2011-2012 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Global Studies, Minor in
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Minor Requirements - Total Semester Hours: 18
A minor in global studies consists of the successful completion of 18 semester hours, including: 1. Global Economics, Politics and Culture Electives - Semester Hours: At least 3
At least 3 s.h. must come from the Global Economics, Politics and Culture electives. Electives in Global Economics, Politics and Culture
2. Regional Area Studies Programs: Semester Hours: At least 3
At least 3 s.h. chosen from the Regional Studies electives. Any course with a regional focus that is not listed, but approved by the chairperson of Global Studies may be counted toward these 3 s.h. Electives in Regional Studies
- AFST 51 - Readings in African Thought Semester Hours: 1
- AFST 52 - Readings in African Thought Semester Hours: 1
- AFST 120 - (BH, CC) African Labor Economics Semester Hours: 3
- AFST 122 - Health and Disease in Africa: A Medical Anthropology Perspective Semester Hours: 3
- AFST 154 - African Humanism Semester Hours: 3
- AFST 155 - African Humanism Semester Hours: 3
- AFST 156 - Economic and Social History of the Caribbean from Slavery to National Independence Semester Hours: 3
- AFST 157 - African National Liberation Movements Semester Hours: 3
- AFST 187 A-Z - (CC) Special Topics Semester Hours: 3
- AH 165 - (AA, CC) Asian Art Semester Hours: 3
- ANTH 102 - (BH) African Cultures Semester Hours: 3
- ANTH 103 - (BH) Peoples and Cultures of Asia Semester Hours: 3
- ANTH 105 - (BH) Latin American Cultures Semester Hours: 3
- ANTH 106 - (CC) Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa Semester Hours: 3
- ANTH 113 - (CC) Archaeology of Ancient American Civilizations Semester Hours: 3
- ASST 11 - (CC, IS) Introduction to Chinese Culture Semester Hours: 3
- ASST 21 - (CC, IS) Discover Japan: The Nexus of Japanese Culture, History, Politics and Society Semester Hours: 3
- ASST 195 - Asian Studies Seminar Semester Hours: 3
- CLL 149 - (LT) Asian Literature Semester Hours: 3
- CLL 150 - (LT) Asian Literature Semester Hours: 3
- DNCE 39 - (CP) The American Experience and Africanist Dance Practices Semester Hours: 3
- DNCE 110 - (CP) Irish Dance Steps and Studies Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 110 - (BH, CC) Economics of Latin America Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 111 - Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 112 - Economic Development of China Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 114 - Japan’s Modern Economy Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 116 - (BH) Economics of the Middle East Semester Hours: 3
- ECO 117 - (CC) Women and Development in the Middle East Semester Hours: 3
- ENGL 139 - (LT, CC) The African Novel Semester Hours: 3
- ENGL 167 - (LT, CC) Post-Colonial Literature of South Asia Semester Hours: 3
- ENGL 168 - (CC) Caribbean Experience in Literature Semester Hours: 3
- FREN 121 - The Francophone Experience in Sub-Saharan Africa Semester Hours: 3
- FREN 123 - The Francophone Experience in the Caribbean Semester Hours: 3
- FRLT 43 - (LT, CC) Decolonizing the Mind: Contemporary Literature from Africa to Southeast Asia Semester Hours: 3
- FRLT 50 - (LT, CC) Reconstructing French Caribbean Identities Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 113C - (CC) Geography of East and Southeast Asia Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 114 - (BH, CC) Geography of South Asia Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 122 - (BH) Western Europe Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 123 - (BH) Eastern Europe and the Republics of the Former Soviet Union Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 131 - Japan Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 140 - (BH, CC) Geography of Latin America Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 141 - (BH) Geography of the Caribbean Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 143 - (BH) Geography of South America Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 145 - (BH, CC) Geography of Africa Semester Hours: 3
- GEOG 148 - (BH) Geography of Australia and the South Pacific Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 71 - (CC) China and Japan to 1800 Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 72C - (CC) China and Japan Since 1800 Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 73 - (CC) The Modern Middle East Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 117A - (CC) History of Africa to 1800 Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 118A - History of Africa, 1800 to the Present Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 132 - Europe, 1939 to Present: World War, Cold War and Beyond Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 135 - Intellectual History of Europe, Reformation to Enlightenment Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 136 - Intellectual History of Europe, French Revolution to 20th Century Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 142 - Latin America: 1810 to the Present Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 170 - The Middle East and the West Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 173 - (CC) Modern China Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 174 - Modern Japan Semester Hours: 3
- HIST 175 - Confucian China: Origins to the 18th Century Semester Hours: 3
- IB 160 - African Business Semester Hours: 3
- IB 161 - Asian Business Semester Hours: 3
- IB 162 - European Business Semester Hours: 3
- IB 163 - Latin-American Business Semester Hours: 3
- IRE 90 - (BH) Sociology of Contemporary Ireland Semester Hours: 3
or - SOC 90 - (BH) Sociology of Contemporary Ireland Semester Hours: 3
- JWST 55 - (HP) Judaism and Islam: Jews and Arabs Semester Hours: 3
- LABR 120 - (BH, CC) African Labor Economics Semester Hours: 3
- LACS 1 - (CC, IS) Putting Latin American and the Caribbean on the Map: Geography, Politics and Literature Semester Hours: 3
- LACS 14F - First-Year Seminar Semester Hours: 3-4
and - LACS 14S - First-Year Seminar Semester Hours: 3-4
- LACS 150 A-Z - (CC, IS) Special Topics in Latin American and Caribbean Studies Semester Hours: 3
- LACS 199 - Senior Seminar in Latin American and Caribbean Studies Semester Hours: 3
- LING 172 - (CC) Language and Society in Africa, Asia and Latin America Semester Hours: 3
- LIT 80 - (LT) Chinese Literature in Translation Semester Hours: 3
- LIT 88 - (LT, CC) Self and Society in Chinese Literature Semester Hours: 3
- LIT 90 - (LT, CC) Beauty and Sadness in Japanese Literature and Culture Semester Hours: 3
- MECA 1 - (CC) Introduction to Middle East and Central Asia Semester Hours: 3
- PHI 17 - (CC) Introduction to Eastern Philosophy Semester Hours: 3
- PHI 60 - Introduction to Chinese Philosophical and Religious Traditions Semester Hours: 3
- PHI 149 - (HP) French Philosophical Traditions Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 108 - (BH, CC) Politics of the Middle East Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 110 - (BH, CC) African Politics Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 130 - (BH, CC) Latin American and Caribbean Politics Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 132 - Comparative European Governments Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 144 - (BH, CC) Asian Politics and Government Semester Hours: 3
- PSC 146 - (BH, CC) China: Government and Politics Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 16 - (CC, HP) Religions of India Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 19 - (CC) Introduction to Buddhism Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 103 - (CC) Warrior Saints: An Introduction to the Sikh Religion Semester Hours: 3
- RELI 151 - Violence and Religion in South Asia Semester Hours: 3
- RLLT 101 - (LT) Colonization and Decolonization in the French- and Spanish-Speaking Caribbean Islands Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 113B - Culture and Civilization of Latin America Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 114B - (LT) Introduction to Spanish-American Literature I Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 115B - (LT) Introduction to Spanish-American Literature II Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 122 - Economic History of Spain and Latin America: Literary Projections Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 123 - (LT) Politics of the Hispanic World Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 124 - (LT) Portrait of the Hispano: The Question of Identity Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 126 - (LT) Contemporary Hispanic Thought: The Usable Past Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 127 - United States and Latin America: Unequal Relations Semester Hours: 3
- SPAN 128 - (LT) Spain and Latin America Today: Changing World Semester Hours: 3
- SPLT 53 - Early Spanish-American Heritage Semester Hours: 3
- SPLT 54 - (LT) 19th- and 20th-Century Latin-American Literature Semester Hours: 3
- SPLT 58 - (LT) The Empire Writes Back: Autobiography and Resistance in Colonial Spanish America Semester Hours: 3
- SPLT 59 - (CC, LT) Farewell to Columbus: Rethinking the Latin American Heritage Semester Hours: 3
- SPLT 60 - (CC, LT) Literary Food Semester Hours: 3
Please Note:
- Depending on subject matter, credits for GS 100, 104 A-Z, GS 151 to 154, 190 may be counted toward either the electives in global economics, politics and culture or as regional studies electives.
- No more than 6 s.h. of course work taken as part of the student’s major may be applied toward the GS minor. Courses required for the GS major or minor and those with a GS designation are excluded from this restriction.
- At least 6 s.h. must be from 100-level courses.
- A grade of C- or better is required in each course.
- With permission of the chairperson, up to 3 s.h. of appropriate HUHC seminars can be used toward the electives in global economics, politics and culture or as regional area studies electives.
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