Mar 02, 2025
2008-2009 Graduate Studies Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Speech-Language Disabilities, C.A.S. in Teacher of Students With
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This course work prepares students for eligibility toward New York State Education Department
teacher certification.
General Education Core Requirements
In order to ensure that prospective teachers have a broad education in the liberal arts and sciences, all students must have completed undergraduate course work from each of the content areas below. - Artistic Expression/Humanities, 3 s.h.
- Communication, 3 s.h.
- Information Retrieval, (0-3 s.h.; can be satisfied with passing score on exam)
- Historical and Social Science Concepts, 3 s.h.
- Language other than English, (0-3 s.h.; depending on placement)
- Scientific Processes, 3 s.h.
- Mathematical Processes, 3 s.h.
- Written Analysis and Expression, 6 s.h.
Please note that programs may have general education requirements that exceed the minimum registered with the state. Degrees will not be conferred unless all general education core deficiencies have been met.
Program Requirements
In addition to the course work below, students are required to complete (or provide documentation of) seminars regarding OSHA’s universal precautions for blood borne pathogens, identification and reporting of child abuse and child abduction, school violence prevention and intervention, and education laws. Eligibility for NYS certification as a Teacher of Students with Speech-Language Disabilities, requires transcript review confirming completion of liberal arts and sciences requirements, content and pedagogy courses. Students must successfully complete all required NYS teacher examinations. Following completion of all required course work for eligibility for teacher certification students should submit their application materials directly to Hofstra’s Office of Certification and Educational Support Services. For further information, please contact the Graduate Program Director at (516) 463-5508. 1. M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology
M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology (or equivalent), must be completed. 2. SPCH Requirements
The following are required in lieu of 6 s.h. of M.A. electives: 3. 10 Semester Hours
Including: Choose 3 From the Following 1 Semester Hour Courses:
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