PR 171 - Public Relations InternshipsSemester Hours: 1-3 Fall, January, Spring, Summer
An internship experience affords students an opportunity to apply their classroom experiences in a professional work setting appropriate to their major field of study. Public relations majors must complete 3 s.h. of internships to be eligible for graduation.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: PR 100 . PR 171 may be repeated up to 3 s.h. if internships are at different organizations in different semesters, with the approval of the sponsoring professor. Students taking the internship for 1 s.h. must work a minimum of 120 hours; students seeking to earn a 2.s.h. internship must work a minimum of 150 hours; students seeking 3 s.h. must work a minimum of 180 hours, under the sponsorship of a public relations professor. Students must also complete a paper or project relevant to their work experience and fulfill other requirements as designated by the sponsoring professor. Permission of a sponsoring PR professor is required before a student accepts an internship. Pass/Fail grade only. (Formerly Internship.)
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