Mar 11, 2025
2012-2013 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Music, B.S. Major in
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Program Requirements
All students wishing to pursue a B.S. in Music will be required to audition in their applied performance area. Students who do not perform at a level requisite for success in that degree program will be directed to work toward the bachelor of arts degree in Music. Students may reaudition at any time for admittance to the B.S. program. Candidates for graduation must fulfill the following requirements: 1. Total Semester Hours: 128
The successful completion of at least 128 semester hours and a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in work completed at Hofstra. 2. Liberal Arts
At least 65 hours must be completed in liberal arts courses with no fewer than 40 outside the Department of Music. 3. Residence Requirements
There are two requirements that must ordinarily be completed in residence at Hofstra: 15 semester hours in the major field of specialization and the last 30 semester hours. The 15 semester hours need not be included within the last 30 hours. 4. General Requirements
- Humanities electives (excluding music) - 6 Semester Hours
- 3 semester hours must be in a distribution appreciation and analysis course. (For listing of distribution courses, see Distribution Courses program.)
- Social science electives - 6 Semester Hours
- All music majors must take 3 semester hours in behavioral sciences and 3 semester hours in history and philosophy distribution courses, except that
- Music education majors take PSY 1 plus 3 semester hours in a history and philosophy distribution course and
- Music merchandising majors must take ECO 1, 2 as their social science requirement.
- Natural science distribution course - 3 Semester Hours
- Mathematics/computer science distribution course - 3 Semester Hours
- Foreign language (fulfillment of B.A. language requirement.)
5. The Fulfillment of the Following Major Requirements:
3 Semester Hours
as advised, from: - MUS 021 - (CP) University Band Semester Hours: 0-0.5
- MUS 022 - (CP) University Symphony Orchestra Semester Hours: 0-0.5
- MUS 023 - (CP) University Mixed Chorus Semester Hours: 0-0.5
- MUS 024 - (CP) University Wind Ensemble Semester Hours: 0-0.5
- MUS 025 - (CP) University Chorale Semester Hours: 0-0.5
- MUS 026 - (CP) String Orchestra Semester Hours: 0-0.5
All music majors must take Ensemble (MUS 020 ), under faculty advisement, for six semesters for a total of 3 s.h. Under advisement, all music majors must also participate every semester they are in attendance at Hofstra, in a Major Organization in their principal performing area, University Band (MUS 021 ), University Symphony Orchestra (MUS 022 ), University Mixed Chorus (MUS 023 ), University Wind Ensemble (MUS 024 ), University Chorale (MUS 025 ), or String Orchestra (MUS 026 ) for a total of 3 s.h. Candidates for the Music Education, B.S.Ed. degree who are band or orchestra instrumentalists are also required to participate for four semesters (either with or without credit) in one or more of the following choral organizations: University Mixed Chorus (MUS 023 ), Hofstra Chorale (MUS 025 ), Chamber Singers, or the Collegium Musicum chorus.
3 Semester Hours
as advised, from: 4 Semester Hours
- of Private Instruction (P), plus:
The completion of the courses in one of the following concentrations: A. Performance
14 hours of music performance (advanced private instruction) with senior recital; at least 6, but not more than 12, hours of music elective courses, as advised. Piano performance students must take: B. Theory/Composition
Four semester hours of intermediate private instruction (MUS 120B ) plus eight semester hours of advanced private instruction (MUS 120D ); or six semester hours of advanced theory electives, as advised, and six semester hours of music elective courses (total 12 semester hours). C. History/Literature
History/Literature 18 additional hours in music history/ literature courses as advised; independent study in music bibliography D. Music Merchandising
2 semesters of basic skills (MUS 31-38A), under advisement. MUS 154, 190, 191; 145 may be substituted for by 3 hours of music electives, under advisement. Business courses: ACCT 101, QM 1, MKT 101, 124, 131 or 141, MGT 101, FIN 101. The social science requirement is ECO 1, 2. E. Jazz and Commercial Music
- 6 semester hours of Advanced Private Instruction (101C-122C).
See also: Complete B.S. Requirements
Complete B.S. Requirements in Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. |
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