2004-2005 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Literacy Studies
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Associate Professor Zaleski, Chairperson, 291 Hagedorn Hall
Professor Taylor
Associate Professor Henry
Assistant Professors Cohen, Flurkey, Garcia, Goodman, McGinnis
Assistant Professor Garcia, Director of the Reading/Writing Learning Clinic.
The Reading/Writing Learning Clinic offers noncredit clinical services for the
University and for the Community-at-large.
The Department of Literacy Studies offers a Master of Science in Education in
Literacy Studies with either an elementary or secondary emphasis; a Master of
Science in Education in Literacy Studies and Early Childhood Special Education;
a Master of Arts in Reading, Language, and Cognition; a Master of Arts in the
Teaching of Writing; a Certificate of Advanced Study in Literacy Studies; a Professional
Diploma in Advanced Literacy Studies; a Doctor of Education in Reading, Language,
and Cognition; and a Doctor of Philosophy in Reading, Language, and Cognition.
Program Statement
The faculty in Literacy Studies is committed to the exploration of issues of
literacy and social justice. Our degree programs have been updated and are designed
to maximize opportunities for students to work closely with a faculty that is
committed to excellence in teaching. The faculty has received national and international
recognition for their research and scholarship. They are committed to providing
students in Literacy studies with opportunities to participate in intellectual
discussions that frame current understandings of school literacy practices and
literacy practices that occur in family and community settings. The Literacy Studies
Department provides support for families and communities as well as teachers and
students in the New York Metropolitan area.
Our programs prepare effective literacy educators who will work at the crossroads
of home, school, and community discourses to forge instruction that is meaningful
and life-affirming to learners. Our students will engage in critical explorations
literacy practices in schools;
local and vernacular literacies of families and communities;
the relationships between literacy and social class, ethnicity, race, gender,
poverty, language of origin and disability.
Graduate students will join with faculty in a critical exploration of the ways
in which students are taught to read and write in schools in urban, suburban,
and rural communities. Attention is paid to the relationship between oral and
written language from a variety of perspectives – social, cognitive, phonological,
syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic. Faculty share the belief that all students
bring rich language and literacy backgrounds to school that serve as a resource
for learning. Graduate students will view theory and practice as inseparable and
will possess the ability to engage in reflective practice.
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