2004-2005 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Curriculum and Teaching
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Professor Fromberg, Chairperson, 128 Hagedorn Hall
Assistant Professor Gordon, Assistant Chairperson
Professors Koch, Murphy, Singer, Whitton
Associate Professors Brooks, Davey, Elijah, Hines, Kaufman, Miletta, Torff
Assistant Professors Fusco, Smith, Stacki, Zwirn
Special Assistant Professors Balantic, Levinson, Libresco
Elementary and Early Childhood Education (ELED)
Graduate Preparation for Elementary Teaching
General Information
Programs in elementary and early childhood education at the master’s level are
designed to serve qualified graduate students who seek certification as teachers
in the elementary schools of New York State or advanced work in curriculum and
instruction, having obtained certification as classroom teachers.
Two master’s degree programs in elementary education—the Master of Science in
Education for the noncertified person and the Master of Arts for the certified—have
been designed to serve these separate purposes. In subsequent paragraphs the standard
requirements and options in the two degree programs are outlined. Substitutions
will be permitted with advisement where, in light of the student’s background
and purposes, other courses are seen to be more appropriate.
Consideration for admission to a master’s program requires a baccalaureate degree
from an accredited college or university with at least 60 semester hours in liberal
arts course work and a minimum of 21 semester hours in a concentration in humanities,
natural science or social science. Admission is based on a comprehensive review
of multiple criteria, including the following:
- A completed application to the master’s program.
- A minimum of 2.75 undergraduate grade point average in each of two categories:
- overall course work;
- liberal arts and sciences course work.
- A written personal statement of professional intent and rationale.
- Two letters of reference that address the applicant’s potential to succeed in
the teaching profession and in graduate course work.
- An interview (a requirement in some programs).
The department understands that any single criterion may not reliably predict
a candidate’s potential for success in a graduate program. Consequently, candidates
are welcome to apply if they do not meet one of the criteria but feel that other
aspects of their experience may compensate.
Applicants for admission to graduate programs in elementary and early childhood
education are made to the Graduate Admissions Office. Students who have not met
the full admission requirements may be advised to complete prerequisite courses
under a planned program before becoming eligible for full acceptance. Scores on
the Graduate Record Examination will be used as an ancillary means of evaluation
in some cases.
Prerequisites for Non-Certified Graduate Students
Admission of noncertified graduate students to the Master of Science in Education
program is contingent upon the completion of a baccalaureate degree from an accredited
college or university.
Prerequisites for Certified Graduate Students
Admission of permanently or provisionally certified graduate students to the
Master of Arts program is contingent upon the following: a baccalaureate degree
from an accredited college or university; evidence of certification in New York
State (or equivalent status in terms of professional preparation and experience).
Note: students who are not provisionally/ initially certified are eligible to
become candidates for the M.S. in Education (Elementary Education) degree. Provisionally/initially
or permanently/professionally certified graduate students and others with equivalent
status will enroll in the M.A. program.
Secondary Education (SED)
General Information
The graduate programs in secondary education are offered by the Department of
Curriculum and Teaching. They are designed to serve qualified students who seek
either certification as teachers in the secondary schools of New York State or
advanced work in curriculum and instruction of a particular subject after obtaining
certification or experience as classroom teachers.
Two degree programs in secondary education—the Master of Science in Education
for the noncertified person, and the Master of Arts for the certified—have been
designed to serve these separate purposes. In subsequent paragraphs the standard
requirements and options in these two degree programs are outlined. Substitutions
will be permitted with advisement where, in the light of the student’s background
and purposes, other courses are seen by the department to be more appropriate.
No substitution is finally authorized until it is entered upon the Graduate Student
Advisement Record (GSAR).
Applications for admission to graduate programs in secondary education are made
to the Graduate Admissions Office. Students who have not met the full admission
requirements may be advised to complete prerequisite courses under a planned program
before becoming eligible for acceptance. Scores on the Graduate Record Examination
or a standardized test to be specified by the department chairperson may be used
as one ancillary means of evaluation in some cases.
Admission to a master’s program is based on a comprehensive review of multiple
criteria, including the following:
- A completed application form to the master’s program.
- A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 in each of two categories: 1) undergraduate
liberal arts course work, 2) course work in the area(s) in which certification
is sought. Applicants with GPAs between 2.50 and 2.75 may be accepted provisionally,
subject to special conditions.
- A written personal statement of professional intent and rationale. Two letters
of reference that address the applicant’s potential to succeed in the teaching
profession and in graduate course work.
- An interview, audition, and/or portfolio (requirements in some programs.)
- A bachelor’s degree with a major (or equivalent) in the content area in which
certification will be sought. (See specific program descriptions for alternative
The Department understands that any single criterion may not reliably predict
a candidate’s potential for success in a graduate program. Consequently, candidates
are welcome to apply if they do not meet one of the criteria but feel that other
aspects of their experience may compensate.
Students in either master’s degree program who have not student taught or who
are not scheduled to student teach as part of their degree program will be required
to enroll in SED 217 or 218 as part of their degree programs.
Foreign language majors must submit satisfactory scores on the Departmental Proficiency
Examination or equivalent in the language for which certification is sought.
The New York State Teacher Certification Examinations are required for Initial
and Professional certification in academic subjects (English, language other than
English, mathematics, science and social studies). For special subjects (art,
business, music and speech) required tests, see your adviser.
Before completion of the first twelve credits of the Master’s Program, students
are required to complete the liberal arts component of the teacher certification
Teaching Certificate and Bilingual Extension for the M.A. in Speech-Language-Pathology,
see those programs for information.
Pass/Fail option for matriculated graduate students
Students matriculated in a master’s degree program in secondary education may
designate 3 semester hours of course work to be taken on a Pass/Fail basis, subject
to the following conditions:
- Completion of 12 semester hours of the planned program prior to the semester
in which they first exercise this option;
- approval by their academic adviser;
- designated courses for Pass/Fail basis shall not include SED 205, 213, , 201,
or special matter-specific methods courses.
Master of Science in Education
General Education Core
To ensure that prospective teachers have a broad understanding and knowledge
of the liberal arts and sciences, transcripts must document the successful completion
of college-level course work in each of the following areas:
- Artistic Expression
- Communication
- Information Retrieval
- History/Social Sciences
- Philosophy
- Language other than English (6 s.h. may include American Sign Language)
- Scientific Processes
- Mathematics Processes
- Written Analysis and Expression (6 s.h. min.)
- Cross Cultural Appreciation
* Alternative: May be satisfied with a passing score on Hofstra University’s
Examination for Information Retrieval (EIR)
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