The dual degree program offers forward-thinking students a unique opportunity to graduate in an extremely efficient manner, with both an undergraduate and an advanced degree. Within five years (instead of the usual six) students will complete a 151 semester hour program that will culminate with the awarding of both a bachelor of arts and a master of arts in journalism.
Candidates for graduation from the School of Communication with the combined degrees of bachelor of arts and master of arts must fulfill the B.A. requirements as listed under the School of Communication and the M.A. requirements as listed under the School of Communication, with the exception that three graduate courses may count toward both the undergraduate and the graduate degrees. Students may count any three applicable graduate courses toward their undergraduate major, but most students would select the three from JRNL 211, 215, 216, 231, and 253. In addition, undergraduate students majoring in journalism must complete the program requirements listed below plus a liberal arts minor from one of the following: any minor in the Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences or the Department of Rhetoric . The minor must consist of 18 semester hours as defined by that discipline, of which at least 6 hours must be taken in residence.
(Note: Major and minor fields will be listed on the student’s record. Only courses acceptable for the major may be applied toward the minor, and only with grades of C- or better. Pass/D+/D/Fail credit will be given toward an academic minor for courses offered only on this basis.)