Feb 19, 2025
NUR 281B - PMHNP I Care of the Adult Psychiatric Client- Group and Family Therapy and Care of the Older Adult Semester Hours: 3
This is the first of four clinical practicum courses that provide clinical practice guidelines for intervening in psychiatric disorders of individuals across the lifespan, with a special emphasis on group/family interventions and care of the older adult. Students will participate in a precepted clinical rotation in a setting designed for mental health service delivery. Clinical rotations will include opportunities for students to participate in emergency telehealth experiences for a diverse population of clients across the lifespan. This will allow the student to sophisticate their psychiatric diagnostic and assessment skills and integrate practice guidelines and evidence-based approaches into their treatment planning and management, emphasizing psychopharmacology. Students will also have clinical experience where they co-lead a therapeutic group. Students will be exposed to integrated behavioral health and telehealth modalities as available.
Prerequisite(s)/Course Notes: Prerequisites: NUR 273; NUR 274; NUR 242
Co-requisites: NUR 281A
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