Oct 17, 2024  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Admission (Undergraduate)

Hofstra University’s Admissions home page.

Office: Admissions Center, Bernon Hall
Telephone: (516) 463-6700; 1-800-HOFSTRA
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Admission Information

Admission to Hofstra University is considered selective. Students are admitted as freshmen or transfers. All applicants are carefully reviewed to consider their potential for success through a review of the application and required supporting credentials.

Hofstra University welcomes applicants from all economic, social, and geographic backgrounds.

Procedures for Applying

All candidates for admission should submit the following to the Office of Admission, Hofstra University, Hempstead NY, 11549.

  1. A completed application for admission. Applications may be obtained online at www.hofstra.edu/apply or by calling (516) 463-6700.
  2. Nonrefundable application fee. (See the Tuition and Fees section of this Bulletin.)
  3. Official high school and college transcripts (if applicable).
  4. Results of required standardized testing.
  5. Essay.
  6. Counselor or teacher recommendation.

Candidates will not be considered for admission until an application is complete. The Office of Admission reserves the right to waive particular admission requirements at its discretion.

Applying for Financial Aid

All candidates for admission are encouraged to apply for financial assistance. Applications for financial assistance are made by filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This free application will allow candidates to be considered for all types of Hofstra financial assistance as well as Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Federal TEACH Grants, Federal Stafford Student Loans (including the Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Student Loan), Federal Perkins Loans, Federal Work-Study, and other federal financial aid programs.

For more information on financial aid, see the Tuition, Financial Aid & Scholarships  of this Bulletin

Campus Visits

All students interested in applying to Hofstra University are encouraged to visit the campus. Campus visits are available Monday through Saturday. Students should contact the Office of Admission well in advance of their visit to make arrangements. Information sessions, campus tours and class visitations all can be arranged for students via hofstra.edu/visit or by calling 1-800-HOFSTRA.

First-year Admission

First-year applicants have two application options. Early Action is a nonbinding early application and notification process. Students accepted via Early Action are not required to withdraw other college applications but are required to notify Hofstra University of their intentions by May 1. Hofstra has two Early Action periods: when submitted by November 15, notification begins on December 15; when submitted by December 15, notification begins on January 15.

Regular Decision candidates are considered on a “rolling basis.” While there is no deadline date for applicants, students are encouraged to apply early so as to receive the fullest consideration. Regular Decision candidates begin receiving notification of their admission decisions in early February and on a rolling basis thereafter.

The Office of Admission considers a variety of factors when reviewing candidates for admission. Significant emphasis is placed on the student’s high school record. The most competitive applicants will have followed a rigorous college preparatory curriculum within their high school and will have taken advantage of honors and advanced placement level courses where appropriate.

The Office of Admission prefers to see a high school curriculum which includes:

  • 4 years of English
  • 3 to 4 years of social studies
  • 3 years of mathematics (4 years for engineering applicants)
  • 3 years of science (4 years for engineering applicants)
  • 2 to 3 years of foreign language

The results of either the SAT I examination or the ACT examination (with writing) should be submitted by the applicant. Testing should be completed by the fall of the applicant’s senior year of high school. Applicants should have their test scores sent directly from the testing agency to Hofstra. Further information about these tests can be found at the testing agencies’ Web sites: www.collegeboard.com and www.act.org.

Additional information, such as letters of recommendation, an essay, and extracurricular involvement, will also be considered as part of the applicant’s review. Interviews are not required for applicants but are available.

Early Admission

High school juniors who have maintained extremely high levels of achievement may apply for early admission. Students seeking such admission would need to follow all the guidelines specified for freshman admission. In addition, applicants seeking early admission would need to obtain a letter of recommendation from their school principal or director of guidance specifically endorsing the student’s application for early admission. In most circumstances, candidates for early admission will be required to interview with the Office of Admission prior to the rendering of an admissions decision.

Transfer Admission

Hofstra University accepts transfer applications for the fall and spring semesters. Transfer candidates are considered on a “rolling basis.” While there is no deadline date for applicants, students are encouraged to apply on or before March 1 for the fall semester and November 1 for the spring semester so as to receive the fullest consideration. Transfer applicants begin receiving notification of their admissions decisions in mid-November for the spring semester and late February for the fall semester and on a rolling basis thereafter.

The Office of Admission considers a variety of factors when reviewing candidates for transfer admission. Significant emphasis is placed on the student’s college record. For applicants in their first year of college (those with less than 24 earned credits), high school records and standardized test scores will also be reviewed. Applicants with 24 or more earned college credits are not required to submit standardized test scores.

Shortly after acceptance, transfer students will receive a statement of transfer credit. Transfer credit is evaluated on a tentative basis initially and a final statement of transfer credit will be prepared after students have provided a final official transcript for each previously attended colleges and universities to Hofstra University. All applicants admitted with advanced standing must meet the requirements for the University for residence and graduation. Applicants should refer to the Academic Policies and Procedures  section of this Bulletin.

Transfer Credit

Official college transcripts of completed course work from all prior institutions should be forwarded directly to the Office of Admission for evaluation as part of the student’s application for admission. Transfer credit will be given for appropriate courses completed at regionally accredited institutions previously attended in accordance with the ratings contained in the current Report of Credit Given by Educational Institutions of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. In order to be properly advised, students must provide the University with official transcripts from all prior institutions at the onset of advisement so that all prior coursework can be evaluated appropriately.

If necessary, as an aid to advisement, pending receipt of all official transcripts, Hofstra University will perform an unofficial evaluation of course work on unofficial transcripts. This unofficially evaluated course work will be posted without credit on the Hofstra transcript for the student’s first semester in residence. Any remaining unofficial credit on the student’s transcript will be removed until the student submits all outstanding documents necessary to process the credit officially. All financial aid awards and degree advisement is based solely on the credit that is listed on a student’s Hofstra transcript. Failure to submit outstanding transfer credit requirements in a timely manner may impact financial awards and completion toward degree. Unofficial transfer course work does not count toward the total number of credits earned at Hofstra University. In addition, unofficial transfer courses are not assigned to categories within the Degree Audit Report (DAR).

Transfer Credit Policy

Appropriate courses completed with a minimum grade of C- or the equivalent at fully accredited institutions are transferable. Upon completion of at least 30 semester hours at a fully accredited institution, transfer credit will be granted for appropriate courses with D and D+ grades for a total of 9 semester hours providing the student has a final cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better at this previous institution. Grades attained at another institution are not recorded on the Hofstra record and are not included in the grade point average to meet graduation requirements. Appropriate courses completed at regionally institutions with a grade of D or the equivalent will be considered for course credit without semester hour value. These may not apply toward the total number of credits needed for graduation. As many as 30 elective credits graded on a pass/fail basis from another accredited institution may be transferred to Hofstra. Students transferring to Hofstra with more than 30 credits graded on a Pass/Fail basis must have the approval of the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee. For these students, courses graded pass/fail shall not exceed 50 percent of the total credit hours required for the degree.

  1. A course deemed appropriate for transfer is one which might logically be a part of the course of study offered at Hofstra University.
  2. The semester hours of transfer credit (advanced standing) allowed a transfer will not necessarily apply to the major selected by the student and may not necessarily satisfy university graduation requirements.
  3. A maximum of 64 semester hours is transferable from a junior or community college with the following exceptions:
    a. engineering programs, 69 semester hours and
    b. business administration programs, 65 semester hours.
  4. The amount of transfer credit per course shall not exceed the amount of semester hour credit allowed at the credit granting institution.
  5. Credits earned at institutions on quarter or term systems shall be prorated with the semester system.
  6. Credit evaluation is completed after admission and prior to registration. Hofstra has transfer credit articulation agreements with various institutions including Nassau Community College and Suffolk County Community College.
  7. Details of established course equivalencies can be found here.

NOTE: Switching schools and/or majors might affect a student’s graduation date if some of the transfer credits are no longer applicable to the new major.

Visiting Undergraduate Students

Visiting undergraduate students must apply by visiting the Office of Undergraduate Admission (Bernon Hall, 516-463-6700). Visiting students who intend to transfer Hofstra course credit back to their home schools are encouraged to discuss their plans with an academic adviser at their home school prior to enrolling. A total of 12 credits can be earned as a visiting student while attending Hofstra. Additional credits may be taken upon approval from the Director of Admission. Students can enroll in consecutive terms as a visiting student until the 12 credit limit is reached without reapplying through the Office of Admission. 

High school students who have completed their junior year may attend summer sessions at Hofstra University as a visiting student. Students may register for certain introductory courses for which all prerequisites have been met. It is strongly recommended that high school students discuss their plans in advance with their guidance counselors. High school students apply through the Office of Undergraduate Admission (Bernon Hall, 516-463-6700). 

Students who attend summer sessions as visiting undergraduate students and wish to be considered for admission for the fall or spring semester must apply to Hofstra through the Office of Admission.

Advanced Standing

Hofstra University participates in the following testing programs for which students may receive advanced standing upon admission:

  • Advanced Placement Examinations (AP)
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • International Baccalaureate Program (IB)

Students should forward official testing results to the Office of Admission. Examination results will be evaluated prior to enrollment. The maximum number of credits that may be received through tested credit is 30. Credit will not be awarded for CLEP exams taken in foreign language.

Proof of High School Completion

Admitted students intending to enroll at the university must submit their final high school transcript or proof of degree (copy of high school diploma) to the Office of Admission. Students are not permitted to begin classes at Hofstra until proof of their high school degree is received. In addition, federal financial aid will not be applied to the student’s account until proof of the student’s high school degree is received (when applicable).

New York state residents will be ineligible to receive New York state Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) funds if the high school diploma is not on file by the first day of classes.

The admission office will confirm all student’s transcripts arrive from a high school with a College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) code, as well as the high school seal and/or signature. If a transcript is from a high school that lacks a CEEB code or seal/signature, the admission office will investigate to confirm the school is recognized by the state department of education or home school association. The admission office may request a copy of the student’s diploma at any point in the admission process to verification process. If a diploma is determined invalid, a General Education Development (GED) test may be required for admission consideration.

Hofstra University does not admit students who only complete an Ability To Benefit test with no other proof of high school graduation or college transcript.


Hofstra University students who have registered for the semester immediately preceding the one in which they wish to return, but who have withdrawn from all courses during that semester, need not apply for readmission and may register as continuing students. Students who have interrupted their studies at Hofstra University and wish to return must apply for readmission at the Office of Admission. See the Academic Policies and Procedures  section of this Bulletin for information on Hofstra’s Leave of Absence/Withdrawal policy.

Application should be made well in advance of the beginning of the semester. NOTE: Any student, who was academically dismissed or suspended from Hofstra and is seeking readmission, must submit a written appeal for readmission to the Academic Records Committee. The appeal is processed through the Center for University Advisement.

Students who attend two-year institutions after interrupting their studies at Hofstra may lose transfer credit upon readmission to Hofstra if the total credits earned at Hofstra and the other institution exceed 60, junior standing.

Note that students who are withdrawn or dismissed from the NOAH Program and who are seeking to attend the University in any other capacity (but not in the NOAH Program) must reapply through the Dean of Undergraduate Admission. Students seeking to return to the NOAH Program must appeal to the NOAH Program Executive Director and reapply through the Dean of Undergraduate Admission.

Undergraduate students who have no record of attendance at Hofstra for a period of 15 months or more must follow the requirements set forth in the Bulletin in effect when they are readmitted.

Service Member Readmission

Hofstra University is sensitive to the fact that our students may leave the University or postpone an offer of admission in order to perform military service, and encourages those students to resume their education once that service has ended.

Before You Leave
Qualified students who seek to take a leave of absence to perform military service should give notice of service to the Office of Student Financial Services & Registrar as far in advance as is reasonable under the circumstances, unless military necessity prevents advance notice. If advance notice is not provided, students must provide verification that they performed military service upon returning to the University.

When You Are Ready To Return
When students wish to be readmitted, they should give notice of their intent to return to the Office of Admission. Veterans will be entitled to be readmitted and will be readmitted with the same academic status as when they last attended so long as:

  1. There is no disqualifying event, such as a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge;
  2. The cumulative length of absence and all previous absences for military service (service time only) does not exceed the established time period for such leave (generally 5 years); and
  3. The student notifies the University of his or her intent to return within 3 years from the completion of the period of service, or, if recovering from a service-related illness or injury, no later than 2 years after the recovery.

The University is committed to assist those service members seeking readmission. When necessary, and as determined on a case by case basis, the University will offer appropriate academic services, free of charge, to help students become prepared to resume their studies with the same academic status where they left off or to help the student be prepared to complete the program.

Students Originally Enrolled in Special Programs

Students originally enrolled in special programs (such as NOAH, the School for University Studies, the English Language Program) who have left the program and who are seeking readmission to the University shall be readmitted by action of the Academic Records Committee only after consulting with the special unit to which they were originally admitted.

Inactive Grades

For readmission after an absence from the University for at least five years, the student may elect, by writing to the Center for University Advisement, to have all previously earned grades treated in the same manner as transfer grades for purposes of readmission and graduation, but not for purposes of academic honors and graduating class rank. In that case, the student will have to meet the same requirements as they apply to all other students. In addition, in order to graduate, students must complete at least 15 semester hours in residence with letter grades other than P with a grade-point average of 2.0 or better. (Refer to specific programs for requirements.)