Feb 07, 2025  
2009 Summer Sessions Bulletin 
2009 Summer Sessions Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Study Abroad Programs & Internships





This summer, turn the world into your classroom. Immerse yourself in Italian culture; learn business practices first hand in China, Ireland, or The Netherlands; find yourself on the French Riviera or on the coast of Ireland, or learn to speak Spanish like a Spaniard and much more. 

An international experience benefits students by offering a global outlook that emphasizes the ties among nations and cultures. In addition, it enhances career preparation by teaching valuable cross-cultural and workplace skills that are extremely critical to employers in building their work force. Study abroad can be fun and educational. Much of the experience comes from coping with the challenges of, and learning to adapt to, a foreign environment. Living in another country fosters patience, changes attitude, develops maturity and self-confidence, and enhances understanding of our complex world. A carefully chosen overseas study program can contribute not only to academic and personal growth but to career goals as well.
At Hofstra University, we pride ourselves on the diverse selection of study abroad programs available. Whether students choose to study abroad to enhance the level of a specific language or culture or to expand the knowledge of a specific concentration, they can find an appropriate program. Hofstra offers various program lengths, from one semester to a full year, or during the winter or summer sessions. Students who are interested in studying abroad should meet with a study abroad coordinator. For more information call (516) 463-6947, or e-mail: studyabroad@hofstra.edu

Hofstra Digs Italy (May 20-June 14, 2009)



This program is a unique opportunity for students, interested in classics and the humanities, to earn academic credits while experiencing firsthand the life of the archaeologist in the stunning setting of the Tuscan coast in Italy.

A unique program that allows you to experience firsthand the life of an archaeologist in the beautiful setting of the Tuscan seaside, in Italy and take a distribution course (LT) that counts also as a second language option.

Course offering: LIT 38, Literature and Archaeology of the Roman Countryside (3 s.h.). Part one takes place at Hofstra where students will learn about the history of Roman Italy, from the archaic to the Augustan periods. Part two is intensive archaeological fieldwork in Tuscany, where students will take part in the excavation of a Roman villa at Poggio del Molino.

Students participating in the Hofstra Digs Italy Program pay a program cost and tuition/fees for a one three-credit course.

For further information, please contact program co-directors: Professors Ilaria Marchesi and Steven Smith at (516) 463-7082 or classics@hofstra.edu.

Hofstra in Peru (May 25-June 25, 2009)


This new program gives students the opportunity to take classes and enjoy Peru’s incredibly rich and compelling archaeological heritage and great natural beauty. Students travel to Lima, Cuzco and Machu Picchu. The following undergraduate courses are offered: SPAN 1 , SPAN 2 , SPAN 3 , SPAN 4 , SPAN 5 , SPAN 109 , SPAN 112 , SPAN 113B , SPAN 115B , SPAN 180 ; SPLT 52 ; and RLLT 102 . Graduate courses offered: SPAN 221  and SPAN 222 . Students are required to take six credits.

Participants in this program will pay a program fee in addition to Hofstra tuition and fees for six undergraduate or graduate credits.

For further information about the program, please contact the program director: Dr. Miguel-Angel Zapata, at (516) 463-4766 or Miguel-Angel.Zapata@hofstra.edu.

Italian Odyssey (June 26-July 18, 2009)


Journey with us as we explore both the cultural and intellectual history of Italy in an exciting interdisciplinary program. The adventure begins in the picturesque town of Sorrento, Italy, located on western Italy’s Amalfi Coast at the southern tip of the Bay of Naples. Our stay in Sorrento will also include excursions to the Greek ruins at Paestum, the buried cities of Pompei and Herculaneum (Ercolano), and the wonderfully complex city of Naples. Next we move on to the eternal city of Rome, where we will explore the crossroads of the ancient, medieval and Renaissance ages, visiting the Colosseum, Pantheon, and Trevi Fountain, as well as St. Peter’s and the Vatican museums. We conclude our trip in Florence. Here we will be exposed to the glory of Renaissance art and architecture, while making time to revel in the beauty of the surrounding Tuscan countryside.

The six-credit Italian Odyssey program is composed of two 3-credit Hofstra University courses (both taught in English) which begin at Hofstra: NC 160B - (IS) Rome to Renaissance: Italian Odyssey , taught by Professor Linda Longmire and Dramatic Imagination in Italy, both courses team-taught by Professors Linda Longmire, Cindy Rosenthal and John Teehan. Students are required to take both courses.

Participants in the Italian Odyssey program will pay a program fee in addition to Hofstra tuition and fees for six undergraduate credits. 

For more information and an application for the New College Italian Odyssey Program contact: Professor John Teehan, (516) 463-6412, John.P.Teehan@hofstra.edu.

Hofstra in Sorrento (June 26-August 1, 2009)


Hofstra’s five-week summer program in Sorrento, a seaside resort town in southern Italy, provides students with the opportunity to study Italian culture and language in a full immersion environment. Sorrento is world renowned for its dramatic rock beaches, refined cafés, elegant shops, centuries-old artisan workshops, an international cinema festival, a summer Jazz festival, and its convenient proximity to the posh island retreats of Capri and Ischia, the archeological sites of Pompei and Herculaneum, the picturesque seaside town of Positano, and the breathtaking costiera amalfitana.

While in Sorrento, students live in double rooms, in shared apartments with fully equipped kitchens or can elect to live with host families carefully chosen by the staff of our host school in Sorrento. Host family arrangements include breakfast and dinner every day.

The following ITAL courses are offered: ITAL 1  and/or ITAL 2 , ITAL 3  and/or ITAL 4 , ITAL 105 , ITAL 109  or ITAL 110  and 170D. The following course is offered in English: ITLT 42 . Students must take six credits.

Participants in the Hofstra in Sorrento program will pay a program fee in addition to Hofstra tuition and fees for six undergraduate credits. For further information, please contact the program director: Dr. Simone Castaldi at (516) 463-5488 or Simone.Castaldi@hofstra.edu.

Hofstra in Ireland (June 28-July 23, 2009)


Spend three weeks in Galway on Ireland’s breathtaking Atlantic coast, experience Dublin’s emergence as a global city, and attend cultural events such as plays, films, and music festivals. Ireland is known as the Island of Saints and Scholars and, more recently, as the home of the booming Celtic Tiger economy. Hofstra now offers an exceptional opportunity to study these aspects of Irish life and history and more in classes offered by Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Zarb School of Business.   

Courses include: RELI 16, Religions of India; IB 150 - Introduction to International Business ; and GAEL 1 - Elementary Gaelic - Ireland .

Students have the opportunity to gain knowledge about international business with a real-life business environment in Ireland, European Union’s strongest economy. Through classroom studies with an emphasis on the host country and specific field experiences related to the subject taught, students gain valuable insights and perspectives that enhance and supplement their learning at Hofstra University. Students take their course at the National University of Ireland in Galway. In addition, they visit sites related to learning about business practices in Ireland, listen to guest lecturers, and participate in local trips and a trip to Dublin to visit a well-known business in Ireland.

Participants in Hofstra in Ireland will pay a program fee estimated at $4,000 in addition to Hofstra tuition and fees for three undergraduate credits. The program cost includes: round-trip airfare (New York-Ireland-New York), transportation from airport in Ireland to accommodation in Galway; student accommodation at the National University of Ireland, Galway, for three weeks; excursions to areas of interest; film and theater events during Galway’s Film Festival and the Galway Arts Festival; and a weekend trip to Dublin, Ireland.

Hofstra in Spain (July 1-31, 2009)


The 2009 Hofstra Summer Program in Spain will be based in Santiago de Compostela, a UNESCO World Heritage City in the northwest of the country. Santiago is an exceptionally beautiful city; its medieval and Renaissance streets and architecture are enchanting.

By taking part in the program you will enjoy the opportunity to travel to Madrid. We offer full tours of major cultural attractions, including the Prado Museum, Reina Sofia Museum of Modern Art, and Royal Palace.

The program is open to both Hofstra and non-Hofstra students, and a full range of language courses are offered. These courses, taught by expert professors from the University of Santiago, help fulfill university requirements. In addition, experienced Hofstra faculty teach an exciting variety of courses in Spanish literature and language and two specially designed English language distribution courses in history (including one cross-cultural).

The following undergraduate courses are being offered:  SPAN 1 , SPAN 2 , SPAN 3 , SPAN 4 , SPAN 109 , SPAN 120 , SPAN 180 ; SPLT 51  and SPLT 52 ; HIST 20 . Graduate courses offered: SPAN 222  and SPAN 226 .

Participants in the Hofstra in Spain Program will pay a program fee in addition to Hofstra tuition and fees for six undergraduate (or graduate) credits. For further information, please contact the program director: Professor Chad Rice at (516) 463-5487 or Chad.A.Rice@hofstra.edu.

Hofstra in Paris (July 1-August 1)


The Hofstra in Paris Program offers the unique opportunity to earn academic credits in French and in English-language literature courses while experiencing Paris’ artistic and literary richness. Program highlights include:

  • Take distribution courses (LT), complete your language requirement or your French major or minor, and even take courses with an individual honors option.
  • Learn about arts and literature through guided visits of museums and writers’ houses.
  • Spend the last week in Nice, on the French Riviera, discover Monaco, and visit San Remo, a beautiful city on the Italian Riviera.

The following courses are offered in French: FREN 1 , FREN 2 , FREN 3 , FREN 4 , FREN 110  and FREN 142 . The following courses are offered in English: FRLT 43 , FRLT 45  and RLLT 102 . Students are required to take six credits.

Participants in this program will pay a program fee in addition to Hofstra tuition and fees for six undergraduate credits. For further information about the program, please contact the program director: Dr. Sabine Loucif, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at (516) 463-6572 or Sabine.Loucif@hofstra.edu.

Hofstra in Japan (July 8-August 5, 2009)


Discover traditional and modern Japan through a three-week study abroad program. After three days of intense classroom sessions at Hofstra, the program begins in Tokyo, and then moves to Shirakawa, Nagoya and Hachinohe. 

The following courses will be offered: ASST 150, Special Topic: “Tea Ceremony” (1 s.h.);

 ; JPST 1, Discover Japan (3 s.h.); PSC 145 - (CC) Japan: Government and Politics .

Participants in the Hofstra in Japan Program will pay a program fee in addition to Hofstra tuition and fees for three to six undergraduate credits.

For further information please contact the program director: Dr. Takashi Kanatsu, Department of Political Science, at (516) 463-5602 or Takashi.Kanatsu@hofstra.edu.

Hofstra in China (May 18-June 17, 2009)


Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

The Hofstra in China HCLAS Program establishes its base in Shanghai and takes place at East China Normal University, which boasts the most beautiful campus in Shanghai. While taking courses in Chinese language, culture and literature, students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of cultural excursions. A two-and-a-half-day visit to Beijing constitutes a final highlight of the program.

Course offerings include: ASST 11 ; LIT 87 ; CHIN 1 , CHIN 2 , CHIN 3A , CHIN 4 , CHIN 5 , CHIN 110 , and advanced Chinese classes beyond CHIN 5. Students can take either three or six credits.

Participants in the Hofstra in China Program will pay a program fee in addition to Hofstra tuition and fees for three to six undergraduate credits. For further information, please contact the program director: Dr. Zuyan Zhou, at (516) 463-5438 or Zuyan.Zhou@hofstra.edu.

Zarb School in China (Beijing)

The Zarb School’s program in China offers Hofstra business students the opportunity to integrate their knowledge about international business/marketing gained in classrooms by exposing them to real-life business environment in China, the fastest-growing economy in the world. Through such field experiences, students gain valuable experiential insights and perspectives that enhance and supplement their learning at Hofstra University. Students take MKT 170 /MKT 220  International Marketing in two stages: they attend three weeks of classes on campus where they learn about international marketing, and then they travel to China to experience the subject firsthand and attend more lectures at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing. Students will visit businesses and learn about business practices in China. Local scholars and company personnel will give guest lectures to expose students to the local environment. For further information about Zarb School in China, please contact Dr. Yong Zhang, Department of Marketing and International Business, 127 Weller Hall,
(516) 463-5713 or Yong.Zhang@hofstra.edu.

Hofstra’s Exchange Program With the University of Amsterdam


The Zarb School of Business offers students the opportunity to travel to The Netherlands to take classes either on a full-time basis during a regular semester or on a part-time basis during the summer at the University of Amsterdam. Students from the University of Amsterdam also benefit from this exchange program and may take courses at Hofstra. For more information about the School of Business’ exchange program with the University of Amsterdam, please contact Ms. Gioia Bales, Assistant Dean, Third Floor Weller Hall, (516) 463-5703.

Hofstra’s Exchange Program With Erasmus University


The Zarb School of Business in cooperation with Erasmus University offers an exchange program for graduate students majoring in finance. Under advisement, Zarb School students may register for courses offered as part of the Master in Financial Management program at Erasmus University, and Erasmus students may register for courses in the Master of Science in Quantitative Finance program and other graduate finance courses at Hofstra. For further information about Hofstra’s exchange program with Erasmus University, please contact the Department of Finance, 221 Weller Hall, (516) 463-5698 or MSQF@hofstra.edu

Off-Campus Education


Off-Campus Education (OCE) provides opportunities for students to participate in domestic or international internships and study abroad (through non-Hofstra programs) for Hofstra undergraduate credit. Areas in which internships may be available include corporations, non-profit organizations, museums, political offices, theaters, and education. Study abroad program dates, internship opportunities, and deadlines vary. Students interested in domestic internships should contact the Domestic Off-Campus Education office at (516) 463-5823. Students interested international internships or non-Hofstra study abroad programs should contact the International Off-Campus Education office (516) 463-5822.