Feb 18, 2025  
2008-2009 Graduate Studies Bulletin 
2008-2009 Graduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

2008-2009 Graduate Studies Bulletin

Hofstra University


Telephone: 1-800-HOFSTRA (1-800-463-7872)
E-mail: gradstudent@hofstra.edu
Web site: www.hofstra.edu/graduate

VOLUME 6, NUMBER 1, April 2008

Published five times a year, in January, twice in March, April, and November
by Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York 11549-1000.
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Graduate Study at Hofstra University

Founded in 1935 as Long Island’s first coeducational college, Hofstra has evolved into a major independent university. Hofstra today offers distinguished graduate programs in education, business, law, and the arts and sciences.

Graduate Study at Hofstra University is characterized by both its broad intellectual reach and its scholarly and scientific depth. Hofstra graduate students are educated by and work closely with a distinguished, nationally recognized faculty who are highly respected in their chosen fields. Both our faculty and students seek a learning environment and experiences that connect scholarship in the academy and work in the profession. A Hofstra graduate education will provide you with the foundation you need to reach your highest personal and professional aspirations.

In all its graduate programs, Hofstra University:

  • welcomes students to a select and congenial community of scholars, faculty and professionals who value both teaching and scholarship
  • promotes and facilitates the pursuit of lifelong education in traditional and nontraditional arenas
  • encourages scholarship, research and professional training in and across disciplines, fostering sound, and creative thinking

Graduate school should be intellectually exhilarating and challenging. At Hofstra you will find a field that fascinates you and a profession that you will want to pursue with lifelong passion and commitment. Look through these pages carefully, explore the variety of programs we offer, and come visit us. We invite you to spend time on our campus, meet with directors of our graduate programs, talk to some of our students, visit a class and feel the excitement of Hofstra University for yourself. We are an extraordinary community.

Statement of Mission and Goals
Hofstra University is a private institution whose primary mission is to provide a quality education to its students in an environment that encourages, nurtures, and supports learning through the free and open exchange of ideas, for the betterment of humankind. Hofstra University is fully committed to academic freedom and to the transmission, advancement, and preservation of knowledge for its own academic community and for the community at large. Hofstra University offers undergraduate and graduate programs taught by a research-active and professionally engaged faculty. Academic excellence guides everything the University undertakes.

  • Hofstra University’s undergraduate education provides a firm foundation in the liberal arts and sciences designed to encourage intellectual curiosity. This broadly based education develops students’ analytical and critical thinking, strengthens their communication skills (oral and written), promotes cross-cultural competencies and provides information literacy and technological skills that prepare students to become lifelong learners.
  • Hofstra University is dedicated to the preprofessional, professional, master’s and doctoral programs that support a wide range of career aspirations.
  • Hofstra University is devoted to recruiting and retaining a highly qualified and diverse academic community of students, faculty, staff and administrators respectful of the contributions and dignity of each of its members.
  • Hofstra University’s faculty is committed to excellence in teaching, scholarly research and service. The University emphasizes and supports the creation and synthesis of knowledge as well as its dissemination. We believe the best education for students is one informed by their teachers’ scholarly pursuits.
  • Hofstra University is committed to providing the informational and technological resources required for learning and the advancement of knowledge.
  • Hofstra University strives to cultivate students’ social and ethical responsibility, aesthetic sensibility, creativity, and emotional and physical well-being.
  • Hofstra University offers educational, co-curricular and cultural programs and activities that foster an awareness of local, national and global issues, encouraging students to be active citizens and contributors to their local, national and global communities.
  • Hofstra University recognizes its important role in our local community and in participating in a broader national and international dialogue. We offer programs and seek opportunities that mutually benefit the Hofstra community and those beyond our campus.

BULLETINS OF HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY may be obtained from the Office of Admissions, Bernon Hall, 105 Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York 11549.

Information which appears in this Bulletin is subject to change at the discretion of the administration. Notice of all such changes will be on record in the Office of Academic Records.

Equal Opportunity

Hofstra University continues its commitment to extending equal opportunity to all qualified individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, or marital or veteran status, in the conduct and operation of its educational programs and activities, including admission and employment. This statement of non-discrimination is in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and other federal, state and local laws. The Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Officer in the Plant Department, (516) 463-6641, is designated by the University to coordinate its efforts to comply with Section 504. The Equal Rights and Opportunity Officer is the University’s official responsible for coordinating its adherence to Title IX and other equal opportunity regulations and laws. Questions or concerns regarding Title IX or other aspects of this policy (other than Section 504) should be directed to the Equal Rights and Opportunity Officer (516) 463-6775, c/o Office of Legal Affairs and General Counsel, 101 Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York 11549.

Campus Security

In compliance with the Federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, detailed information on campus security is available by accessing the Hofstra Web site at http://www.hofstra.edu/pdf/pubsaf_csr.pdf, or the U.S. Department of Education’s Web site for campus crime statistics at http://ope.ed.gov/security or by contacting the Advisory Committee on Campus Safety. The Advisory Committee will provide upon request all campus crime statistics as reported to the U.S. Department of Education. For additional information, please contact the Office of Public Safety (516) 463-6606.


This publication has been designed by the Hofstra University Bulletin Office. Cover layout and design by Elvia Reynolds. Photo credit: F.J. Gaylor
The composition has been set in types of Times New Roman and Neutraface Text font families; printed by Alvin J. Bart and Sons, Brooklyn, New York.

Hofstra University is proud to host Educate ‘08, an unprecedented educational effort that will engage not only students and faculty but also the public in a year-long series of conferences, events and lectures, leading up to the Commission on Presidential Debates-produced October 15, 2008 debate, the third and final presidential debate of the 2008 election season, to be hosted at Hofstra University.

Bulletin Editors, Mary R. Manning, B.S., Assistant Editor and
Kimberly A. Orlic, B.A., M.B.A., University Bulletin Editor.