2011-2012 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Computer Science, B.S. Major in
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Program Objectives
Graduates of the B.S. in computer science program will:
- advance in graduate studies or be successful practitioners in applied or theoretical fields;
- apply communication and organizational skills in the context of ethical issues affecting the discipline or society;
- think critically and creatively to solve local or global problems and become lifelong learners and contributors to society;
- apply knowledge and skills to solve problems effectively and efficiently and to contribute to the technical advancement of computer science.
Program Requirements
Candidates for graduation must fulfill the following requirements as well as the general B.S. degree requirements. 1. The Successful Completion of at Least 124 Semester Hours
The successful completion of at least 124 semester hours and a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in work completed at Hofstra. 2. Liberal Arts
At least 55 semester hours must be completed in the liberal arts excluding courses in computer science. 3. Residence Requirements
There are two requirements that must ordinarily be completed in residence at Hofstra: 15 semester hours in the major field of specialization and the last 30 semester hours. The 15 semester hours need not be included within the last 30 hours. 4. English Composition
WSC 1 and 2, or placement examination (see University Degree Requirements). If this requirement is fulfilled by passing the placement examination, the 6 s.h. in the humanities or social sciences should be taken with adviser’s approval. 5. Humanities Distribution
3 semester hours in appreciation and analysis (literature) SPCM 1 or SPCM 7 (either of which satisfies 3 semester hours in creative participation). 6. Social Sciences Distribution
3 hours in history and philosophy and 3 semester hours in behavioral social sciences. 7. Cross-Cultural Distribution
3 semester hours 8. Humanities and/or Social Science
Additional 6 semester hours, not limited to distribution courses. 9. Minimum Requirements in the Major
Includes computer science requirements, mathematics requirements, and natural sciences requirements. Computer Science Requirements
52 semester hours in computer science (40 of those are in required courses and 12 in computer science electives). The required computer science courses are CSC 14, 15, 16, 17, 24, 110, 110A, 112, 120 or 161, 163, 123, 185, and 190, the senior design sequence 197A and 197B to be taken concurrently with the senior seminar sequence CSC 198F and 198S. The 12 semester hours in computer science electives must be in courses numbered higher than 100. Freshmen are encouraged to take the first-year seminars, CSC 14F and 14S, when offered. Mathematics Requirements
MATH 71 and 72, and at least one 3 s. h. course in mathematics numbered higher than MATH 72, excluding MATH 103. Natural Science Requirements
One two-semester sequence of science courses with laboratories (PHYS 11A & 11B and 12A & 12B, or CHEM 3A & 3B and 4A & 4B, or BIO 11 and 12), and at least one additional 3 s. h. course for science majors. 10. A Grade of C- or Better
A grade of C- or better in all courses required for the major. 11. An Overall Average of C or Better
An overall average of C or better in required in CSC 14, 15, 16, and 24 for continuation in the major. In addition, a student may not take any of these four courses more than twice. 12. Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Semester Hours - Minimum 24
At least 24 s.h. in mathematics and natural sciences. All science courses must be for science majors. Footnotes
* If this requirement is fulfilled by passing the placement examination, 6 semester hours in the humanities or social sciences should be taken with adviser’s approval. See also: Complete B.S. Requirements
Complete B.S. Requirements in Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. |
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