Jan 31, 2025
CRWR 291P: Special Studies: Frankenstein’s Writing: The Hybrid Form Semester Hours: 3 The literary hybrid is a boundary-defying form that can incorporate life writing, poetry, fiction, research and statistics, polyphonic testimony, dialogue, news reportage and graphic image. Hybrids use the power of language and image to portray culture and emotion, the body and the body politic: the human experience of paradox and flux, the monstrous and the divine. Students will write texts that cross and combine genres to create a new, living form for their subjects. In addition, students will write brief but well-considered responses to the assigned readings. Course will take place on Blackboard each day that class is in session. Students will share works-in-progress as well as responses to the readings on our course’s Discussion Board so that our work together benefits from everyone’s lively and hearty participation. Students will submit a final creative project of approximately 15 pages as a doc, docx, pdf, tif or jpg file.
Summer Session II Offering(s): 70311: June 26-July 23; Distance Learning Courses ; Kaplan
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