2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Mathematics, BS Major in
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The BS major in mathematics requires the same math courses as the BA, plus the completion of one of seven tracks: Actuarial Science, Applied Mathematics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or Physics.
Program Requirements
Candidates for graduation must fulfill the following requirements: 1. Total Semester Hours: 124
The successful completion of at least 124 semester hours and a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in work completed at Hofstra. 2. Liberal Arts
At least 62 semester hours of liberal arts courses. At least 55 of these credits must be completed in courses other than mathematics. 3. Residence Requirements
There are two requirements that must ordinarily be completed in residence at Hofstra: 15 semester hours in the major field of specialization and the last 30 semester hours. The 15 semester hours need not be included within the last 30 hours. 4. General Requirements
The following general requirements: - 6 s.h. of Humanities distribution credit
- foreign language (same as for BA) unless student is also pursuing a BS in another natural science. In such cases, the language requirement will be that of the other BS degree. If the other BS degree includes no language requirement, there will be no language requirement for the BS in mathematics.
- 6 s.h. of social science distribution credit
(See Distribution Courses .) 5. Mathematics Requirements
The successful completion of all mathematics courses required for the BA in Mathematics including MATH 071 , 072 , 073 , 100 , 114 , 135A , 145 , 171 , 138 or 146 or 172 or 173 , 12 additional s.h. in advanced mathematics numbered above 100 or above, excluding MATH 185 and 198B, chosen under advisement. MATH 100 should be taken in the fall semester of the student’s senior year. Students completing an honors thesis in mathematics are exempt from the MATH 100 requirement. 6. Options Requirements
The successful completion of one of the options listed below. It is the intent of the science options to allow students interested in the applications of mathematics to develop that interest. Mathematics Option
Completion of 9 additional hours of advanced mathematics courses, excluding MATH 185 and 198B, chosen under advisement. Actuarial Science Option
Completion of ACCT 101 , 102 ; ECO 001 , 002 ; FIN 101 , 110 ; and BAN 122 . The advanced mathematics courses must include MATH 137 , 138 . MATH 103 , BAN 150 , CSC 015 and FIN 132 are also strongly recommended. Note that some of these courses require BAN 001 , IT 014 or FIN 110 as prerequisites. Nonbusiness students may take no more than 25 percent of their course work in business subjects. (Students who complete all of these courses in ACCT, ECO, FIN, and BAN with a grade of B- or better will receive validation by Educational Experience Credit from the Society of Actuaries.) Applied Mathematics Option
Completion of 9 additional hours of advanced mathematics, excluding MATH 185 and 198B. Additionally, at least four courses selected from MATH 137 , 138 , 141 , 142 , 147 , 163 , or 165 must be among the mathematics courses taken. Demonstrated ability in computer applications, a requirement which may be met by MATH 147 , CSC 016 , or an appropriate project within another mathematics class. Computer Science Option
Completion of the following courses: Engineering Option
Completion of PHYS 012A , and at least 9 hours of ENGG with MATH 072 as a prerequisite or corequisite. Physics Option
Completion of PHYS 012A and 012B , plus two courses selected from PHYS 104 , 118A , 140 . All mathematics courses and all advanced courses in other areas presented toward the fulfillment of the BS in Mathematics must be completed with a minimum grade of C-. |
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