Sep 24, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Studies Bulletin 
2017-2018 Graduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Course Descriptions


Foundations of Education (FDED)

  • FDED 247 - The Family as Educator: Multicultural Dimensions

    Semester Hours: 3
    Within America’s multiculturally diverse society, families are the first educators not only for infants, children, and adolescents, but for adults. Within the context of the family, important values, attitudes, and skills are first shaped and continue to be reinforced. Gender roles, religious identity, social class status, and ethnic group membership are conveyed within families and further reinforced by community institutions. Educators seeking to understand learners (be they infants, children, adolescents, or adults) must attend to familial patterns and variations as well as to community-based institutions. Education is, in the final analysis, much more than schooling.

  • FDED 255 - Seminar: Social Foundations of Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    Content varies and students should obtain information about the area of focus for a given semester before registering for the seminar. These seminars are designed to take advantage of the special competence of visiting professors and to facilitate special attention to particularly timely problems and issues, or issues of special concern to a specific group of students or faculty.

  • FDED 256 - Seminar: Social Foundations of Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    Content varies and students should obtain information about the area of focus for a given semester before registering for the seminar. These seminars are designed to take advantage of the special competence of visiting professors and to facilitate special attention to particularly timely problems and issues, or issues of special concern to a specific group of students or faculty.

  • FDED 257 - Seminar: Philosophy of Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    Content varies and students should obtain information about the area of focus for a given semester before registering for the seminar. These seminars are designed to take advantage of the special competence of visiting professors and to facilitate special attention to particularly timely problems and issues, or issues of special concern to a specific group of students or faculty.

  • FDED 258 - Seminar: Philosophy of Education

    Semester Hours: 3
    Content varies and students should obtain information about the area of focus for a given semester before registering for the seminar. These seminars are designed to take advantage of the special competence of visiting professors and to facilitate special attention to particularly timely problems and issues, or issues of special concern to a specific group of students or faculty.

  • FDED 280 - Logical Foundations of Teaching and Method

    Semester Hours: 3
    Logical and linguistic foundations of teaching and classroom method. Elements of logic and philosophical semantics as applied to classroom teaching for critical thinking and inquiry: types of definition and meaning, conceptions of inference and reasoning, types of statements and modes of discourse-all as related to teaching operations.

  • FDED 285-289 A-Z - Special Topics

    Semester Hours: 1-3
    Fall, January, Spring, Summer
    Specific courses designed to explore emerging topics in foundations of education.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    As individual subjects are selected, each is assigned a letter (A-Z) and added to the course number. Specific titles and course descriptions for special topics courses are available in the online class schedule. Any course may be taken a number of times so long as there is a different letter designation each time it is taken.


French (FREN)

  • FREN 301 - Master’s Essay

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course represents a department member’s guidance and sponsoring of a student who undertakes to write a master’s essay. In the manner of the master’s thesis, the essay is expected to show thoroughness of scholarship. The student may present an original translation together with a substantial scholarly introduction and footnoted variants and explanations. Material for which prior translations exist will not be acceptable.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Credit will be given when the essay is approved by appropriate members of the department.

Integrated Management Studies (IMS) (*Formerly GBUS*)

  • IMS 220 - Applied Business Principles and Aging

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    An introductory general business course for health care professionals. Major components of business, including financial planning, strategic analysis, marketing management, and the management of human resources and organizations are examined. Emphasis is on how these concepts specifically relate to the aging population. Included are topics on the elderly as a viable market, management of health care facilities, and promotion of health care products and services. Functional categories of decision making, organizing and allocation of resources for administrators who operate in the area of the elderly are discussed.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Open only to students matriculated in the Gerontology program. Not for MBA degree credit. (Formerly GBUS 220.)

  • IMS 257 A-Z - Seminar: Special Topics in General Business

    Semester Hours: 3
    An advanced in-depth treatment of special topics. Current topics are explored through a variety of methods, such as lectures, projects and case studies. As individual subjects are selected, each is assigned a letter (A-Z) which is affixed to the course number. Students may take up to two of these courses to fulfill their major requirements so long as each seminar has a different letter designation. Specific titles and course descriptions for special topics courses are available in the online class schedule.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    MGT 207  and any additional prerequisites as stated in the course schedule. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements. (Formerly GBUS 257 A-Z.)

  • IMS 330 - Graduate Internship

    Semester Hours: 3
    An interdisciplinary business internship open to graduate students from any specialization offered in the Zarb School of Business. Students work a minimum of 100 hours in the semester for selected business organizations. Students must submit periodic progress reports for review and a comprehensive in-depth evaluation of a complex strategic business decision at the end of the semester. Most internships carry some form of monetary remuneration.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    All core competency courses or approved equivalents, 24 graduate-level credits with a 3.3 average and permission of the department chairperson in the area of the student’s concentration and permission of the Management and Entrepreneurship  Department chairperson. Open only to matriculated graduate students in the Zarb School of Business and in other Schools at Hofstra where appropriate. See specific program requirements. (Formerly GBUS 330.)

Geology (GEOL)

  • GEOL 280 A-Z - Regional Geology for Teachers and Travelers

    Semester Hours: 1-4
    Intended for elementary and secondary school teachers who wish to expand their knowledge of field geology and its underlying concepts and explore in detail the geology of a particular geographic region. Courses may include some classroom time, but are primarily field trip experience designed to examine the geomorphic features and rock formations of a region and to interpret the geological processes that have operated through time.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Permission of the instructor. As individual regions are selected, each is assigned a letter (A-Z) and added to the course number. This course may be taken a number of times so long as there is a different letter designation each time it is taken. Specific titles and course descriptions for special topics courses are available in the online class schedule.

German (GERM)


Gerontology (GRON)

  • GRON 211 - Aging With Developmental Disabilities

    Semester Hours: 3
    People with developmental disabilities have significant physiological, functional, and psychosocial changes as they age. This course addresses these issues and examines ways for families, community practitioners, and advocates to meet varied needs of this growing population. Programs for this population will be examined.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Fifteen clock hours of site visitation is required.

  • GRON 218 - Principles and Practices for Gerontological Marketing

    Semester Hours: 3
    Gerontological organizations must reach-out to older people and their families in an ever-changing society. This course offers principles and practices in marketing gerontological programs and services. GRON 218 focuses primarily on strategies that not-for-profit organizations can use for marketing their programs and services to mature markets. There will also be discussions about gerontological marketing for entrepreneurial and large service organiztions. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    ANTH 215 , GRON 244 , and IMS 220  or COUN 203  for counseling track and permission of adviser. May not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.  


  • GRON 244 - Aging, Public Policy and the Law

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    This is a survey course which examines the gerontological implications of major government programs, as well as legal and policy issues arising from the aging of the U.S. population. Emphasis is on areas where policy changes are required to meet the evolving social and legal needs of older people. Topics include income maintenance, health care, long-term care and control over decision making by and for frail older people.

  • GRON 248 - Life-Long Learning for the Aging

    Semester Hours: 3
    While adult learning has become a well-developed and mature discipline, less emphasis has been given to the educational and intellectual interest of the older adult. Focus on the relationship between teaching and learning, and the aging process. Emphasis on the special aspects and issues involved in lifelong learning for the more senior members of our society.

  • GRON 250 - Elder Abuse: Etiologies, Detection and Interventions

    Semester Hours: 3
    This course examines the growing incidence of physical, psychological, financial and sexual elder-abuse, and ways for community practitioners and advocates to meet the varied needs of this population, which will grow as the percentage of the elderly increases. An overview of the scope and nature of the problem, identification and assessment of elder abuse, and appropriate interventions for this population will be examined.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    This course may not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.

  • GRON 255 - Aging in American Life

    Semester Hours: 3
    An overview of gerontological theory and practice, with emphasis on ways that gerontology is being (re)shaped by the rapid aging of the U.S. population. This course includes a look at the changing demographic structure of the U.S. population, and an analysis of social institutions being (re)shaped by the aging of the U.S. population. This includes the family, health care, retirement, and American community life. Students learn basic research strategies and theoretical perspectives on aging, with abundant examples drawn from life in the contemporary United States.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Credit given for this course or ANTH 215  or GRON 283A.

  • GRON 290 - Supervised Field Visits to Geriatric Settings

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    Off-campus supervised field visits to a variety of geriatric settings, and on-campus group discussions of those visits. Each field visit will last approximately 2 hours. Students will be accompanied by the professor on every field visit. Group discussions of fieldwork will last 90 minutes and will occur on the Hofstra campus, typically in the week following each visit. The goal of the fieldwork is to acquaint students with the full range of geriatric settings, community supports, and opportunities for gerontologists who work in such settings.

  • GRON 294 - Administrative Internship

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, January, Spring, Summer
    This is a cooperative administrative internship at a community agency, nursing home, assisted living facility, senior center, or other organization which provides services or social support to older people. The intern will observe, study and report on agency policies, procedures and services. Where appropriate, the intern will participate in activities, staff meetings, and outreach efforts. The intern will work on-site, with a qualified staff-member and in addition, will be supervised by faculty. There will be bi-weekly seminars held to consider the gerontological significance of the internship. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Departmental approval. Pass/Fail grade only.

  • GRON 295 - Administrative Internship

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, January, Spring, Summer
    This is a cooperative administrative internship at a community agency, nursing home, assisted living facility, senior center, or other organization which provides services or social support to older people. The intern will observe, study and report on agency policies, procedures and services. Where appropriate, the intern will participate in activities, staff meetings, and outreach efforts. The intern will work on-site, with a qualified staff-member and in addition, will be supervised by faculty. There will be bi-weekly seminars held to consider the gerontological significance of the internship.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Departmental approval. Pass/Fail grade only.


Health Administration (HADM)

  • HADM 200 - U.S. Health System

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    An overview of the current health services system in the United States.  Emphasis on describing such health services as hospitals, nursing homes, ambulatory and home health care, behavioral health facilities, as well as issues relating to governmental roles, health insurance and professional autonomy and development.  Materials stress how the current health services system can better organize, deliver, and finance health care.   National trend data reviewed to document the evolution of health services and the prospects for change.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    (Formerly U.S. Health Services System.)

  • HADM 201 - Health Policy and Analysis

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Explores the determinants, components, and process of health policymaking, as well as the options and constrains of health policies in the United States.  Topics will outline the development of U.S. health policies and examine a number of specific health policy issues and challenges facing the nation.  International comparisons will be featured to contrast political forces and their roles in policy analysis, formulation, implementation, evaluation, and change.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200  or adviser permission.  (Formerly Health Policy and Legislation.)

  • HADM 202 - Health Law and Ethics

    Semester Hours: 3

    Fall, Spring
    Investigates legal and ethical issues and problems encountered by administrators of health care facilities and programs. Topics discussed include government regulation of health care providers; patient consent to and refusal of treatment; reproduction issues; privacy and confidentiality; and mental health issues.  Students analyze legislation, ethicists’ commentary, and case law in medicine and healthcare through research and class participation. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200  or adviser permission.



  • HADM 204 - Health Care Economics

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Applies micro- and macro-economic concepts, principles, and methods to the organization, delivery, costs, and financing of health services, while focusing on how economic factors influence access to health services.  The history of how health care economics developed in the United States and defied the laws of supply and demand is explored. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200  or adviser permission. (Formerly Health Economics.) 

  • HADM 205 - Health Care Finance

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring    
    Application of financial theories, concepts, and models to health services systems with an emphasis on the role of financial principles and analysis to decision-making.  Focuses on strategic financial planning, contract management, and the art of negotiation that promotes the integration of finance and managed care structures, such as health maintenance organizations (HMOs), preferred provider organizations (PPOs), and independent practice associations (IPAs). 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200  or adviser permission. (Formerly Health Systems Finance.)

  • HADM 206 - Health Services Organizational Behavior and Analysis

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Applies management concepts, methods, and theories to contemporary health service organizations and service delivery systems.  Emphasis placed on environmental characteristics, personality constructs and development, political consequences, organizational mission and goals, structures and processes of present and evolving health services organizations. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200  or adviser permission.

  • HADM 208 - Epidemiology for Health Care Managers

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    This course provides a comprehensive overview of the applications of epidemiologic methods to the understanding of the occurrence and control of conditions, such as infections, chronic diseases, mental disorders, community and environmental health hazards, accidents and injuries. This course will provide a foundation in the knowledge of the science of epidemiology and its principles to facilitate the ability to analyze and interpret data and made evidence-based decisions and interventions. Topics include surveillance, quantitative measures of disease frequency, epidemiologic study designs, and statistical measures of effect.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200  or adviser permission.  (Formerly Health Services Research for Managers.)

  • HADM 209 - Health Management Leadership

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    A critical examination of the essential components of leadership qualities and characteristics necessary for a successful health services management career.  Course focuses on the key values that guide a leader’s personal and professional behavior in a frequently changing health services environment.  Selected definitions, theories, and models of leadership in health services systems will be analyzed and discussed. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of 27 semester hours in the Health Administration, MHA  program. (Formerly Health Administration Leadership.)

  • HADM 220 - Behavioral Health Administration

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Studies the delivery and organization of behavioral health services including types of providers and treatment settings, professional training and licensure and their implications to diagnosis, treatment options and payment systems, concepts of adherence/compliance, the relationship between mental health and physical well-being, and emerging behavioral health issues. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200  or adviser permission.

  • HADM 221 - Hospital Organization and Administration

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    The administration and organization of health care organizations and systems, hospital networks, and other health care settings today are both complex and dynamic, creating a vast organizational structure that can greatly impact operational efficiency, access, flow, health outcomes, quality of care, and patient satisfaction. This course will examine modern methods and techniques of organizational and managerial process, care coordination and integration, the organization and administration of various health care systems, operating revenue cycle budgets and how care delivery under health care reform will shape the way health care systems and settings are organized and managed. Elements of patient satisfaction and the impact of HCAHPS will be examined as we all aspects of today’s health care organization.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200  or adviser permission.

  • HADM 222 - Medical Practice Administration

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Applies management strategies to several types of medical provider arrangements including solo practices, partnerships, groups, and academic medical practices.  Reviews the development of practices, marketing, administrative roles, human resources functions, daily office operations, and financial considerations as they apply to medical practices.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200  or adviser permission. 

  • HADM 223 - Ambulatory Care Administration

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Course surveys the essential components of ambulatory care services by reviewing management techniques, financial systems, organizational diversity, strategic planning methods, and historical perspectives relating to ambulatory systems. Basic concepts of management are discussed as they apply to ambulatory care settings including clinics, private practices, freestanding medical systems, and prisons.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200  or adviser permission.

  • HADM 224 - Home Health Administration

    Semester Hours: 3

    Once a Year
    Examines the administration and provision of non-institutional home healthcare services.  Emphasis placed on organizational structure, service delivery, financing, costs, staffing, utilization review, quality assurance and needs methodology.  Also studied are options to home health services, such as adult day care and comprehensive outpatient rehabilitative care. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200  or adviser permission.



  • HADM 230 - Nursing Home and Long Term Care Administration

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Examines the delivery of nursing home and long-term care services within institutional and community-based settings. Topics include geriatric illnesses; environmental and safety regulations; medical emergencies; human relations aspects of patient care; nursing policy; legal, organizational and management issues of long-term care; and utilization review and medical record keeping. Special attention is given to selected long-term care models, case management services, and the role of the gerontologist in long-term care settings.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200  or adviser permission.

  • HADM 231 - Nutrition and Aging

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Explores the importance of evidence-based nutrition data, nutritional practices, and nutrition education for the aging. Theoretical components of nutrition in aging provides a basis for students to recommend appropriate nutrition programs for aging populations.  Psychosocial and cultural influences of nutrition on the elderly are also discussed. 

  • HADM 233 - Aging Policies, Planning and Administration for the Aging

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Explores the special needs and service requirements of an increasingly diverse senior citizen population. Applies strategic and political planning principles needed to administer effectively and efficiently a broad range of intergrated services, as well as fostering sensitivity and understanding among staff that serve the aged population.

  • HADM 240 - Health Services Human Resources

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Reviews activities associated with managing personnel unique to health services industry.  Discussed in depth are such personnel office functions as recruiting, selecting, training, motivating, leading, and evaluating staff and credentials.  Also studied are reimbursement structures, as well as practical operations necessary to manage a diverse and professional operations staff.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200  or adviser permission.

  • HADM 241 - Performance Improvement and Risk Management Strategies

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Reviews and evaluates the processes necessary for monitoring quality in healthcare settings.  Performance improvement strategies include risk and utilization management as the mechanisms employed to address cost containment and treat medical liability issues.  The interrelationship among quality, utilization, and risk management is explored for ways to maintain balance among these three vital health related programs.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200  or adviser permission.

  • HADM 242 - Health Information Systems

    Semester Hours: 3
    Once a Year
    Applies management principles to identify, evaluate, and implement health services information systems.  Discusses the role of information technology and management information systems in the delivery of health services.  Emphasis upon how to organize and evaluate effective and efficient computer systems to enhance the functioning of hospitals, physician practices, integrated service delivery systems, managed care organizations and third party payers.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200  or adviser permission.

  • HADM 250 - Data Analytics in Health Services Administration

    Semester Hours: 3

    Fall, Spring

    The reform and transformation of the American health care system requires that students and ultimately managers, at all levels, become proficient in the broadly defined field of Analytics.  Data analytics in health services administration will build on the disciplines of Information Systems technology, data sciences and the application of quantitative methods as they are applied to business decision making in operations management, planning and strategic initiatives.  As a survey course relying upon several technical disciplines; the prerequisites include an understanding of the health care business environment, fundamental knowledge of data management, spreadsheet and visualization tools (Excel, Access & SQL) and an introductory level training in basic statistics.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200 . Formerly HADM 280A: Data Analytics in Health Services Administration

  • HADM 260 - Health Administration Internship

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring, Summer
    Three-hundred hours supervised field placement that provides student with opportunities to gain practical administrative experience in the health services field. Placements strive to integrate administrative and academic theories into the management of health services by enhancing administrative skills under the direction and supervision of a faculty member and a knowledgeable mentor in an environment that promotes learning. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Adviser permission. Course fee additional.

  • HADM 261 - Health Systems Operations

    Semester Hours: 3
    Spring, Summer
    Affords students a practicum experience shadowing a hospital administrator-on-duty (A.O.D.).  Hospital policies, procedures, and operations are reviewed and analyzed.  Role-playing exercises provide opportunities to re-create and discuss administrative decision-making and decisionmaking contingencies in the contemporary hospital.  Class times may vary to accommodate individual and institutional schedules. 

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    HADM 200  or adviser permission.

  • HADM 300 - Capstone Research Project

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Capstone course taken in the student’s last semester of the graduate program. Provides students with opportunities to discuss health administrative issues with invited industry leaders, complete an original research project germane to health services administration that applies theory to practice, and experience creating a professional presentation.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Completion of 33 semester hours in the Health Administration, MHA  program. (Formerly Health Research and Portfolio Development.)

  • HADM 305 - Managed Healthcare Systems: PPO, HMO and AD

    Semester Hours: 1.5
    Once a Year
    Continuing pressure to reduce healthcare delivery cost, coupled with a rapidly changing environment, has resulted in considerable change in the healthcare industry over the past several years. Discussion of the history of the traditional medical insurance plan and examination of the changes that brought about the birth of the Health Maintenance Organizations, Preferred Provider Organizations and Alternate Delivery Systems. Emphasis on the structure, financial arrangements, services, staffing and future of each system.

  • HADM 306 - Managed Healthcare Systems II

    Semester Hours: 1.5
    Once a Year
    This course focuses on healthcare reforms at the national level. Comparisons with that of Germany, France, and Canada are made. Detailed discussions on public policy initiatives are also included (Medicaid, Medicare, uninsured programs, etc.). Theories of Health Insurance Purchasing Cooperatives (HIPCS), and Allied Health Plans (AHPS) are evaluated.

  • HADM 311 - Managed Care: Financial Principles

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Study of financial principles in managed care environments. Risk, premium development, actuarial methodologies, sources of data for utilization and unit costing, financial incentive options and financial issues in contract negotiation are explored. Also covered are licensing issues in New York state and management information systems for managed care organizations.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    MHAE 255A, 255B or equivalent, or permission of adviser. For students matriculated in the Professional Diploma in the Managed Care Program.

  • HADM 312 - Contracting and Negotiating the Managed Care Environment

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    The purpose of the course is to give the student a general understanding of managed care principles, and how to apply these principles in the managed care contractual environment. The complex relationships between hospitals, PPO’s and HMO’s are explored.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    MHAE 255A, 255B or equivalent, or permission of adviser. For students matriculated in the Professional Diploma in the Managed Care Program.

  • HADM 313 - Comparative Healthcare Policy

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    The course focuses on comparative healthcare policy at the national and international levels. Covered are recent national healthcare reform initiatives both proposed and implemented, H.C.F.A. and the administration of the Medicare program and foreign healthcare policies (e.g., Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands) and their applicability to the United States healthcare system. Special attention is paid to adaptability of United States system to a single payor and/or that of managed competition and a managed care model.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    MHAE 255A, 255B or equivalent, or permission of adviser. For students matriculated in the Professional Diploma in the Managed Care Program.

  • HADM 314 - Case Studies in Managed Health Care

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Using the case study method, this course focuses on current examples of managed care models in operation in the United States. Through case examples, the course explores the development, implementation and operations of managed care models, HMO’s, PPO’s, and integrated systems. Students are able to identify and evaluate the challenges and successes in various managed competition, cost, service population, provider population, institutional structure. Through the use of cases, students are provided with an opportunity to develop their analytic, problem solving and decision-making skills.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Permission of adviser.

  • HADM 315 - Advanced Seminar in Managed Care

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    This course provides the “capstone” experience for students completing the Professional Diploma in Managed Care. The seminar offers students the opportunity to review and integrate the knowledge they have gained from the courses they have taken in the managed care sequence. Students are required to undertake research that produces a decision paper that addresses a current issue or problem in managed care.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Permission of adviser.

  • HADM 316 - Managed Care Administrative Residency

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    This is a guided administrative residency in a managed care environment that focuses on providing the student with an experience in the planning, policy and decision making. The residency requires a student participation commitment of a minimum of 150 hours. The student and faculty supervisor contracts with an approved preceptor who is the on-site supervisor. The preceptor mentors the student on a regular basis and includes the student in meetings and other professional activities.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    Permission of adviser.

  • HADM 380-389 A-Z - Special Topics

    Semester Hours: 1-3
    Specific courses designed to explore emerging topics in health administration.

    Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes:
    As individual subjects are selected, each is assigned a letter (A-Z) and added to the course number.  Specific titles and course descriptions for special topics courses are available in the online class schedule.  Any course may be taken a number of times so long as there is a different letter designation each time it is taken. 

Health Education (HED)

  • HED 201 - Health and Disease Issues

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    This course provides a reflective view of the basic issues affecting human health and the critical health problems facing the nation.  The focus is on the preparation of health professionals to assist people in achieving health literacy, a better understanding of the cognitive and affective qualities necessary to promote healthy life states and the impact of health services on individuals, their families and their local and global communities.

  • HED 202 - Analysis of Curricula and Implementation of School Health Programs

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    An historical and philosophical overview of comprehensive school health education at the PreK-12 grade levels are presented. Students study health curricula and explore and reflect on integrated and discipline specific models, traditional content areas and sequences, skills-based models, developmental considerations, family, culture and community influences and national and state standards. Methods of student and program assessment are discussed as well as community and school health resources. Twenty-five hours of observation in appropriate school settings are required.

  • HED 210 - Mental Health Issues for Health Educators

    Semester Hours: 3
    Fall, Spring
    Through an understanding of the components of mental and emotional health, students study psychosocial factors influencing people’s healthy lifestyle choices over the life cycle. Concepts of decision making, problem solving, communication, interpersonal relationships, copying styles, self-concept and self-esteem are reviewed as well as theories of counseling and corresponding treatment options.


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