2008-2009 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
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The following areas are administered by the Department of Geology: Geology and Environmental Resources.
Geology (GEOL)
Professor Merguerian, Chairperson
Professor Radcliffe; Associate Professor Bennington; Assistant Professor Farmer
The geology program at Hofstra offers B.A. and B.S. degrees in geology and a B.S. degree in environmental resources (see description under “Environmental Resources”). The B.A. degree prepares students for teaching earth science in high school and provides a general background in the study of geology for those wishing to pursue science journalism, public education, or other related non-technical professions. Students intending to enter a technical field such as environmental remediation, hydrology, or mineral resources, as well as those students intending to continue study of an earth-science subject in graduate school, should complete the B.S. degree in geology. Students interested in a career in the environmental sciences or public planning should consider the B.S. degree in environmental resources.
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