2008-2009 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Physical Education and Sport Sciences
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Associate Professor Halliday, Chairperson
Associate Professors Alberts, Frierman;
Assistant Professors Cameron, Clocksin, Kitsos, Lyons, Quimby, Sell.
The Physical Education and Sport Sciences Department provides several categories of activities:
- Undergraduate major programs leading to the following:
- B.S.Ed. Certification for teaching of physical education. (See section IA below.)
- B.S. Exercise Specialist—exercise testing, prescription and leadership. (See section IB below.)
- B.S. Athletic Training—preparation for Board of Certification, Inc. certification exam candidate and credential as an entry-level athletic trainer. (See section IC below.)
- Minor programs in physical education, and driver-traffic safety education. (See section II below.)
- Skills courses—a variety of physical education skills courses for undergraduate degree credit (up to 8 semester hours), open to all students. (See section III below.)
Note: for intercollegiate athletics and for recreation and intramural programs,see Facilities and Services.
III. Skills Courses/Service Program
Eight semester hours of physical skills courses may be chosen as electives toward fulfilling the University requirements for graduation.
Assistant Professor Frierman, Coordinator
The Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences offers a variety of courses designed to develop and improve fitness and behavior toward exercise with lifelong learning goals. We offer the student opportunities for development, for enrichment and for the pleasure and joy which come from achievement and excellence.
The classes are arranged to permit individual selection of activity in conjunction with the needs, interests and abilities of the student.
Each semester is divided into two programs: Outdoor Program and Indoor Program. Courses are offered on an 8-week, 1/2-1 credit basis and on a full semester 16-week, 1-2 credit basis. A student interested in registering for physical education has the following choices:
- One 8-week, 1/2-1 credit course from either the Outdoor or Indoor Program; 1/2-1 credit courses do not have to be taken in sequence. A student does not have to accumulate one whole credit in any given semester.
- One 8-week, 1/2-1 credit course from each program, i.e., Outdoor and Indoor, for a total of 1-2 credits for the semester.
- Two 1/2-1 credit courses from the Outdoor or Indoor Program.
- One 2-credit course from the Outdoor or Indoor Program which runs the entire semester, i.e., fencing, scuba diving, gymnastics, fitness for life, swim for fitness, advanced life saving, water safety instructor and aerobic dance.
- A maximum of 8 credits in physical education skills courses may be applied toward graduation requirements. However, credit for the same numbered skills course taken more than twice will not be applicable toward graduation.
- All courses are given a letter grade with the option of a Pass/D+/D/Fail grade in accordance with University procedures for filing for this option.
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