, Politics and Society Semester Hours: 3
- ASST 195 - Asian Studies Seminar Semester Hours: 3
- CLL 149 - (LT) Asian Literature Semester Hours: 3
- CLL 150 - (LT) Asian Literature Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 110 - (BH, CC) Economics of Latin America Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 111 - Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 112 - Economic Development of China Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 114 - Japan’s Modern Economy Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 116 - (BH) Economics of the Middle East Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 117 - (CC) Women and Development in the Middle East Semester Hours: 3
- ENGL 080 - (LT) Constructing Global Anglophone Literature Semester Hours: 3
- ENGL 139 - (LT, CC) The African Novel Semester Hours: 3
- ENGL 167 - (LT, CC) Post-Colonial Literature of South Asia Semester Hours: 3
- FREN 122 - (LT, CC) The Francophone Experience in North Africa Semester Hours: 3
- FRLT 043 - (LT, CC) Decolonizing the Mind: Contemporary Literature from Africa to Southeast Asia Semester Hours: 3
- FRLT 050 - (LT, CC) Reconstructing French Caribbean Identities Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 107 - Urban Geography of Western Europe Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 113C - (CC) Geography of East and Southeast Asia Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 114 - (BH, CC) Geography of South Asia Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 122 - (BH) The Geography of Western Europe Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 123 - (BH) Eastern Europe and the Republics of the Former Soviet Union Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 131 - Japan Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 140 - (BH, CC) Geography of Latin America Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 141 - (BH, CC) Geography of the Caribbean Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 142 - (BH, CC) Geography of Mexico and Central America Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 143 - (BH, CC) Geography of South America Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 145 - (BH, CC) Geography of Africa Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 148 - (BH) Geography of Australia and the South Pacific Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 072C - (CC) China and Japan Since 1800 Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 073 - (CC) The Modern Middle East Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 118A - History of Africa, 1800 to the Present Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 122 - Modern Britain Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 132 - Europe, 1939 to Present: World War, Cold War and Beyond Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 133 - Modern Germany Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 138 - Modern Russia: Reform and Revolution from the Russian Empire to Modern Times, 1856 to the Present Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 139 - Economic History of Europe Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 142 - (CC) Latin America: 1810 to the Present Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 166 - Re-Viewing Vietnam Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 170 - The Middle East and the West Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 173 - (CC) Modern China Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 174 - (CC) Modern Japan Semester Hours: 3-4
- HIST 177B - Special Topics in African History Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 177C - Special Topics in European History Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 177D - Special Topics in Latin American History Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 177E - Special Topics in Middle Eastern History Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 177F - Special Topics in Comparative History Semester Hours: 3
- IB 160 - African Business Semester Hours: 3
- IB 161 - Asian Business Semester Hours: 3
- IB 162 - European Business Semester Hours: 3
- IB 163 - Latin-American Business Semester Hours: 3
- IRE 090 - (BH) Sociology of Contemporary Ireland Semester Hours: 3
or - SOC 090 - (BH) Sociology of Contemporary Ireland Semester Hours: 3
- JWST 048 - (IS) Israel: Myth and Reality Semester Hours: 3
- JWST 055 - (HP) Eternal Enemies or Ancestral Siblings?: Fabrications of the Jewish-Muslim Divide Semester Hours: 3
- LABR 120 - (BH, CC) African Labor Economics Semester Hours: 3
- LACS 001 - (CC, IS) Putting Latin America and the Caribbean on the Map: Geography, Politics and Literature Semester Hours: 3
- LACS 199 - Senior Seminar in Latin American and Caribbean Studies Semester Hours: 3
- LIT 080 - (LT) Chinese Literature in Translation Semester Hours: 3
- LIT 088 - (LT, CC) Self and Society in Chinese Literature Semester Hours: 3
- LIT 090 - (LT, CC) Beauty and Sadness in Japanese Literature and Culture Semester Hours: 3
- MECA 001 - (CC) Introduction to Middle East and Central Asia Semester Hours: 3
- PHI 017 - (CC) Introduction to Eastern Philosophy Semester Hours: 3
- PHI 060 - Introduction to Chinese Philosophical and Religious Traditions Semester Hours: 3
- PHI 149 - (HP) French Philosophical Traditions Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 107 - The Arab-Israeli Conflict Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 108 - (BH, CC) Politics of the Middle East Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 109 - (CC) Political Islam Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 110 - (BH, CC) African Politics Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 117 - (CC) Religion and Politics in Turkey Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 118 - Political Economy of Turkey Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 130 - (BH, CC) Latin American and Caribbean Politics Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 132 - Comparative European Governments Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 133 - Politics of the European Union Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 139 - (BH) Russia: Post-Soviet Politics Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 144 - (BH, CC) Asian Politics and Government Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 145 - (BH, CC) Japan: Government and Politics Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 146 - (BH, CC) China: Government and Politics Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 012 - (HP) Introduction to Western Religious Traditions Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 015 - (CC) Introduction to Eastern Religious Traditions Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 016 - (CC, HP) Religions of India Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 019 - (CC) Introduction to Buddhism Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 050 - (CC) Islam Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 103 - (CC) Warrior Saints: An Introduction to the Sikh Religion Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 151 - Violence and Religion in South Asia Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 153 - (CC) Political Islam Semester Hours: 3
- RLLT 101 - (LT) Colonization and Decolonization in the French- and Spanish-Speaking Caribbean Islands Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 113B - Cultures of Latin America Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 114B - (LT) Introduction to Spanish-American Literature I Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 115B - (LT) Introduction to Spanish-American Literature II Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 122 - Economic History of Spain and Latin America: Literary Projections Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 123 - (LT) Politics of the Hispanic World Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 124 - (LT) Hispanic History of the United States Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 126 - (LT) Contemporary Hispanic Thought: The Usable Past Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 127 - United States and Latin America: Unequal Relations Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 128 - (LT) Spain and Latin America Today: Changing World Semester Hours: 3
- SPLT 053 - Early Spanish-American Heritage Semester Hours: 3
- SPLT 054 - (LT) 19th- and 20th-Century Latin-American Literature Semester Hours: 3
- SPLT 058 - (LT, CC) The Empire Writes Back: Autobiography and Resistance in Colonial Spanish America Semester Hours: 3
- SPLT 059 - (CC, LT) Farewell to Columbus: Rethinking the Latin American Heritage Semester Hours: 3
- SPLT 060 - (CC, LT) Literary Food Semester Hours: 3
5. Required Elective Course in Category 3 or 4 - Semester Hours: 3
At least 3 s.h. chosen from Category 3: Required Elective Courses in Global Economics, Politics, and Culture (listed above) or Category 4: Required Elective Courses in Regional Studies (listed above). In addition, any course that is not listed but approved by the chairperson of global studies may be counted toward these 3 s.h. Please Note:
- Depending on subject matter, credits for GS 100, 104 A-Z, 151-154,190 may be counted toward either the electives in global economics, politics and culture or as regional area studies electives.
- A maximum of 12 s.h. of courses taken in any one academic discipline may be used toward the 33 s.h. needed for the major. Classes that have the GS designation or are required courses are excluded from this restriction.
- A dual major or a minor, consisting of 18 s.h., taken in an academic discipline. No more than 9 s.h. of courses taken as part of the second major or the minor may be applied toward the GS major. Courses required for the GS major or minor and those with a GS designation are excluded from this restriction.
- At least 18 s.h. must be in-residence.
- At least 12 s.h. must be from 100-level courses.
- A final grade of C- or better is required in each course.
- With permission of the chairperson, up to 6 s.h. of appropriate HUHC seminars can be used toward the electives in global economics, politics and culture or as regional area studies electives.
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