Feb 12, 2025  
2007 Summer Sessions Bulletin 
2007 Summer Sessions Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Selected Resources

All facilities are closed to observe Memorial Day (May 28) and Independence Day (July 4).



Academic Advisement

Hofstra students who are continuing their studies during the summer may speak with an assistant dean in the Center for University Advisement, in Memorial Hall, Room 101. Advisers will address any questions on class scheduling, program and degree requirements, declaring or changing majors and general academic policy and deadlines. Students who are considering graduate or professional school can also receive helpful advice. Each matriculated undergraduate student’s academic folder, from application to the present, is kept in this office and is available for review upon request. Once a student has declared a major, he/she should meet with a faculty adviser in that major department.

Visiting students may discuss Hofstra programs and courses and gain assistance with scheduling. Students are responsible for consulting with their college or university for approval of transfer credits to meet home school degree requirements.

Continuing Education students, once admitted to one of the certificate programs in accounting, finance, general management, human resources management, international business, labor studies, marketing, business information systems, or the post-baccalaureate premedical program, can receive assistance with registration materials.

During the fall and spring semesters, the Center for University Advisement is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. When classes are in session, evening advisement is available Monday-Thursday until 7 p.m. During the summer, beginning May 26, hours are Monday, 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; Tuesday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Deans in University Advisement are available during the academic year and summer on an appointment-only basis. Students with quick 5-minute questions can come during drop-in hours: Monday through Friday 8-9 a.m. and 4-5 p.m. For further information or to set up an appointment students can call University Advisement at (516) 463-6770 or send an e-mail at universityadvisementappointment@hofstra.edu.


Hofstra University Libraries’ collections are housed in five locations on campus. The Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library on the south campus, our main library, houses circulating book and journal collections, the Harold E. Yuker Reference Library and the John W. Wydler Government Document Depository. The West Campus Library at 619 Fulton Avenue houses Technical Services and Special Collections. The Barbara and Maurice A. Deane Law Library is located in the Seryl and Charles Kushner Hall of the Law School. The Curriculum Materials Center is located in Hagedorn Hall, and the Film and Media Library is in Memorial Hall. The University Libraries’ collections include approximately 1.4 million print volumes and extensive online resources and non-print media.

The Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library: print collections total approximately one million volumes housed on six open-stack floors. The periodicals collection of some 4,000 titles is housed on the ground floor. Most current periodicals are available on open shelves, and the remainder of the collection is in closed stacks with paging service provided. Library holdings can be searched through LEXICAT, the online public catalog (libweb.hofstra.edu/search/Y). Your HofstraCard serves as your library card. Students can check out books in the circulating collection for four weeks. Students are responsible for items they check out. The Axinn Library houses these additional collections:

The Harold E. Yuker Reference Library: located within the Axinn Library, contains a comprehensive reference collection of over 40,000 volumes, many available remotely at any time via the Internet. Services include interlibrary loan with electronic document delivery, reference assistance 93 hours per week via e-mail, telephone and in person. Reference library faculty provide assignment-based and credit-bearing classes in research and information-seeking skills.

The John W. Wydler Government Documents Depository
: located on the second floor within the Axinn Library, houses approximately 341,000 federal and state government publications in a variety of formats (print, microform, CD-ROM) and provides access to a wide variety of electronic government information.
The Barbara and Maurice A. Deane Law Library: contains approximately 558,000 volumes and provides online access to Lexis-Nexis, Westlaw and other legal databases via a wireless network.

The Hofstra Electronic Library: provides 24/7 online access from campus or home to 130 databases, 29,500 full-text journals, and 26,000 electronic books via the Internet. Among the online index and abstract databases available are: America: History and Life, Art Index, Historical Abstracts, Philosophers Index, PsycInfo, and Sociological Abstracts. Full-text journal access is available for electronic resources such as ACM Digital Library, Emerald, Grove Music Online, JSTOR, ARTstor, LEXIS-NEXIS Academic Universe, Project Muse, PsycARTICLES and many others. All electronic resources can be accessed through the University Libraries Web page (www.Hofstra.edu/Libraries).

The Curriculum Materials Center
: located on the lower level of Hagedorn Hall, the CMC is geared to the needs of students and faculty in Hofstra’s School of Education and Allied Human Services. The collection consists of both print and non-print items. Print materials include curriculum guides, textbooks, professional books, children’s and young adult literature, and periodicals and master’s theses in teaching math, science and technology. Non-print items include software, videocassettes, DVDs, and a variety of games, kits, puppets and manipulatives. The collection cover prekindergarten through grade 12 in every subject area as well as materials related to special education and counseling. Most materials are interfiled regardless of format and arranged on open stacks to provide both ready access and the ability to browse in a particular subject area.

The Film and Media Library: in Memorial Hall, provides faculty and students with audiovisual services supporting classroom instruction and student projects. The collection of approximately 7,000 non-print items ⬔ mainly VHS, laser disc and DVDs ⬔ can be searched through LEXICAT. In-house facilities for use of these materials include individual carrels and small-group rooms equipped for use of all formats represented in the collection. Audio and video editing and duplication, and l6mm film-to-video transfer are available.

The West Campus Library, Special Collections: the Special Collections department includes three separate divisions with their own print and manuscript collections. All of these materials are available to faculty, students and the general public for use within the building:

Long Island Studies Institute: houses significant collections for the study of Long Island’s history from before the American Revolution to the present, including books, periodicals, photographs, newspapers, maps, census records and archival collections. The Institute is open to the general public as well as to Hofstra students and faculty.

Rare Books and Manuscripts: collections include the art and history of the book, the history and teaching of reading, the rise of Nazi propaganda in Germany, the Weingrow Avant-Garde Art and Literature Collection, and examples of books from a variety of private presses.

University Archives
: maintains historical non-circulating records of Hofstra University. Official publications, audio and video tapes, and papers of selected members of the Hofstra community are available for research use. The Archives maintains its own indexes, shelf lists and guides to the collections.

Joan and Arnold Saltzman Community Services Center

The Joan and Arnold Saltzman Community Services Center provides a multifaceted program of social services which consists of two independent, but complementary components:

The Diane Lindner-Goldberg Child Care Institute serves children from eight weeks to five years of age. In cooperation with the School of Education and Allied Human Services and other academic departments, the program offers a nurturing curriculum for young children. The Institute is open to all members of the Hofstra family as well as to the general community, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. While the program is predominately full time, there are a few part-time slots available for Hofstra students, staff and faculty. For an application or additional information, call (516) 463-5194.

The Clinical Services Division is comprised of four specialized clinics and institutes:

Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic, (516) 463-5234
Reading/Writing Learning Clinic, (516) 463-5804
Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic, (516) 463-5656
Psychological Evaluation, Research, and Counseling Clinic, (516) 463-5660
Student Counseling Services, (516) 463-6791/6793

For more information about Clinic services, call (516) 463-6535.

Computer Center

There are 175 PCs available in two open-access labs on campus in Calkins Lab and Hammer Lab. These labs provide access to more than 140 software applications, laser printers and scanners. Trained student assistants are available to answer questions and assist as needed. In addition, more than 22 specialized computer labs are available in various academic departments. These computers are for research, completing class assignments and accessing the Internet.

During summer sessions the open-access Hammer Lab is available 24 hours, seven days a week for student use. Access to the computer labs requires a validated HofstraCard. The Hammer Lab has 95 PCs. This lab is located across from the main entrance to the Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library. Additional resources available during the summer include the computer network access provided in the residence halls. All residence hall rooms are equipped with computer network ports that provide access to e-mail and the Internet.

Student Computing Services support the open-access labs, student network accounts and residential computing services. All registered students in good standing are provided with individual e-mail and network accounts. Using the network account, students access the my.Hofstra.edu portal. The my.Hofstra.edu portal provides access to e-mail, saved files, the Hofstra Online Information System, Blackboard and a wealth of other information. Student e-mail accounts remain active until a student graduates or leaves the University.

For further information please visit the Student Computing Web site at www.hofstra.edu/SCS or call (516) 463-7777.

Student Counseling Services

Student Counseling Services provides psychological, vocational and educational counseling within an active short-term treatment approach. Services are provided for Hofstra students by a professional staff in a relaxed and confidential environment. Counseling is available to all students free of charge for a limited number of sessions. General information may be obtained by calling (516) 463-6791 or by visiting the Saltzman Community Services Center located on the South Campus. During the summer, the office of Student Counseling Services is available to students, Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Emergency screening and counseling during hours that Student Counseling Services is not open can be initiated by contacting Public Safety at (516) 463-6791.

The Career Center

The Career Center provides career planning and employment services to all undergraduate and graduate students, with the exception of graduate business and law school students. The latter are served by Graduate Business Career Services, housed in The Career Center building, and Law Career Services, housed in Axinn Hall. Services of The Career Center are designed to assist students to select or refine their career objectives, effectively communicate their goals and plan their job search campaigns or graduate school applications. Individual consultations are encouraged; call
(516) 463-6060 to schedule an appointment.

Summer Employment Opportunities
: Students who are interested in working while attending classes can take advantage of the large number of part- and full-time jobs that are available off-campus in companies in the metropolitan area.

Summer Internship/Externships: Students are encouraged to participate in opportunities which provide practical experience in their chosen career field, internships are available in companies throughout the area including New York City.

For further information on summer employment off-campus, visit www.hofstra.edu/career or visit The Career Center in M. Robert Lowe Hall, located directly behind Monroe Lecture Hall on the southeast corner of the campus. Summer hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Thursday, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fridays. For summer jobs on campus please note there are a large number of part- and full-time jobs available throughout the campus. For more information about on-campus jobs, please refer to the Office of Student Employment below.

Office of Student Employment

Students who are interested in working on campus while attending summer classes can take advantage of the large number of part- and full-time jobs that are available throughout the University. The Office of Student Employment, located in the Human Resources Center, across from the Student Center near the main entrance to North Campus, maintains job information. Jobs are also posted on the Web at www.hofstra.edu under ‘Job Opportunities.’ For further information call (516) 463-6782.

Student Center

In the summer, as well as during the rest of the year, the hub of student activities is the Student Center. Located on the North Campus, the Student Center is the main communication center for all students. To find out what’s happening on campus, stop at the Service Desk for information, class schedules, bulletins and notices of events.

Students are welcome to stop by the Dean of Students Office located on the second floor with any questions or concerns. The Student Center Atrium makes an ideal study center, 24-hours a day, and during the daytime it’s a great place to meet people and become involved in campus life. Below are a few of the services available within the Student Center:

Bookstore: Located in the Student Center Atrium, the Bookstore carries a complete line of academic supplies and books, as well as clothing, toiletries, greeting cards, magazines and candy. The Bookstore is open daily during all summer sessions, Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There are extended hours for the first week of each summer session.

Hair Salon: Hofstra’s Hair Express, located on the second floor of the Student Center, is a reasonably-priced, unisex salon. Periodic ‘Cut-a-thons’ are a best bet, as a student can receive the same high quality haircut at a reduced price. Manicures are also available at Hair Express. The phone number is (516) 463-7647.

Post Office: Located on the lower level of the Student Center is the Hofstra University Post Office where students can purchase stamps or send packages. The summer hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Also located within the Student Center are the Office for Student Activities, student organization offices, the Chaplains, the International Students Office, Residential Life, Center for New Student Support, Commuting Student Affairs Office of Event Management.

Recreation Center

Hofstra’s Recreation Center is open throughout the year, Monday-Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 10:50 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 10:50 p.m. Summer programming includes intramural softball for faculty, staff and students, scheduled volleyball tournaments and spontaneous 3-on-3 basketball tournaments. The Center offers weight training facilities, an aerobics room, state-of-the-art exercise machines and an indoor track. Pool and ping-pong tables are also available. Students must present a valid HofstraCard to use the facility. For recreation information, call (516) 463-6958.

Swim Center

The Hofstra Swim Center offers a 50-meter, Olympic-sized pool (located on the south end of the Physical Fitness Center) and is open for recreational swimming throughout the year. The pool will close for renovations on Friday, May 26 at 11 p.m. and will reopen on Monday, June 11 at 6 a.m.

Upon reopening, the Swim Center hours are: Monday through Friday: 6:15 a.m. to 10:40 p.m., Saturday: Noon to 5:40 p.m., and Sunday: Noon to 7:40 p.m.

From Monday, July 2 through Friday, August 17, the pool is available weekdays from 6:15 to 9 a.m., 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., and 4 to 10:40 p.m. Weekend hours remain the same throughout the summer. Regular weekday hours (6:15 a.m. to 10:40 p.m.) will resume on Monday, August 20.

Students must present a valid HofstraCard in order to use the pool. For further information, call (516) 463-5081.

Hofstra Information Center

The Hofstra Information Center is located at the intersection of Hempstead Turnpike and California Avenue. It is the headquarters for the Department of Public Safety which works 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to ensure the well being of the Hofstra community. Several of the services provided by Public Safety are listed below. For assistance or information, call (516) 463-6606.

Courtesy Shuttle Bus: The campus courtesy ‘Blue Beetle’ bus makes daily scheduled trips to and from the Long Island Rail Road’s Hempstead Station. The ‘Road Runner’ shuttle bus also provides transportation throughout the campus, shopping centers and restaurants within service boundaries on a daily scheduled basis. Both buses run 24 hours a day.

Motorist Assistance Program: Should a member of the Hofstra community experience motor vehicle problems on campus, the Department of Public Safety offers assistance upon request. A Public Safety Officer can retrieve keys from locked cars or jump start dead batteries.

Lost and Found: Located in the Hofstra Information Center and open 24 hours a day. Items can be claimed by producing proper identification.

Escort Service
: From dusk to dawn, upon request, a Public Safety employee will escort you to your car.

Dining Facilities

Hofstra has seven on-campus dining facilities open during the summer, each distinct in menu and ambiance. They are:

Bits’n Bytes Cafe Bistro: Located on the South Campus this dining facility offers a wide range of food concepts.
The Hofstra Deli: Just north of the School of Law, the Hofstra Deli features hot meals, sandwiches, hamburgers, snacks, salads and beverages. An eat-in area is available.
SBarro’s: Italian eatery located in the Student Center Atrium.
Student Center Cafe: The Student Center Cafeteria, centrally located and recently remodeled, offers sizzling salads, an Asian station, wraps and other new concepts.
Burlaps Cafe: Gourmet coffee shop located in the Student Center Atrium.
Cafe on the Quad: Located on the South Campus and features Starbucks coffee.
Cyber Cafe: Located in Hagedorn­ Hall.
Kobricks Coffee Kiosk: Located on the first floor of the Axinn Library.

Student Activities

SUMMERFEST! Throughout June, July and August, Student Activities coordinates programs and social events on various week nights which include sports nights, dances, blockbuster movies, barbecues and much, much more. Road trips are also planned for the Jones Beach Concert Series, Yankees and Mets games, Tanger Outlet Mall, museums, the Bronx Zoo, festivals and cultural events. For additional information, call the Office of Student Activities, (516) 463-6914.

All facilities are closed to observe Memorial Day (May 28) and Independence Day (July 4).