Mar 02, 2025  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Detailed Information on Financial Aid

Application and Reapplication Procedures


Applicants for financial aid must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA determines eligibility for the federal financial aid programs: Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant (TEACH), Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Work Study (FWS), Federal Stafford Loans and Federal PLUS Loans. The results of the federal need calculation may also be used to determine eligibility for other awards. Please note that February 15 is the priority application deadline for freshman awards.

The FAFSA is available online. For assistance completing the FAFSA, call 1-800-4-FEDAID; Hofstra’s school code is 002732.

New York state residents should apply for the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) by completing the FAFSA. After completing the FAFSA, students will be directed to complete a TAP express application online at For assistance completing the TAP application, call 1-888-NYS-HESC; Hofstra’s TAP code is 0300.

Requests for financial assistance will not influence a candidate’s consideration for admission in any way. Financial aid decisions will be made after the student has been offered admission to the university, and the student will be informed by mail and within the portal.

Transfer Students

Applicants for financial aid must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA determines eligibility for the federal financial aid programs: Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant (TEACH), Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Work Study (FWS), Federal Stafford Loans and Federal PLUS Loans. The results of the federal need calculation may also be used to determine eligibility for other awards. Please note that May 1 is the priority application deadline for the fall semester and December 15 is the priority application deadline for the spring semester.

The FAFSA is available online. For assistance completing the FAFSA, call 1-800-4-FEDAID; Hofstra’s school code is 002732.

New York state residents should apply for the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) by completing the FAFSA. After completing the FAFSA, students will be directed to complete a TAP express application online at For assistance completing the TAP application, call 1-888-NYS-HESC; Hofstra’s TAP code is 0300.

Requests for financial assistance will not influence a candidate’s consideration for admission in any way. Financial aid decisions will be made after the student has been offered admission to the university, and the student will be informed by mail and within the portal.

Continuing Students

Recipients of financial aid must reapply each year. To receive consideration for renewal of institutional financial aid, full-time students must successfully complete at least 24 semester hours in residence each academic year with a minimum of 18 hours in which a letter grade is assigned until senior standing (88 hours) has been attained.

The grade point average necessary for renewal of a scholarship is listed in the description of that scholarship. The University reserves the right to change renewal criteria. Eligible entering freshmen may renew their scholarships for a maximum of six semesters; eligible sophomore transfers may renew for a maximum of four semesters; junior transfers for a maximum of two semesters.

To be eligible for renewal of financial aid the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be completed by the parents and students. Upon request, income documentation and a signed verification worksheet may be required.

The FAFSA is available online beginning January 1. Please note that February 15 is the priority application deadline.. Hofstra’s school code is 002732.

Students who are residents of New York state attending full-time can also apply for the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) by completing the FAFSA. New York State Higher Education Service Corporation (NYSHESC) will mail a TAP Express Application for the student to review and return to Albany, New York. Hofstra’s TAP code is 0300

Undergraduate Scholarships

Full-Time Students

Academic Scholarships and Activity Grants are applied toward tuition only and do not apply to University fees, living expenses, tutorials, credit by examination or specified off-campus programs. Therefore, receipt of awards which apply to tuition only such as tuition remission, tuition exchange, the New York State Tuition Assistance Program and other specified tuition only awards will result in the adjustment of institutional scholarships/grants not to exceed the cost of tuition.

These scholarships are awarded annually to cover eight Hofstra semesters for entering freshmen, six Hofstra semesters for sophomore transfers, four Hofstra semesters for junior transfers and two Hofstra semesters for senior transfers and may not be applied to summer session attendance except as specifically authorized by the Scholarship Review Committee. Generally, a student is eligible for only one scholarship awarded by Hofstra University. All or a portion of awards may be underwritten by donor funds given by generous friends of the University. If this is the case, the student will be notified.

Trustee Scholarship Program

A limited number of full-tuition scholarships are available to students with outstanding academic achievement, regardless of financial need. All applicants with superior high school records and standardized test scores are considered. Students not selected for one of Hofstra’s full-tuition scholarships may still qualify for one of the awards listed below. These scholarships may be maintained and renewed by recipients who meet the renewal criteria at the end of this section. These scholarships are awarded by the Office of Admission.

Presidential Scholarships

Presidential Scholarships are awarded to entering freshmen who have achieved an excellent high school record and above average SAT or ACT score.

These scholarships may be maintained and renewed by recipients who meet the renewal criteria listed at the end of this section. These scholarships are awarded by the Office of Admission.

Hofstra Achievement Scholarships

Hofstra Achievement Scholarships are awarded to entering freshmen who have achieved an outstanding high school record and above average SAT or ACT score.

These scholarships may be maintained and renewed by recipients who meet the renewal criteria listed at the end of this section. These scholarships are awarded by the Office of Admission.

Assistance Grants

Assistance Grants are awarded to entering students and are an example of Hofstra University’s commitment toward meeting a student’s financial need as determined by submission of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). A student with demonstrated financial need and academic preparation will be considered for this grant.

The grants may be maintained and renewed by recipients who meet the renewal criteria listed at the end of this section.

Activity Grants

Activity Grants are awarded in recognition of ability in art, athletics, drama, communications, music and/or dance.

Each grant requires the recipient be an active participant in the area of specialization at Hofstra. Each applicant should write or call the appropriate department chairperson before January 15 concerning coming year awards. These grants may be awarded or renewed upon recommendation of the department provided the student maintains a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If the student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.0, appeals should be directed to the department chairperson in the respective specialization.

Academic Honors Transfer Scholarships

Academic Honors Transfer Scholarships may be awarded to incoming transfer students who have completed a minimum of one term at other accredited institution(s) and have a superior cumulative grade point average. These scholarships will be renewed for recipients who meet the renewal criteria listed below. These scholarships are awarded by the Office of Admission.

Part-Time Students

Scholarships may be awarded to incoming part-time students who have completed 24 credits at other accredited institution(s). These scholarships may be renewed for recipients who meet the appropriate renewal criteria. Students must take a minimum of six credits each semester. These scholarships are awarded by the Office of Admission.

Renewal Criteria for Academic Scholarships and Hofstra Grants
(changes effective with those first awarded in fall 2011)

Recipients of Hofstra institutional funds must be enrolled full-time (minimum of 12 credits) each semester for maintenance of Hofstra institutional funds for the term. A minimum of 24 credits must be completed annually, of which 18 credit hours must be composed of letter grades of other than “P” (reviewed upon after the completion of two semesters of study). Part-time student scholarships and grants require enrollment in no less than 6 credits each semester.

The following grants may be renewed if the student maintains full-time enrollment and a 2.0 cumulative grade point average.

  • Activity/talent grants
  • Need-based scholarships and grants*
  • Transfer grants

*U.S. citizens and eligible noncitizens must also have a FAFSA on file each year for renewal consideration.

Academic/merit scholarships and grants may be renewed if the recipient maintains full-time status and a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average after enrollment at Hofstra for two consecutive semesters. The grade point average for renewal is based on grades earned only at Hofstra University.

Appeal process for nonrenewal of aid:

  • Recipients of activity and talent grants may appeal to their department chairperson.
  • Recipients of scholarships, athletic grants and non-need-based grants may appeal to the Scholarship Review Committee, Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, 200 West Library Wing, 144 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549-1440. Consideration for reinstatement of awards is based on documented exceptional circumstances.
  • Recipients of need-based grants may appeal to the Director of Financial Aid, Office of Financial Aid, 202 Memorial Hall, 126 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549-1260.

Scholarships and grants are limited to the number of semesters needed to complete a degree as a full- time student and are adjusted based on the student’s standing upon admission.

First-Year Students: Scholarships and grants are limited to eight (8) consecutive semesters of undergraduate enrollment.

Transfer Students
: Scholarships and grants are limited to the number of semesters needed to complete a degree as a full-time student and are adjusted based on the student’s class standing upon admission. Students with senior standing are limited to two (2) consecutive semesters; those with junior standing are limited to four (4) consecutive semesters; those with sophomore standing are limited to six (6) consecutive semesters; and those with freshman standing are limited to seven (7) consecutive semesters. 

Federal Programs


FEDERAL PELL GRANTS currently ranging from $575 to $5,645 a year, are awarded to undergraduate students demonstrating need. The amount of the grant is based on a federal need analysis calculated by the FAFSA.

FEDERAL SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY GRANTS (FSEOG) are intended for students with great financial need who are Pell Grant recipients. They are awarded through the Office of Student Financial Services from funds provided by the federal government and are subject to change based on availability.

TEACHER EDUCATION ASSISTANCE FOR COLLEGE AND HIGHER EDUCATION GRANT provides grants of up to $4,000 per year to undergraduate and graduate students who intend to teach in a high need field in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families. A service (work) obligation is required or the grant converts into an Unsubsidized Stafford Loan. Students apply for this grant by filing the FAFSA.

Students and others can go to or call 1-800-4FEDAID to learn more about these new student aid grant programs.


FEDERAL PERKINS LOAN PROGRAM: Funding limitations are determined on an annual basis. No repayments are made while the student is still in school. Repayment begins six or nine (if borrower received first Federal Perkins Loan after July 1, 1987) months after graduation or termination of school attendance. During the repayment period, the student is charged five percent interest on the unpaid balance of the loan principal.

Payments may be deferred or cancelled under circumstances described in the Promissory Note. Borrowers may take as long as 10 years to repay. Funds for these loans are provided to the University by the federal government. The number of loans available is limited by the amount of money allocated by the government and students’ willingness to meet their repayment obligations.

FEDERAL STAFFORD LOAN: Students with eligibility may borrow from the Stafford Program to help meet their educational expenses. Two types exist: subsidized and unsubsidized. Need as determined by the federal needs analysis is required to borrow a subsidized Stafford loan; to determine eligibility it is required that students file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year. Students must meet all other federal aid eligibility criteria to borrow.

Subsidized eligibility is always considered first because the interest is fully subsidized during periods of at least half-time attendance (6 credits for undergraduates). Repayment would begin six months after ceasing at least half-time attendance. Students must accept the awards offered on their award notification for processing to begin. A promissory note is required and may be completed online. The interest rate for 2013-2014 is fixed at 6.8 percent. Undergraduate students may borrow up to an aggregate limit of $23,000.

The following are the annual limits that may be borrowed:

  Credits earned  
Freshman 0-29 $3,500
Sophomore 30-59 $4,500
Junior & Senior 60+ $5,500

Unsubsidized base year eligibility is limited to remaining amounts of the above limits not covered by calculated need. Students borrowing unsubsidized funds must make interest payments while enrolled, or interest may be capitalized until repayment begins. The interest rate for unsubsidized loans is fixed at 6.8%.  A 1% origination fee will be deducted from each disbursement. Repayment begins 6 months after the student ceases at least half-time attendance. Dependent undergraduate students may borrow $2,000 in addition to the annual based year limit in the unsubsidized loan. Undergraduate students meeting the federal definition of an independent student may borrow additional unsubsidized loan up to the following annually*:

  Credits earned  
Freshman 0-29 $4,000
Sophomore 30-59 $4,000
Junior & Senior 60+ $5,000

*Dependent undergraduates may also borrow this supplement if a parent is unable to obtain a PLUS loan.

Application procedure is similar to the subsidized Stafford. Also see “Title IV Refund Policy.”

FEDERAL PARENT PLUS LOANS: PLUS loans are available to parents of dependent undergraduate students to assist with educational expenses. These loans do carry a credit criteria and the lender has the final discretion on approval. Students must be enrolled at least half-time and meet all other federal eligibility criteria. The interest rate on PLUS is fixed at 7.9%. A 4% origination fee will be deducted from each disbursement. The annual limit is the student’s cost of attendance less any other type of financial aid and no aggregate limit exists. Accepting PLUS offered on the award notification will allow processing of loans to begin. To be eligible for this program, students must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Beginning May 1 you should log on to to complete a Parent PLUS loan application and an electronic Master Promissory Note (e-MPN).

Repayment begins 60 days from the final disbursement for the loan period unless it is deferred. Contact your servicer for deferment information.


FEDERAL WORK STUDY: Various jobs are available for students who demonstrate financial need. Funds for these jobs are allocated to the University by the federal government. The dollar amount indicated on the award notification is the maximum amount eligible to be earned during the school year but is not a guarantee; total earnings will depend on the number of hours worked. Students are paid directly, semimonthly in the form of a pay check as hours are worked.

Jobs are available during the regular academic year and for the summer. Entering students can apply for on-campus jobs for the summer prior to their initial year at Hofstra.

Federal Work Study positions can provide valuable experience relative to a chosen career or assistance in determining a career. For example: accounting majors can work for county comptroller or finance departments; premedical students, for hospitals; prelaw students, for consumer affairs or legally related nonprofit agencies; education students, for schools or day care centers and communications majors can work in educational TV and municipal cultural affairs agencies.

If Federal Work Study is listed as a form of financial aid on your award notification, you may report to the Office of Student Employment, Human Resources Center. Complete information about Federal Work Study student employment, including a downloadable handbook of policies and procedures, is available online.


The federal processor uses a system of edits, or flags, which produces a selection of certain applications for verification. If a student’s application is selected for verification, this may mean that a data element in his or her application does not fit generally recognized patterns (not necessarily that the element is incorrect; it merely must be verified), or that the student was simply selected at random. The University’s Office of Student Financial Services may also select files for verification if there appears to be a conflict of information. If a student is selected for verification, the student is notified on the Student Aid Report (SAR).

If a student is selected for verification, the following required documentation must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office:

  • 2013-2014 Verification Worksheet (dependent or independent)
  • Copy of student’s (and spouse’s, if applicable), parent’s (if applicable) 2012 federal income tax transcript and all schedules and W-2 forms (W-2 forms alone cannot be used for verification).
  • Please call the IRS at 1 800-908-9946 to request and ask for a tax transcript for the 2012 calendar year. As per federal regulations, copies of filed federal tax returns are no longer acceptable.
  • Other documents as needed.

Federal financial aid cannot be disbursed and Stafford Loans may not be certified until verification is complete. Estimated financial aid awards will be rescinded if verification has not been completed within specified deadlines. In this case, any deferred tuition and fees become due immediately. Please keep in mind that you will be notified of any adjustments that are necessary and corrections will be made for information that is not accurate, which may affect your ability to receive aid. If corrections are made to your FAFSA as a result of the verification process, you will be sent an updated SAR from the federal processor. Notification of revised awards will be mailed to new students; continuing students will receive an email via their Hofstra Pride account and can immediately access their awards online through the Hofstra portal.

Verification must be completed no later than 120 days past the last day of your enrollment for each academic year. Corrections involving the federal processor must be made prior to mid-August.

In order to receive a Stafford loan, verification must be completed prior to the last date of the term in which the student wishes to borrow funds.

Outside Scholarship Policy

Scholarships from outside sources such as foundations, community organizations, and corporations are valuable resources to help fund your education. Students must notify the Office of Bursar/Student Accounts of any outside awards from sources other than federal or state governments. All outside scholarships supplement the Hofstra University scholarship or grant you may be awarded as long as all sources do not exceed our total costs of education (as listed in our breakdown of college costs). Your total gift aid from all sources may not exceed your total cost of attendance. If this amount is reached with the inclusion of scholarships from outside organizations, we will begin to reduce federally regulated portions of your aid award (Federal Perkins Loans, Stafford Loans, SEOG, TEACH, and Federal Work Study) dollar for dollar. Athletic grants-in-aid, ROTC, and tuition subsidies based on parents’ employment (tuition grant, tuition remission, tuition exchange) are considered to be exceptions to our outside scholarship policy, as we will reduce Hofstra Scholarship dollar for dollar if you receive any of these if we did not list them on your original award letter. Non-need based loans (Unsubsidized Stafford, PLUS, Alternative) will not cause a reduction in Hofstra Scholarship.

If the scholarship or stipend is reported on an IRS 1099 or W-2, it will be considered taxable income and not a resource against other assistance. If a “scholarship” has a repayment or employment obligation it will be considered a replacement of expected family contribution.

Funds from outside scholarships or other awards should be sent by the donor to Hofstra University. The funds are credited to the student’s University account and disbursed in the same way as Hofstra scholarships or grants. Unless otherwise specified, outside scholarships will be posted to the student’s account to reduce any outstanding tuition, room or board charges.

Outside award checks should be sent to: Office of Bursar/Student Accounts, 205 Memorial Hall, 126 Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York 11549-1260. The check should include the student’s full name and any special instructions for disbursement on a letter or form accompanying the check. Make the check payable to Hofstra University, if possible. Indicate the donor’s name on the check. Although checks are accepted year-round, outside awards should be sent before August 1 for the fall semester and November 1 for the spring semester to appear as a “credit” on the student’s fee invoice.

Once a scholarship check is received and applied to the student’s account for the fall and spring semester, no changes will be made. Upon a student’s written request, the University will verify a student’s enrollment and provide other data with an understanding that it is fulfilling a service to its students. The provision of that service does not indicate that the University is a recipient of the grant or scholarship received by the student or that it is in any way administering any portion of the external program, or that it is responsible for decisions made by outside donors.

Athletic Grant in Aid Policy for Student Athletes

As a Division I member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, Hofstra University awards athletic grants in aid to student athletes each year. 

For the fully funded (head count) sports (men’s and women’s basketball, and volleyball), student athletes who receive both an athletic grant in aid and a Hofstra University funded merit/academic scholarship will have the Hofstra University Merit Award replaced completely by athletic grant in aid. The student will be eligible, should he/she lose his/her position on the athletic team, to request reinstatement of the academic scholarship (Hofstra University Merit Award). Re-awarding of this scholarship will be dependent upon the student’s demonstrated academic success in accordance with the University’s renewal criteria for institutional aid. 

Those students who participate in sports for which the University awards equivalency athletic grants in aid, and who receive both the athletic grant in aid and a Hofstra University-funded merit/academic scholarship, will maintain the full amounts of both the Hofstra University Merit Award and the athletic grant in aid. Any Hofstra student-athlete receiving athletic aid may not be awarded other institutional aid per NCAA by-law without prior approval from the head coach, and ultimately the Office of Financial Aid. Other institutional aid is defined as all funds administered by Hofstra University, which include, but are not limited to the following: scholarships, grants, tuition waivers or employee dependent tuition benefits. Any other aid received from an outside source where athletic participation may be a major criterion is also subject to approval. 

Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress

Satisfactory Academic Progress is defined as successfully proceeding toward completion of degree requirements. Hofstra University’s Financial Aid Office is required by federal regulations to evaluate students’ progress toward meeting their degree requirements to determine whether they remain eligible for federal aid. The official student record as maintained by the Office of Academic Records is reviewed to determine a student’s compliance with this policy. Satisfactory Academic Progress is reviewed at the conclusion of the spring semester. Students enrolled in the Paralegal certificate program will be evaluated at the midpoint of their program.

Student Aid Programs Under This Policy

Federal Pell Grant, TEACH Grant, Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Federal Work Study (FWS), Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Stafford Loans and Federal Parent Loan (PLUS).

Components of Satisfactory Academic Progress

  1. Students are provided a maximum number of hours to complete their degrees;
  2. Students are required to maintain a cumulative, retention grade point average;
  3. Students must successfully complete a percentage of the total, cumulative hours attempted.

Maximum Time Frame

At Hofstra the average number of hours required to complete a first bachelors degree is 124. Students are given 150% of the average time required to complete a degree in credit hours. Therefore, students must complete their first bachelor’s degree within 186 hours. This is a student’s attempted hours and includes all W grades.

Cumulative Grade Point Average

All undergraduates must maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average.

Hours Successfully Completed

All students must complete a certain percentage of the cumulative hours they attempt. This includes all hours attempted at any college or university that have transferred to Hofstra. Students who have:

  • 0-29 attempted credit hours must earn 60% of those hours
  • 30- 59 attempted credit hours must earn 70% of those hours
  • 60+ attempted credit hours must earn 80% of those hours

Please note: Attempted hours include “W” and “UW” grades. 

Courses used in determining satisfactory academic progress:

All courses attempted, including any repeated, incomplete courses or withdrawals recorded on the Hofstra University academic record at the time progress is checked, are considered in determining if the student has completed the required percentage attempted credit hours and/or if the student exceeded the maximum number of credit hours for degree completion. Transfer credits from another institution that are accepted toward the student’s educational program must count as both attempted and completed hours. Any credits or grades that are not counted under an academic amnesty program will be included in the SAP determination. However, academic amnesty may be including as reasoning in an appeal for reinstatement of federal aid.

The following grades indicate a successful completion of a course: A, A-, B, B+, B-, C, C+, C-, CR, D, D+, P, T-, TR

Students who receive PR grades are considered to be making progress for that course.

The following grades indicate a course was not successfully completed: F, I, MW, NC, UW, W, or a course for which a grade was not submitted (NR) .

Transfer credits must be reflected on the student’s academic record at Hofstra in order to be considered for purposes of financial aid eligibility.

Remedial credits will count in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average but not in the attempted or earned credits.

Credits by exam have grades and those grades for those credits count in the student’s grade point average (GPA) for all Title IV purposes.

Meeting the Requirements

Academic records are reviewed at the end of each spring semester to determine academic progress and future student aid eligibility. Students who have met the minimum credit and GPA requirements and who have not exceeded the maximum credit limit for program completion are considered to be making satisfactory academic progress and are eligible for federal student aid in subsequent semesters.

Hofstra University awards academic amnesty for certain courses to be excluded from the grade point average calculation. However, all credits and grades are included in the federal SAP determination.

Failure to Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress

A student who exceeds the maximum number of hours allowed for degree completion will be notified in writing that he or she has been deemed ineligible for future federal student aid disbursements. The student may appeal to the Financial Aid Appeals Committee and eligibility may be reinstated after the student’s record is reviewed and the reason for the excessive credit hours is documented.

A student who either fails to achieve the required cumulative minimum GPA requirement or to complete the required percentage of the total hours attempted will be notified that he or she will not be eligible for federal student aid for the following academic year of enrollment at Hofstra University. This includes any summer sessions for which federal student aid has not yet been disbursed.

Financial Aid Suspension

A student who has been denied federal student aid based on the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy may submit a written appeal to the Financial Aid Appeals Committee. The appeal and supporting documentation must be received in the Office of Financial Aid by the deadline reflected in the suspension notification letter. The appeal should speak in detail to mitigating or extenuating circumstances that affected the student’s academic performance, such as illness, accident, change of degree or change of major, other life-changing events or severe physical injury or mental trauma, and should explain what has changed that will allow the student to meet the eligibility requirements moving forward.

Appeals should be sent to:

Financial Aid Appeals Committee
RE: Federal Financial Aid Appeal
126 Hofstra University
202 Memorial Hall
Hempstead, NY 11549-1

If a student’s appeal meets the appropriate requirements, the student will be placed on financial aid probation and may need to complete an Academic Plan in order to be considered for federal student aid for the following semester. If the Financial Aid Appeals Committee determines that a Plan is necessary, it will forward the Satisfactory Academic Progress Academic Plan Form to the student’s academic adviser either in the Center for University Advisement or within his/her program of study. The adviser will reach out to the student to discuss his or her academic future and plans, and to create an Academic Plan that will ensure that the student is able to meet the University’s Satisfactory Academic Progress standards by a specific point in time. The academic advisor may determine that the student will not be able to make satisfactory academic progress in the future, in which case the appeal will be denied and the student will be notified by the Office of Financial Aid. Otherwise, the Academic Plan will be completed by the academic adviser and signed by both the adviser and the student. The student will maintain a copy of the plan for his or her records and a copy will be forwarded to the Office of Financial Aid. The Office of Financial Aid will reinstate the student’s federal student aid and package the student with aid for the subsequent term. A notification of aid will also be sent to the student.

After one semester on financial aid probation, the student’s situation will be reviewed to determine whether he or she is making satisfactory academic progress or whether he or she has met appropriate milestone requirements in an Academic Plan. If students fail to meet these requirements after the completion of the term, they will not be eligible for federal aid for the subsequent terms. Students will not be able to appeal this decision unless there were unforeseen, severe extenuating circumstances during the term.

Action taken on a financial aid appeal is final and is transmitted to the student in writing by the Financial Aid Appeals Committee. Students should not assume an appeal will be granted. If students enroll for the following semester, they will not be entitled to a refund of charges if their appeal is denied and they withdraw from classes after published refund dates. A student who enrolls and whose appeal is subsequently denied will be eligible for a refund of charges based solely on the refund policy outlined by the Office of Student Accounts/Bursar.

A student may regain eligibility by attending Hofstra University for the academic year without the benefit of federal financial aid and meeting the SAP eligibility criteria. A student may also regain eligibility by transferring work to Hofstra from an accredited institution. Transfer work must be reflected on the Hofstra transcript to be considered for purposes of federal financial aid eligibility. 

State Grants

NEW YORK STATE TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (TAP): these are grants awarded by the state of New York to state residents who are in full-time attendance at colleges and universities located in the state of New York. The application process begins each year with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The next step is completing a TAP Express Application online at Hofstra’s TAP code is 0300.


Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress and program pursuit in order to renew a TAP award. These requirements are detailed on the Web site listed above. Hofstra uses the following chart to determine satisfactory academic progress.

Before being certified for this payment 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th* 10th*
Student must have accrued at least this many credits 0 6 15 27 39 51 66 81 96 111
With at least this grade point average 0


1.8 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

 * HEOP students only.
Noncredit remedial instruction may be counted toward a full-time academic load. The number of credits in this chart refers to work (credit-bearing) completed toward the degree.

Program pursuit requires the student receive a passing or failing grade in a certain percentage of the full-time minimum course load of 12 credits. During the first year of study, a student must secure a passing or failing grade in a minimum of 6 credits per semester, (50 percent of the minimum full-time course load); during the second year, 9 credits per semester (75 percent of the full-time course load); and during the third and fourth years, 12 credits per semester (100 percent of the minimum full-time course load). Grades of W, UW and permanent INC are not acceptable in meeting the pursuit requirement.

A one-time waiver is available for students who fail these standards due to unforeseen circumstances. Examples of unforeseen circumstances are severe medical problems or change of major field of study. Further information about the waiver is available from your student financial services counselor.

STATE AID TO NATIVE AMERICANS: awards for full- and part-time study are available to members of the native American tribes located on reservations within New York state. For application forms and further information write to Native American Education Unit, New York State Education Dept., 471 Education Building Annex, Albany, NY 12234.

REGENTS AWARDS FOR CHILDREN OF DECEASED AND DISABLED VETERANS: a special application may be obtained from and filed with the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation, Albany, NY 12255 or online. Documentary evidence to establish eligibility is required with the application. Any high-school counselor can provide assistance. 

Conflict and Applicable Periods of Service

Conflict of National Emergency


Period of Service


09/18/01 – end of hostilities


10/16/02 – end of hostilities

Persian Gulf

08/02/90 – end of hostilities


12/22/61 – 05/07/75

Korean Conflict

06/27/50 – 01/31/55

World War II

12/07/41 – 08/15/45

World War I

04/06/17 – 11/11/18

Or as a Merchant Seaman during the period from

12/07/41 to 08/15/45

The applicant must be the child of a veteran who died, or who has a current disability of 40 percent or more, or was classified as missing in action, or was a prisoner of war, and a legal resident of New York state. Legal residence in New York state on the part of the parent is also required at the time of entry into military service, or, if the parent died as a result of military service, at the time of death.

The amount awarded is $450 per year, for up to five years, depending on the normal length of the program of study of full-time attendance in an approved post- secondary school in New York state.


Memorial Scholarships for Families of Deceased Firefighters, Volunteer Firefighters, Police Officers, Peace Officers and Emergency Medical Service Workers provide financial aid to children, spouses and financial dependents of deceased firefighters, volunteer firefighters, police officers, peace officers*, and emergency medical service workers who have died as the result of injuries sustained in the line of duty in service to the State of New York.

*Peace Officers are defined in the criminal procedures law and include many categories including New York State Correction Officers

Students must be children, spouses and financial dependents of deceased firefighters, volunteer firefighters, police officers, peace officers*, and emergency medical service workers who have died as the result of injuries sustained in the line of duty in service to the State of New York. Additionally students must study at an approved postsecondary institution in New York State; have graduated from high school in the United States, earned a GED, or passed a federally approved “Ability to Benefit” test as defined by the Commissioner of the State Education Department; be enrolled as a full-time student taking 12 or more credits per semester; be matriculated in an approved program of study; be in good academic standing; and not be in default on any State or federal student loan or on any repayment of state awards. Complete and submit the NYS Memorial Scholarship Web Supplement at

WORLD TRADE CENTER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: awards for families and financial dependents of innocent victims who died or were severely and permanently disabled as a result of September 11, 2001, terrorist attack. For further information visit

NEW YORK STATE AID FOR PART-TIME STUDY (APTS): awards up to $2,000 per year are available for undergraduate students registered for 3 to 11 credits per semester. Applications are available in the Office of Financial Aid, second floor, Memorial Hall. The last day to submit APTS applications is October 1 for the fall semester and March 5 for the spring semester.

NEW YORK STATE PART-TIME TAP: Part-time students who were first-time, full-time freshmen in 2006-2007 may be eligible for Part-time TAP to help them pay for college beginning in 2007-2008. Part-time TAP is a grant and does not have to be paid back. Part-time TAP is not the same as Aid for Part-Time Study.

Student Eligibility
To be eligible for Part-time TAP, a student must:

  • Be a first-time freshman in the 2006-2007 academic year or thereafter
  • Have earned 12 credits or more in each of the two consecutive semesters, for a minimum total of 24 credits earned
  • Maintain a minimum of a “C” average

In addition, the student must:

  • Be a United States citizen or eligible noncitizen
  • Be a legal resident of New York state
  • Have graduated from high school in the United States, or earned a GED, or passed a federally approved “Ability to Benefit” test as defined by the Commissioner of the State Education Department. Proof of high school completion must be on file with the Office of Admission by the first day of classes.
  • Be matriculated in an approved program of study and be in good academic standing
  • Be charged at least $200 tuition per year
  • Be taking 6 but fewer than 12 credits per semester or 4 but fewer than 8 credits per trimester
  • Not be in default on a student loan guaranteed by HESC and not be in any repayment of state awards
  • Meet income eligibility limitations

Eligible Institutions
To be eligible, students must attend one of the following:

  • The State University of New York (SUNY)
  • The City University of New York (CUNY)
  • Not-for-profit independent degree-granting colleges

How to Apply
To apply, complete and submit the FAFSA and TAP applications and follow the instructions provided. Hofstra’s School Code is 0300 for TAP.

Income Limits
The income limits for Part-time TAP are the same as those for undergraduate TAP:

  • Dependent undergraduate students or students who have tax dependents—$80,000 New York state net taxable income.
  • Single independent undergraduate students with no dependents—$10,000 New York state net taxable income.

TAP Credits
Semester Schools
Partial TAP payment will be made for students taking 6 to 11 credits as shown below:

Points Accrual for Part-time TAP Payments-Semester Schools


Percent of Full Award

Points Accrued



















Other Sources of Aid

OFFICE OF VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION: VESID provides funds for educational purposes to persons who have physical or mental disabilities which are handicaps to employment. Contact your local Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, whose telephone number can be located in your telephone directory under State Agencies.

VETERANS GI BILL BENEFITS: funds for educational purposes are available to veterans of the Armed Forces. Contact the Veteran’s Representative, Leslie Bennett, at Hofstra 516-463-6523 for individual information.

PRIVATE AGENCIES such as religious organizations, unions, foundations and social, civic and cultural groups may make awards to students. Consult your guidance counselor. Check any organization in which you or your parents participate. Check website:

MILITARY SCIENCE awards full tuition and required fees plus $300-$500 stipend per month based on Military Science level, plus $600 per semester for books are available to qualified students. Students must participate in ROTC programs leading to a commission in the United States Army. For further information visit or contact us at Hofstra University Army ROTC, Hempstead, NY 11549, 516-463-5648.

UNITED STATES BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS AID TO NATIVE AMERICANS awards are available to undergraduate students, and based on available funds to graduate students, who are at least one-fourth American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut and are enrolled members of a tribe, band, or group recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. For further information contact the Bureau of Indian Affairs Office, Federal Building, Room 523, 100 South Clinton Street, Syracuse, NY 13260.

STUDENT EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE FUNDS: Full-time students enrolled at Hofstra University may apply to Jayne Brownell, Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs in 200 Phillips Hall for financial assistance should a personal emergency arise which impacts a student’s ability to pay for expenses other than tuition. All information will be verified by the director. Monies may be allocated in the form of a gift (no repayment) or a loan (repayment).