Mar 02, 2025
PHI 67 - (HP) Evil: Religious, Philosophic and Scientific PerspectivesSemester Hours: 3 Periodically
If God is good, then why is the world filled with such evil? Is the reality of evil an argument against the existence of God? And if God is not responsible for evil, then who is? What leads humans to do such horrible things to one another? The “problem of evil” is central to both theology and the philosophy of religion, and has been so for thousands of years. However, evil is not simply a problem for the religious but is one of the deepest challenges in creating just and stable human communities. In this course we will examine how both religious thinkers and secular philosophers have come to terms with evil. We will also look at contemporary scientific research on empathy and cruelty and consider what insight this may provide into the dark side of human nature.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: Same as RELI 67. Credit given for either RELI 67 or PHI 67.
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